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Chris Wark – Square One 2017

SQUARE ONE Healing Coaching Program
[WebRip – 13 MP4]

Description 01Module 01 contains the First Things I tell everyone I’ve coached about cancer in the first hour we spend together. It will completely change your perspective and the way you think about cancer.Whether you’re a cancer patient, a caregiver, a family member, a friend, or a loved one of someone who has cancer, or you just want to know the best methods for keeping cancer away, this is where you start.Here’s what we’re going to cover:- What cancer really is- The two most important questions you must ask yourself- How to overcome fear- How to build a support system- The importance of making plans for the future- How to enjoy your life and your healing journeyModule 02Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the CausesThe first question every cancer patient asks is “Why me? Why did I get cancer?”This module will help you connect the dots and identify the many factors in our world and in your life that may have contributed to your disease. Once you know the causes of cancer, you can remove them from your life, making it easier for your body to heal.Topics include:- The origins of cancer- The 3 pillars of health and healing- Lessons from countries with the lowest cancer rates- The cancer promoting diet vs. the cancer healing diet- Cancer causers in our environment- Cancer promoting habits- And so much more!Module 03Nutrition is the foundation of health. And I get more questions about anti-cancer foods and the cancer healing diet than just about any other topic relating to cancer.In Module 3 I cover the specifics of anti-cancer nutrition. I will teach you exactly what to eat, and what not to eat, and show you the the nutritional science that supports it all. This is a simple, powerful, proven dietary protocol.Topics include:- What not to eat: Foods that promote disease- The most potent anti-cancer veggies and spices- My daily anti-cancer schedule- Juicing, juice formulas and juicers- And more!Module 04In tonight’s module, we’re going to dive EVEN DEEPER into anti-cancer nutrition. You better bring a snorkel! LOL!Topics include:- The most powerful anti-cancer fruits- My personal dietary journey- Modifications you can make to the anti-cancer diet over time- Raw food vs cooked food- Whether or not to include animal protein- How long you need to stay on a strict dietary protocol- The ketogenic diet for cancer- And more!Module 05:In tonight’s Module, I identify the most destructive toxins (many of which we load up on everyday without even realizing it!) and how to remove them from your life so healing can occur.Don’t worry, it’s actually easier than it sounds.Here’s what we’ll cover:- How your body detoxifies- How you can improve and accelerate the process- Foods that promote toxicity- Foods that promote detoxification- How to detoxify your environment- Helpful detoxification supplements and programsModule 06I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spoken with cancer patients that were doing everything else right (clean eating, detoxing, taking the right supplements, etc) – but weren’t able to turn a corner until they removed the stresses from their lives.I know I was a ball of stress before my diagnosis, and for a short while after. Removing the stresses in my life brought me peace and played a HUGE role in my recovery. Here’s what we’ll cover…- What stress really is- The anatomy and physiology of stress- Identifying the different sources of stress in your life- Solving your problems- Creating a peaceful life- The secret to happiness- The power of your thoughts- Healing your heart- Overcoming fearModule 07I’m used to taking the road less traveled. I’m an only child… I never really fit in as a kid. And I’ve always made my own way in the world.I questioned everything. And I was often inclined to do the opposite of what everyone else was doing… the unpopular thing.During my bout against cancer, I went against the “norm” and instead, relied on my intuition and my faith to guide me on my path to healing.I prayed a lot. I prayed for guidance. I prayed for strength. I prayed for my wife and family, and I prayed for peace and healing.I was desperate and I reached out and asked for help. And I got it.I stepped out in faith, into the unknown, alone. And miracles happened.People and information came into my life at exactly the right time. I knew it wasn’t coincidence.I saw divine intervention in my life and it was clear to me that my prayers were being answered.Yes I took massive action to help my situation. But there’s no denying I felt guided along the way…Tonight’s module on Spiritual Healing and last night’s module on Stress are the two most important, most powerful modules in the SQUARE ONE course.In tonight’s module I will be sharing my faith journey with you, things I’ve never shared publicly… my struggles, doubts and fears, and the answers I found when I went looking with an open mind and an open heart.Tonight’s module will be challenging. It will force you to examine your heart and your thoughts, and to question your beliefs, your truth…If something I say rubs you the wrong way, before reacting, please take a moment to do some soul searching, and ask yourself, “What is the real reason am I feeling this way?”And it is going to stir up a lot of intense emotion. I barely made it through some of the sections.Because this module is my heart… And my hope is that it will cut through all the layers, straight into yours.Module 08Daily movement and restorative sleep are vitally important to helping your body heal and stay well. And this module is super practical.Here’s what we’re going to cover in tonight’s module:- The best exercise for your immune system- Practical ways to move your body more- Good and bad types of exercise- The importance of sleep to healing- How much sleep you really need- How to create the right conditions for regenerative sleep- To nap or not to nap…- Taking a day of rest- And more!Module 09In Module 9 we’ll cover specific food supplements, nutraceuticals, herbs and teas that can support your body’s ability to repair, regenerate and detoxify.The list includes key supplements I took to help my body heal cancer in 2004-2005, plus newer discoveries that I take now for prevention. I’ve pared it down to what I believe are the most essential and most beneficial. (This will not be a sales pitch!)There are five supplement categories that we’ll cover:- Nutritional support- Immune support- Anti-cancer- Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-parasite- DetoxificationPlus my favorite anti-cancer teas!Module 10Module 10 will give you the proper perspective to move forward in your healing journey, and give you practical information on: risky tests you might want to avoid and safer alternatives, tests that will help you identify the best therapies for your type of cancer, tests that will help you track your progress, and more. Get ready. You’re gonna learn a lot!Live Q&A for PreventionLive Q&A for Cancer Patients


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