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Bryan Begin and Robbie Kramer – Inner Confidence (1 Ebook – PDF)

Inner Confidence – Dynamic Dating.pdf



Quote:!! Do not read this unless you are willing to challenge what you already know about confidently attracting women…Hi my name is Robbie Kramer and I’m pissed off.  I’m pissed because everything you are learning about attracting women and pickup is information that isn’t gonna work for you.Scientific facts prove that 90 to 95% of your brain power and actions are controlled by your unconscious mind.  In other words, you are operating on autopilot 90 to 95% of the time.  So if your unconscious mind is telling you that you are a failure with women, who the hell are you supposed to pick one up?Lets say you go out and research all the insider tips, techniques, pickup lines, and methods.  Then you spend hours in front of your computer on message boards, reading books, studying and preparing the methods and routines you think are going to work the best.  You strategize with all your friends and finally you decide to go out to the local bar or hot nightclub and put your game to the test.  What do you think happens?  Ya… you guessed it, you walk out of the bar empty handed, maybe you get a phone number but you know inside that she’s probably gonna flake on a date if you call her anyway.  Does this sound like you?Sadly, I meet hundreds of guys every year who fall into this category, and up until about two years ago, I was one of these guys too.  Not only was I one of these guys, but I was a head coach for one of the leading pickup artist companies in the industry teaching guys these same techniques and methods I’m bagging on right now.  Was I unqualified, you bet your ass I was, but the sad thing was that I was better then most of the other so-called gurus and dating coaches out there.  It’s a shame, but most of the so-called gurus are teaching stuff that doesn’t work.  Not because they are trying to scam you, but they haven’t figured it out yet. You are learning from people who are unqualified and they’re hiring people who are unqualified, I know because they hired me!  But I’m qualified now!  I devoted the last three years of my life to mastering my sense of self confidence and personal power learning from the most successful personal growth experts in the world and developed exercises and proven belief shifting drills that I’m about to reveal to you now.  But was irks me the most, is that most of you reading aren’t gonna take the necessary action steps to create the sex and love life you deserve because it sounds too hard or too much of a hassle.  There is no magic pill but if you want to keep looking for it, then I recommend that you leave this page and keep searching.  If it was easy, then every man out there would be doing it but, that’s ok, because in a couple of years of failure and pretending to be a pickup artist, you’ll find your way back here, or you’ll quit.Well I don’t want you to waste two years sucking with women, and I don’t want you to quit either.  I want you to realize that its not about the pickup methods or techniques, its about how you feel inside, your inner confidence.  If you feel like a sexy bastard, women will treat you like one, but if you feel like a scared pussy and try to act alpha, disinterested and too cool for school, women will see right through your bullshit before you even open your mouth to deliver that perfect routine you’ve been practicing.  You might occasionally get lucky and get a few phone numbers, make outs and occasionally take a girl home but you’ll be unsuccessful well over 95% of the time.If you’ve made it this far, then you are one of the rare men who has the chance to realize that you have the power to change how you feel about yourself on an unconscious level but its gonna take some work.  Luckily, its gonna be 10 times easier and take half the time and amount of work its gonna take those other guys who invest in methods and routines.The critical, missing component to naturally and authentically attracting, meeting, and connecting with women — that every other system, course, and “guru” doesn’t talk about!  To read more click below..


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