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Claude M. Steiner – Scripts People Live

Scripts People Live by Claude M. Steiner.doc
[Compact Edition Doc]


Alright guys this is the first step of hopefully many towards the request system. Calling out anyone who wishes to contribute to this awesome community, all you have to do is obtain a book that is requested and scan and up it. Whether plain scans, OCRs, or Compact Editions, all are welcome (Compacts are preferred). So you wonder what all this work will get you huh? Thanks to Connaissance, people who, from now on, complete a book will receive some ratio benefits worth the effort. Check this thread out if you’re curious… if you’re interested in helping out please check this thread out… would be nice if all those in college or (university) could help with this. This is just one simple way that you can show your appreciation for this community. And as far as finding books… I literally have all of the UCs (University of California’s) libraries at my disposal. So there are no excuses, one of these many libraries on one of these many campuses should have any and every book requested!!   So I have NO excuse, whats your’s?!?! ****This is the complete book****  as was requested by Connaissance  I personally obtained, OCRed, and Compacted this book.Original Book: 322 pagesCompacted: 103 pagesThis book has been described as the best book for someone who wants to learn about Transactional Analysis beyond the introductory level. It contains sections on Eric Berne, transactional analysis theory, script analysis, relationships, psychotherapy, strokes and the stroke economy, and The Good Life. When Claude Steiner and the late Eric Berne developed the theory of Transactional Analysis, their basic belief that people were “born princes and princess, until their parents turned them into frogs” countered the fundamental principle of psychiatry which asserts that emotional and mental distress comes from within. This theory was further developed in Steiner’s book Games Alcoholics Play. Dr. Berne, in What Do You Say After You Say Hello?, acknowledged Steiner’s important role in the analysis of “life scripts” which we choose at an early age and which rule every detail of our lives until our death. In scripts People Live, Steiner expands upon this belief to show that people are innately healthy but develop a pattern early in life based upon negative or positive influences of those around them. Thus children decide, however unconsciously, whether they will be happy or depressed, winners or failures, strong or dependent, and having decided, they spend the rest of their lives making the decision come true. For those who choose a negative script, the consequences can be disastrous unless they make a conscious decision to change. Steiner’s classic in psychological theory, with a new foreword by the author, offers a hopeful and practical analysis so that we all may rewrite our life scripts and lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Claude Steiner was born in Paris in 1935. He spent his childhood in Spain and Mexico, before immigrating to the United States in 1952. In 1957 he met Eric Berne, who encouraged him to attend the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Among his other books are Games Alcoholics Play, Achieving Emotional Literacy, and the children’s book, The Warm Fuzzy Tale. He currently divides his time between his homes in Mendocino County and Berkeley, where he continues his practice as a psychotherapist. Power Users and Up – No DelayUsers – wait a week Enjoy this Guys!!!!! I put a lot of work into it. Two other books to follow.Dainstanthit


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