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Cosmo Solano – International Pocket Change 2.0

[ThePlace] Cosmo Solano – International Pocket Change 2.0


Ask your spectator to name an amount of pocket change under a dollar.Instantly pull all the change out of your pocket, and even turn the pocket inside out to show that there’s nothing more! Hand the spectator the change. They count it out and it matches their named amount, exactly!Comes with routines, online video instructions (lifetime pass to members-only website), illustrated instruction booklet.It can be done internationally with coins from just about anywhere!Included are instructions for the most common coins, and the members-only site will have updates as other countries are added!No stooges used. Can be reset in seconds, and even repeated No special clothing needed, just a pants pocket or purse!There is a simple sleight version and a no sleight version included! Simple sleight version requires a finger palm.A true reputation maker!Pre-order now and we will pay the shipping anywhere in the world!Note: This is a non-discountable item.


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