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Callie Durbrow – Gladiator Fat Loss (12 ebooks – PDF,1.xls)

Callie Durbrow – Gladiator Fat Loss


As always with all the upgrades avaiable!Enjoy! The Secret to a Rock Hard Physique, Athletic Lean Muscle and Shrink Your Belly With Just One Piece of Equipment and 22 Minutes a Day Now, Lose Fat Around the Clock and Transform Your Body in Just 12 Weeks with The “KB-2 Method” Revealed for the First Time Below…Breakthrough Special Report by Callie Durbrow, CSCS, USAWOwner of Durbrow Performance TrainingCreator of Gladiator Fat LossFitness Author for Fitness RX for WomenWhen was the last time you felt really good?Your stomach was lean and tight, your legs felt strong, athletic and sculpted in all the right places. You looked in the mirror and with maybe a slightly embarrassed and shy smile you said to yourself “I look pretty damn good.”If it’s been a while since you have said that, think back for a minute about your workouts.You’ve been working out hard though, right?You make it to the gym 3-4 times a week but you’re also like most people in that you don’t really love working out. You love the way it makes you feel, but mustering up the energy and motivation to get there is often tough.Then, once you get there you have to figure out what exercises to do, the whole time wondering if you’ve got the right form. You copy a few routines from a magazine but you get frustrated, flustered and just straight up annoyed because you can’t seem to get the right equipment or the gym is just way too crowded.It’s probably just easier to go do some cardio. You hop on the elliptical for 30,45 or even 60 minutes and zone out. At least you got a little sweat on.But your body isn’t changing at all.What gives?You’re doing all this work and you still feel flabby and soft.Then you go home and cook up what you think is a healthy meal of chicken, rice and vegetables but then that article you read said that carbs are bad.But wait, don’t you need carbs for energy?Or maybe just after a workout?The confusion continues and you quit.You’re smart enough to know you need to cut through this B.S. but you just don’t know where to start.It’s no secret that if you want rapid fat loss and that lean, athletic body then you need to accelerate your metabolism.Your workouts are the catalyst for that, so if they aren’t getting you the body that you really want, something has to change. Do you ever see those people that just look like they know the secret? images (3) images (4) They effortlessly arrive at a summer party and strip off their shirt and dive into the pool in a sexy two piece bikini or low hanging board shorts, looking toned, muscular and totally confident?And while you’re spinning your wheels on the cardio machines and in exercise classes, they never seem to even step foot on a piece of cardio.Want to know their secret for that amazing physique? It’s not about spending hours in the gym or subscribing to ridiculously low calorie diets in order to see those ab muscles popping through. downloadIf you find yourself in the constant state of overwhelm, or you just don’t seem to have TIME, then keep reading because things are about to get much more clear for you. Hi, I’m Callie Durbrow, the owner of Durbrow Performance Training, the Best-Selling Author of the Fad Free Fitness Solution, a contributing author for Fitness RX for Women Magazine and one of the top authorities on fat loss. I’m also the creator of the secret weapon for the chiseled athletic physique, The KB-2 Method. images I’ll be honest with you. I hate cardio and I have a little bit of ADD because after about 35 minutes in the gym I’m ready to move on. That works out great for my clients because I don’t make them do ANY cardio and the workouts are crazy fast and effective.Pretty awesome for you too, just keep reading.I’m not reinventing the wheel for you, I’ve just found a better and faster way to burn fat and create an athletic body, which is the one piece of the puzzle that you’re really struggling with once you actually lose some fat.So today, if you give me a few minutes of your time I’ll share with you the #1 way you can achieve the body of your dreams.I like to be completely honest with you. I have not been overweight before. I have been an athlete all of my life. Strong, lean and healthy. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t struggled with my body.Just like you I have fallen into the trap of under-eating and over-working. It just makes sense, right? Eat less and train more.I was burning the candle at both ends when I was building my business, training 5-6 days per week with a combination of weights and cardio and eating 1200 calories per day in a very low carb fashion. I thought that I felt good but the thing is, feeling good is all relative.Do you really know how you should feel?I thought that I had energy, I thought I was losing fat and looking good.I was at first, until I hit the plateau of a lifetime.My body was slowing down because it wasn’t getting the proper fuel and I was training way too much. Yes, it’s possible to train too much.I was getting injured. That was my body’s way of telling me to stop but I didn’t really listen. I treated the injuries with all the proper methods- massage, chiropractic care every week and lots of soft tissue work and ice.I had a back injury, then a serious shoulder injury and then I developed tendinitis in both elbows.I stopped getting my period for about 6 months. My hormones were all out of whack; my cortisol was high, adrenals were totally fried and I felt like a shell of my former self.It was so long ago that I felt good, I wasn’t really sure how to feel.All this time