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Christopher Westra – How to do the Raw Food Diet with Joy for Awesome Health and Success

Christophe Wetra – How to do the Raw Food Diet with Joy.pdf
[ebook PDF]


This is Christopher Westra’s original offering : How to do the Raw Food Diet with Joy for Awesome Health and Success – 231 pgs ebook.”This book is a tremendously motivating guide to Living Foods that is not only informative, but “user-friendly”!   The recipe section is phenomenal; the meal preparation hints and tips are practical & useful.  I have personally felt an improvement in my own health very rapidly through simply incorporating a few of his many excellent suggestions into my family’s diet. His relaxed approach to a Raw Food lifestyle brings the joy back into living.  I would recommend this book to all my clients.”Jan Chamberlain Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist   Christopher Westra has been studying nutrition, psychology, personal potential, and joyful living for over 20 years.He has helped many health seekers increase their vitality through raw food!He provides in this book a unique flexible plan that makes raw eating possible!What are some of the personal results he has obtained?        *          He has cut his need for sleep by over two hours per night, making extra time for more living!        *          Christopher has a list of over 65 personal benefits from the raw food diet, listed in chapter one!        *          He has increased the variety of his personal diet to over 200 raw foods.  These are listed in chapter seven.          *          His long-standing bursitis is completely gone!          *          His hair is thicker, and thin spots are completely filling in!          *          He has an increased vision and purpose in life!        *          His daily energy level continues to increase month by month.        *          Are you starting to see how the raw food diet could benefit you?


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