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Celestine Chua – How To Stop Stress Eating Program

How To Stop Stress Eating Program
[4 MP4s, 4 MP3s, 4 DOCs, 7 PDFs]



Celestine ChuaLife Coach and Founder of Personal ExcellenceAre you a binge eater? Do you overeat at times? Do you sometimes use food to comfort yourself?If so, The “How to Stop Emotional Eating Program” is for you? A video and audio e-program, this is your one-stop solution to address emotional eating-permanently. Forget fad diets, symptomatic solutions, weight loss pills, or programs centered on self-discipline and control. True resolution of emotional eating happens when you naturally do not think of eating nor feel like eating, even if there is food before you (just like how a non-smoker has no interest to smoke even when there is a pack of cigarettes before him/her).Based on a framework I personally created this How to Stop Emotional Eating Program (which helped me overcome my emotional eating), this four-module program tackles emotional eating holistically, at the root. It resolves emotional eating via its four pillars-Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Physical-thereby leading to a total resolution of the problem. It is, without a doubt, the one and only solution you’ll ever need to overcome stress eating or emotional eating.…


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