I was training clients and working with individuals and groups and teaching them how to do the right stuff- eat more, train less, sleep more but I wasn’t following my own advice.The Big Fat Loss DiscoveryIn January of 2014 I had had enough. It was time for a change so I took a long, hard look at my own training and nutrition and decided to bite the bullet and get myself back to who I wanted to be. The strong, lean, athletic gladiator.This program isn’t about me, it’s 100% for you. The reason I share my story is so that you don’t have to go through the same mistakes. If you already have, that’s okay. It’s time for a change.Here was mine…myabsIt was my mistakes that led me to my best fat loss program ever. One that puts your metabolism on over drive and not only burns fat but also sculpts that lean, athletic muscle you are striving for. PLUS you can be in and out in less than 30 minutes.Enter the Gladiator Fat Loss program.Now it’s time to pull back the curtain for FULL DISCLOSURE: If you’re ready for rock hard, athletic muscle and a boost in your daily confidence, this program is for you.I’ve worked with hundreds of men and women, so let me tell you what I know about you.    You take your workouts seriously and want RESULTS    You’re up for a challenge    You need to kick start your stale workouts    You have a competitive side (even if it’s just with yourself)    You want to unleash that inner gladiator and feel confident and bad ass    You have had injuries that you have worked around but never completely fixed    You’re looking for guidance and structure to get more results in less time    You want to enjoy your workouts If any of those sound like you, then keep reading because you’re going to discover the new  Gladiator System that will get your body burning fat 24/7 and build that lean, athletic body.The #1 Reason You’re Not Burning FatYou’re not training specifically for fat loss and muscle development.All exercise is NOT created equal. It’s great that you’re doing some cardio and maybe a few weights. You’re burning calories but you’re not creating the ultimate holy grail of fat loss and muscle development, E.P.O.C.E.P.O.C. stands for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Without getting too science-y, this means that when you train the right way, your body will need to use oxygen in the post-workout phase to return to homeostasis or “normal”with things like hormone balancing, replenishing the fuel stores, cellular repair and to fuel the body’s increased metabolism, kicked up by the training program.What does this mean for you?This revolutionary KB-2 Method will literally triple your fat burning capability for up to 36 hours post-workout. Think of the training as gasoline on a fire. It’s like a kick start for your new fat blasting body.This is the secret that very few people know. That guy or girl with the lean, athletic body that jumps into the pool at the summer party? They knows it.This is why you have to STOP doing traditional cardio. It just does not work.Why not?Remember I said the program is like gasoline on a fire? Traditional cardio is just like a match that is lit and then burns out. You burn calories during the workout, but that’s it.There is no E.P.O.C (aka “afterburn”) effect.In fact, one study found that 300 hours of cardio per year helped men lose only 6 pounds (and women lost only 4 pounds). (Reference: Obesity 15:1496-1512, 2007)So what if you lift weights too?Great, but even if you combine a steady sets and reps program that you will see in traditional magazines or online, you are only getting a fraction of the benefit.Now ladies, you may be wondering now,   If I lift weights, won’t I get too bulky?The reason that some women experience a “bulky” feeling is not from the strength training itself. It’s a bi-product of developing some muscle but not stripping off the fat, especially around the legs and lower abdominals.You are probably now scratching your head a little bit, wondering if this chick (me) is in fact off her rocker.You’re telling me not to do cardio, but you’re also telling me that strength training isn’t enough?Stay with me though.I want to uncover the secret to your true results, your athletic and lean body and your ability to unleash your inner gladiator.It all comes down to how you train and your ability to create the “Afterburn.”First we need to challenge the muscles in something that’s called progressive overload. Basically each time you train, you need to tax the muscles with just a little extra to create a breakdown in the tissue.When the tissue breaks down during a training session, the build up in your recovery time (the day or two between workouts) is when the muscle comes back stronger.A workout that consists of strength training that’s done in a superset format (one exercise followed by another of opposing muscle groups) is also going to create a metabolic disturbance, a fat burning superstorm, if you will.This metabolic disturbance is going to trigger what we talked about before, the E.P.O.C. or the ‘afterburn.”If you have one session that revs up your metabolism for that 36 hour period and then you do another session just like that, 48 hours later, your metabolic rate will eventually come to meet that as it’s set point. This creates the ultimate fat burning environment.You have probably heard about this before, whether you know it or not. Some people call it H.I.I.T or high intensity interval training, some may call it Cardio Strength Training, metabolic Training or muscle confusion.This is all great BUT I’m not stopping you there.The real secret of the KB-2 Method is in the next level. You see, so many people train in this fashion, high