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Cora Whittington – Unblocking The Road To Success –

[4 MP3’s, 2 PDF’s]


Announcing…Unblocking The Road to Your Success! Home Study Program Got a project to tackle?Got work that needs done?Got a limiting belief that keeps you stuck?Got a dream that keeps getting pushed aside?The PURE AWARENESS Techniques are for you. I was “stunned” and so was my family.People have been asking me how I did it.  In just a few months I broke through a life time limiting belief that I could not sing… and then I sang at my son’s wedding in front of 234 people.It all happened like this…It was a cold November night. I was sitting in the audience of the annual Federation of Agriculture annual meeting enjoying the entertainment.They were a young couple, just average looking – ok a bit thin and a bit thick singing their hearts out and enjoying every minute.Thoughts and judgments raced through my head.  They aren’t perfect and they are doing it – what they love.And I thought – I want to be able to do that – I love to sing – but the voice came up “you can’t sing, no one in your family can sing”Yet there was that desire, out of no where to sing at my son’s wedding the following July.I had never sung anywhere except in church … that voice again… Be inspired and listen how Cora broke through the barriers. Hear about what she tried that didn’t work and how usingINTENTION and the PURE AWARENESS techniques changed everything You can now get the Home Study Kit to Unblocking The Road to Your Success.Just download the playbook and complete the pages. Then put on your headphones, click play, and you’ll get an energy shifting experience in less than seven minutes. In fact, I’m living proof of the techniques. I used them to break through my limiting belief that I can’t sing. And sang a song at my son’s wedding.  And that is just one of the many results of using these techniques. Now just click play and listen to the guided process that is changing lives all over the planet.    Testimonials for “The Pure Awareness” Techniques “Cora’s guiding of the process for releasing anxiety helped me more than any other process or healing modality I have ever come across. Cora helped me to see my story and become aware of the attachment to wanting (demanding) a specific outcome. She guided me into a peaceful, aware state and I was able to release the need for a specific outcome and make decisions from a whole, stress free, balanced and relaxed place. Many thanks!! “Janice Towse”This technique was deeply healing for me. The profound emotional clearing that took place has transformed my relationship with members of my family.”Evelyn Whiteside It’s safe. Natural. Legal. Easy.Using the PURE AWARENESS techniques discovered and developed by Tom Stone of Great Life Technologies combined with my spoken words, you will feel the energy shift.  YOU WILL GAIN A WHOLE NEW INSIGHT LEADING TO INSPIRED ACTION and ENJOYMENT OF LIFE that you never imagined possible!When you order right now,you’ll get to download 4 separate audios –1 – The inspiring audio story of how Cora broke through a limiting belief that plagues many of us. (It got created in childhood – so you know it is a big one)2 – An audio of the SEE technique. Once you’ve identified your barrier identity, use this guided audio to SEE things in a whole new way and to experience who you really are without your baggage or your stories. You will experience Pure Awareness and become calm, confident and clear so that you can take inspired action to live that desire that is within you!3 – An audio of the CORE technique to This wonderful technique will help you complete and clear the cancelling energy patterns that keep you from vibrating in harmony with your intentions. Then Law of Attraction can work for you!4 – An audio of the actual song that Cora sang at her son’s wedding.Plus…5. – A playbook to guide you through the entire process.This playful guide is no ordinary workbook. The playbook not only takes you well beyond the basic ground rules of deliberate creation, it does so in a lighthearted manner. While the Playbook holds within in its pages more than the introductory concepts of the movie “The Secret”. It also holds the keys to enhance one’s spiritual path, should any awakening soul be so inclined to accept them.Plus a bonus Report6. Bonus Report ~ 12 Things That Are Blocking Your Success ~ and What You Can Do About ThemThis is truly a terrific bonus and includes The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems. You will be able to very quickly identify which ones plague you and see what your life would be like free of these barriers. Simple. Profound. Clear PS – Just to add my own personal note – i did not find this workbook as helpful as going through Tom Stone’s Core Dynamics course that i uploaded (), however the audio included in this for the Core Exercise is a guided audio as well as one for the SEE technique which is a new technique from Tom Stone. Both of those recordings made this a worthwhile purchase for me.


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