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Chris Clugston – Combat JKD DVD

Combat JKD DVD.avi


this is chris clugstons trs direct video on street combat. Teaches very effective techniques for street situationsLook — here’s just a “taste” of what you’re about to learn:Why you should never use your fist in a real street fight! (Even trained fighters make this crucial mistake… and risk serious injury that’s 100% avoidable!) There’s a better way to do more damage, quicker, with no risk of hurting yourself at all! A “lazy man’s” training technique that’s so simple, you can master devastating moves while watching TV.! How to “expand” your 5 senses so you see everything happening around you, all the time — it’s like having eyes in the back of your head! (This trick can save you enormous amounts of danger and trouble… and make you virtually undefeatable in any head-to-head fight!) Secret “2-minute” training techniques (that’s all it takes!) that are guaranteed to make you look ridiculous… but which will pump up your fighting ability (and confidence) 1,000% almost overnight! New (and simple) exercises that actually install animal quickness and viciousness directly into your muscles and nerves… leaving it locked there until you need to spring it loose! (Go from calm to frightening in a split second, whenever you choose… or whenever you’re threatened!) The “energy conservation” rules of fighting almost every street fighter breaks… leaving you a devastating opening 10 seconds into any fight no one else will see! How to use the “two second” stalking test to see how trained your opponent is… and what he’s trained in! (Crucial information to end the fight when you choose!) The hyper-advanced new fighting stance that negates all others… putting you in a position to keep boxers, wrestlers, and even the dirtiest fighters on the planet off-balance until you decide to strike! (They’ll never get “settled” enough to hit you!) How to never again feel uncontrollable emotion (or even sweaty palms) in a tight situation… and how to channel all your adrenaline into purposeful energy that will charge you up like a bomb! Why your best fighting moves will come completely naturally… forget all that martial art nonsense about needing to train for years to do complicated moves! (The best fighters in the world use only a few simple moves… and routinely knock around karate dudes like they were children!) What to watch when you’re eight feet apart (it’s NOT his eyes — a terrible mistake most fighters make that gets them hurt)… and what to watch inside the two feet “crunch time” zone… to keep you a precious step ahead of even superbly-trained fighters! The number one “Dirty Trick” of fighters who want to decisively end a fight as soon as possible! A ridiculously-simpletwo-finger takedown that will instantly bring any opponent, of any size and weight, to his knees! Leverage secrets (known only by students of Clugston’s) that multiply every pound of your weight ten times, giving you “Godzilla” advantages against even a much-heavier opponent! How to correctly use the “scissor choke” — which 99 of 100 fighters do so incorrectly it actually puts them at risk (instead of providing the fight-ending certainty you can have doing it right!) A 1,000-year-old move (which all but a handful of martial artists never learn about) that will end the fight instantly once you get to the ground… even faster than the most famous ju-jitsu move! How to handle worst-case scenarios: when you’re surprised, caught in completely undesirable places, out numbered… and worse!How to easily and effectively destroy your opponent’s “wheels”… and why the standard karate knee kicks are doomed to fail 7 of 8 times (leaving you exposed and ready to go down)! Chris’s understanding of “knee take down” fighting is unsurpassed by any other fighter on the planet… and he can show you how to never be without this fight-ending “out”! Instant arm-locks that disable your opponent and let you decide what’s next! (Including how to master the most painful and effective arm lock a human can suffer!) The secret of correct head butts — it’s not what you’ve seen the military guys doing! (If you ever use the wrong method, you’ll split your head open… proof most of those military guys have never been in a real hand-to-handfight!) The one take-down move you will have open to you every time a attacker strikes… so simple, so easy to remember, it’s like walking around with a cocked and loaded gun! The “can’t lose” kick that does incredible damage even when you miss completely! (One of many “fail safe” moves Chris teaches!) Head-on moves that will separate you from the boys in the first second of the fight! (And send even the craziest attacker running!) How an untrained fighter tips himself off! Your single best “one answer” move in any confrontation — if you never learn anything else from Chris, this move will assure you survive almost any one-on-one fight you get into… even with trained fighters! (And it’s so simple you don’t even have to practice it very much!) And more… including details so “sensitive” I wouldn’t dare list them here for you!PLUS… you get a very special FREE bonus that Chris wants you to have and KEEP as his gift. It’s a hour-long video he shot about knife-fighting — and, just like everything else he teaches, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Chris has been in knife fights… and he learned crucial new information that no other knife-fighter on the planet even has a clue about! No one wants to get in a knife fight… because your chances of surviving without getting cut are not good. But the knife has become such a common “tool” of the criminal attackers, you absolutely need this advanced look at fighting with knives… including bare-hands against a knife, and knife-against-knife.The hyper-advanced fighting skills you learn from Chris have already helped other people just like you… in the most dangerous, out-of-control situations you’re ever likely to face in the street! You can’t walk around in a suit of armor, bristling with guns and knives and hoping you “look” threatening enough to avoid trouble. However, with Chris’s help…You Can Have A “Built In” Protection Device More Powerful ThanGuns and Knives… I have experienced Chris’s training methods report a deep and permanent change in their lives. It’s as if Chris has helped install another person inside you… a stronger, more vicious and unafraid warrior who won’t hesitate a second to eliminate (with all the force necessary) any danger to you!This is not like the training terrorists go through, however — that turns them into savage beasts that cannot be absorbed back into civilization again. Far from it… Chris’s training techniques leave you normal and centered (much like a fighting master should be)… your same old lovable self…Until The Time You NEEDTo Unleash That Brutal WarriorInside You! It’s not even a conscious process! Imagine having little danger-sensing antennae (like a Geiger counter) inside you that leaps into action even before you consciously understand you are in trouble!Imagine having the inner peace and confidence to be relaxed anywhere in the world… knowing your training and mastery has placed you among the most viciously-effective fighters on the planet if trouble occurs!


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