repetitions, high volume and basically just an all-out muscle massacre that leads to nothing but fatigue, burnout, overuse, injury and ultimately a weak body with no real muscle tone.Why does this happen?Magazines, DVDs and programs created by trainers who are jumping on the metabolic Cardio bandwagon are creating programs for you that are based on nothing but what is “cool”and new in the industry.Throwing exercises together to create a great “workout”does not mean you will get great results. Just because you get tired from a training session does not mean it will elicit the response we want- a metabolic disturbance and a progressive breakdown in your muscles to ultimately allow them to build back stronger and create that lean, athletic look.That’s why I created a fat burning and strength training program that covers all the bases…    The workouts are short and focused so even when you’re busy, you can fit them into your day.    Using Kettlebells, each workout is a combination of metabolic disturbance training and strength training – it’s the best of both worlds. You can lose fat AND develop the lean muscle that so many people lack. (Remember, this is the #1 secret that 95% of people are missing!)    Every session will leave you feeling energized and gladiator strong – not a puddle on the floor with no energy to work, take care of your kids or just live your life.I’m a huge believer that everyone deserves be strong, powerful, athletic and most of all, happy.Now it’s your turn to transform your body into the ultimate Gladiator that you were made to be. I’m not talking muscle bound and testosterone fueled, hell no. It’s all about creating a powerful, confident physique, in and out of the gym.What can you expect from the KB-2 Method and Gladiator Fat Loss?    You’ll learn the #1 thing that’s holding you back from results in your current program    Unleash your 24/7 fat burning body with just 22 minutes, a kettlebell and your body weight    Discover the most effective body sculpting, fat blasting exercises specifically designed to build the gladiator body    A training method proven through over 5,673 training sessions    How to use 3 specific movements to literally double or triple your results    Learn why excessive cardio is sabotaging your results and how you can burn more fat while NEVER stepping foot on an elliptical trainer again    My cutting edge approach that will have you losing more fat than ever, all while increasing your strength, power, muscle and boosting your confidence to gladiator proportions    The complete training schedule and how to structure your workouts so you still have tons of time for family, friends and a very cool life to show off your awesome body I know you may still be a little skeptical because if you’re like most of the people I’ve worked with, you have tried many programs and the majority haven’t worked for you.I want you to know that it’s not your fault. There’s a lot of misinformation out there and it’s hard to sift through and figure out what’s right for you. Before we go any further, let’s crush some of these myths.Women will get bulky from strength training andspecifically from using heavy weights.As I mentioned earlier, any woman who has felt the “bulky”syndrome appearing when they started weight training, it’s because they still have to shed some body fat. It’s absolutely possible to hold onto both fat and muscle tissue so if you don’t burn fat as quickly as you develop that muscle, you’ll have both.The right combination of heavy strength training, metabolic training and nutrition will create the optimal, lean and athletic physique.And guys, this applies to you too. Ever crush a workout and THEN crush a ton of food? Well, if you’re not training the right way, those excess calories are going to get stored as fat. Just like the ladies, you too can feel a little “bulky” if you don’t get it right.You Need Cardio to Lose WeightCan you lose weight from doing cardio? Absolutely.Will it take a lot of extra time? Yes.Remember the study that I stated earlier in this article? 300 hours is a lot of time. Cardio training is the least efficient way to create the lean,athletic body because it takes too much time and doesn’t provide the muscular development that you need to look lean and athletic.You Need to Work Out Every Day to See ResultsThis could not be further from the truth. Your muscles and your nervous system will recover and come back stronger when you’re NOT in the gym. Three strategic full body training sessions and 1-2 short, metabolic sessions each week are all you need to see results up to three times faster than what you’re doing now.Here’s Why Gladiator Fat Loss is Perfect for YouIf you’re anything like me and the ladies and dudes that I train, we don’t have a ton of time but we want to look our best and feel energized and empowered after every workout.That’s exactly what you’ll get with Gladiator Fat Loss. Each training session is less than 25 minutes and will leave you feeling powerful, athletic and confident.Every workout is based on my unique system of kettlebells and body weight that takes your traditional workouts to the next level (this is what 99% of people are missing)    Every workout is a full body session so you only need 3 a week to get incredible results    These sessions give you the one-two punch of metabolic training and strength work so you’ll burn fat and build muscle    These are tested and proven to work for real world ladies and dudes, just like you. You can get on with your busy life just as soon as you leave the gym (or even do them at home, bonus!)    