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Captain Jack – Summer of Game!

Summer of Game
[4 PDFs, 4 MP3s, 2 MP4s, 2 M4A ]



Another Exclusive: Uploading anywhere else will lead to your account being terminated. You have been warned.There are ways to 2x, 3x and even 5x the amount of beautiful womenflowing into your life.There are ways to get WOMEN to bring you other hot, available women.Imagine how EASY things would be if the girl had already heard amazingthings about you…. how hard would you have to “try”?There are ways to create smooth conversations that get women intenselyinterested in you romantically… without resorting to silly or deviousand unethical tactics.I can teach you all of them. In fact, I can teach you everything Iknow so you can truly dominate this area of your life.With this technology there really is NO REASON you shouldn’t easilyand enjoyably have total power and choice in the area of women.It’s really silly to struggle around, flop around, scour the internetfor some “secret” tip or trick or magic statement that will handle thisfor you… when you can easily, methodically and enjoyably get it done.I’ve taught hundreds – including many who went on to become topdating experts.You’ll find a lot of my information has made it into the standarddating advice “curriculum” although the fundamentals are missing and,not believing how simple and easy it can be, they’ve altered it andmade it unnecessarily complex.Here’s the deal…Each week, for the next 6 weeks, I am going to release the theoryand related exercises via audio and some video (where that makes sense).Each of these modules will work on a facet of YOU so that you caneasily and naturally do this… instead of working hard at it.Then, after you’ve had a few days to practice it, I’m going to do aQ&A call so you can get things ironed out before moving on to the nextmodule.This will be intense work on Inner Game, Outer Game and Lifestyle.We’ll go deep into how to really bond with women, to speak their reallanguage and set things up so you can KEEP her if you want to makeher your girlfriend for the long-term.All of this can be fun, enjoyable and awesome!I will not sell any of these modules individually.I MIGHT sell it to the public after it is all done. However, theway to get the most out of the program is to be involved with it tobegin with… to ask and get answers… to follow the flow of theprogram and get feedback as you are implementing the concepts.If you have not been whitelisted, please send me a personal message. I will take care of it as soon as I am able.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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