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Dan John – Olympic lifting

Dan John – Olympic lifting
[2 AVIs]


In part three of the four DVDs from the Utah workshop weekend, we get a taste of Dan John’s instruction for beginning Olympic weightlifting. Our original idea was this would be primarily for adults who’ve never lifted Olympic-style, and it’s certainly that, however one of the attendees is a competitive Olympic lifting, who told me a couple of Dan’s tips changed her lifting forever. So I’m thinking anyone interested in Olympic lifting will get something out of this one.As I did last time for the kettlebell dvd and the time prior for the strength lecture, I pulled a couple of clips from the dvd to give you a taste of what went on during our time with Dan. First, let’s look at his take on pulling through the heels.In this 80-minute DVD, Dan taught:    Olympic lifting overview    Snatch positions    Push jerk    Split jerk    The Jerk    Overhead squat    Goblet squat    Shoulder mobility    Putting weights overhead    Hamstring lengthening    Romanian deadlift stretch    Wrist flexibilityNow here’s one of value to everyone, even those without interest specifically in Olympic lifting: How to get wrist flexibility.


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