Each exercise can be scaled up or down to meet your current needs and continue to challenge you as you progress to extreme gladiator levels    You’ll feel confident, empowered and strong- all the highlights of a true gladiatorSo What Kind of Results Can You Expect with The Gladiator Fat Loss Program?Here are just a FEW…Chris McCombs“Callie Durbrow is not only an extremely knowledgeably trainer, but she has HEART… she knows what it takes to help people get into shape and she’s one of the best around at doing it.”Chris and www.chrismccombs.netHead Shot – CopyAs a huge fan of the movie Gladiator I was instantly intrigued by Callie’s program.  And it delivered as promised!  Gladiator Fat Loss gives you the tools you need to build the lean and athletic look of a champion Gladiator.  I loved all 3 of the workout phases as they provided new training stimulus and kept things fresh, avoiding boredom.  The best part for me: I worked through all 3 phases of Gladiator Fat Loss in my basement.  Yes, you can do it all with very little equipment in the comfort of your own home.  Thanks for a great program Callie.James GaidaFat Loss ExpertCreator of 4 Day Fat LossRyan Lee“Whether you are a fitness professional – or a serious workout fanatic – this is the resource for you. Callie has create THE resource. Workouts that are simple, they save time, highly effective and kick major butt. I can’t wait to try all of the workouts!”Ryan LeeSpeaker, Coach and Co-Founder of Prograde NutritionKamiBoston, MAMatt Wichlinski“I met Callie at a recent strength coaches certification and was immediately impressed with her ability physically and as a leader to other athletes. We have very similar philosophies regarding training and what is important for improving an athletes ability to perform at a higher level. She has a keen eye for quality and the knowledge to implement appropriate. Her views regarding training are eye opening and particularly useful for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. This book is loaded with fundamental and advanced strategies and done for you work outs that guarantee improvements in athletics as well as aesthetics.”Matt WichlinskiThe Strength Shop and WWE Strength CoachSam L.Everett, MAAja Davis“Callie Durbrow is at the top of her game. She is constantly innovating and stays ahead of the industry with her training techniques. If you’re looking for a unique way to train safely, effectively and get massive results, then you definitely need to look at what Callie is doing.”Aja DavisNew Body BootcampWith Gladiator Fat Loss You Get ALL of This:portfolio (5)    The Gladiator Training Package ($297 value)You’ll burn more fat and sculpt that athletic lean muscle with these proven Kettlebell and Body Weight workouts that use the revolutionary KB-2 Method. You’ll get the exact reps, sets and exercises that are needed to create your Gladiator physique. It’s like having your own Gladiator personal trainer with you every step of the way.    The Gladiator Nutrition Program ($197 value)Nutrition programs may have failed you in the past, but that’s not your fault. You can put the KB-2 philosophy to work for you in the kitchen as well. No more eating like you’re on a “diet.” This is real food and a sustainable lifestyle that will help you burn fat (fast) and sculpt your hard-earned muscles.    The Gladiator HIIT Manual ($47 value)Cardio? Never again. Get in and get out with these High Intensity Interval style training sessions. You’ll spend less than 19 minutes a day and you’ll be taking your results to the next level, Gladiator style!    The Gladiator Training Journal ($47 value)Track your progress from day to day and week to week with the exclusive Gladiator training journal. If you’re not tracking, you’re losing out on valuable results. Download these, print them out and take them to the gym with you every day. It couldn’t be any simpler.    Gladiator Exercise Video Demonstrations ($97 value)You’ll discover EXACTLY what to do to burn fat, build strength and sculpt that bad-ass gladiator muscle. For a fraction of the price of a personal trainer, you’ll have it all, right at your fingertips. You’ll get all of this for just $30PLUS as a bonus to you, because I want you to get the absolute best results possible. I’m going to give you my exclusive30 Day Gladiator Muscle Workoutso you can jump start your results and start sculpting lean muscle WHILE you burn fat    BOOK_COVER7a (2)Not only that, but I’m going to include mySuper Powered Smoothie Recipe Bookpacked full of delicious, high protein, super-charging, energizing smoothie recipes that you can start using literally today.BOOK_COVER5a When you pick up the  Gladiator Fat Loss today, you will get the benefit of me, 10+ years as a trainer, strength coach and nutrition expert for less than half of what a 1 hour personal training session with me would cost.Remember, this is not a quick fix fitness workout. Once you complete Gladiator Fat Loss, you can use the principles over and over again and tweak and refine the training schedules to fit into your life, forever.With this program in just 12 short weeks you will be looking back on today as the start of an amazing journey, to become that bad-ass Gladiator.    No more diets    No more boring cardio    No more failing, stopping and starting again and again    No more avoiding going out with friends because you hate the way you look when you dress up    No more skipping out on dinners because you’re on a “diet” and can’t eat anything yummy    (this is a lifestyle and gladiators WILL eat)You can feel 100% confident that you will lose weight. You will be strong, shredded, lean and athletic. You will become more confident and you WILL become a gladiator.


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