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Chad Walding – The Sitting Solution BONUSES

Chad Walding – The Sitting Solution BONUSES
[6 eBooks – PDF, 3 Videos – FLV]

Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!My own purchase so please keep it here at elib!BONUSES from The Sitting Solution by Chad WaldingContentAnti-Inflamatory Diet GuideIf you want to be pain-free as fast as possible use this to destroy inflammation. Chronic sitting is always accompanied with excessive inflammation that religiously stirs up pain, stiffness and even chronic disease throughout your body.So if you’re short on time and want results NOW… This guide is the most effective and quickest path possible to feeling strong, vibrant and alive every minute of your day.We shoved everything you need to know about how inflammation happens (from A to Z) into a few short pages – great for those that want to get the entire picture in just a few minutes…Anti-Inflamatory Shopping GuideForget about having to build meticulous meal plans, write out crazy lists, and waste hours of research. This food guide makes the complicated simple with a beautiful full-page breakout of delicious foods that NEVER turn on your pain inducing inflammation engines – so you know exactly what foods supercharge feeling awesome.Never second guess yourself again and have the peace of mind that every food you buy is giving you pure energy through the day – so you’re ready to tackle whatever modern challenges you face.From anti-inflammatory condiments to the best possible protein sources…this shopping guide cuts through the noise and spells out the specifics that you need to know when you’re grabbing your groceries. Anti-Inflamatory Guide to FatsDid you know that some “fats” are CRITICAL for destroying inflammation…and some fats are inflammation-producing machines? Get the low down on every type of ‘fat’ out there so you can kick inflammation out of your body for good (and even lose body fat in the process!)The Sexy Shoulder SecretA study from the university of Louisiana proved that better posture and shoulders melted years (and pounds) off of a person’s appearance immediately.If you want to take your confidence back and supercharge your sex-appeal (like magic) – we’ve designed the perfect micro-workout to transform your shoulders so you radiate confidence (without even trying).These 9 special exercises are uniquely crafted to tone, strengthen and open slumped and lazy shoulders caused by years of chronic sitting.Truth About Back PainAre you experiencing back pain RIGHT NOW?Don’t buy into the lies. You can avoid back pain naturally – and this guide is hand crafted to show you exactly how to do it with just a few minutes a day. Push the results of The Sitting Solution into overdrive and get rapid relief for your pain as fast as possible.8 quick and simple movements relieve the tension in your back and free you to live your life. Forget the never-ending ache, constant ice packs, and painkillers.This proven guide has rescued people from excruciating pain time and time again in days – and we want to give it to you so you can experience the same relief.Don’t worry – all the movements are easy, fast, and gentle – and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Step by step instructions and pictures ensure you do exactly what your body needs. The Simple Solution for Pain Free JointsIf you find your joints popping, aching and stiff – this small routine has unbelievable results. It’s a fast and easy 10 minute breeze to add to your day.Centered in ancient eastern wisdom, this Yoga teacher’s personal joint mobility routine is a blissful experience that immediately revitalizes energy and flexibility to your joints – restoring their mobility and releasing stiffness.Don’t let the domino effect of weak joints topple up your legs and into your spine – this 3 video session teaches everything you need to awaken your joints and wash away the pain.Link:…Enjoy!!!


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