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Bryan Bayer & Travis Decker (Authentic Man) – The Holarchy: A 5-Stage Inner Game Training Model

The Holarchy.mp4
[1 short video MP4]



This is a bonus from this groupbuy: Authentic Man – Power of Presence DVDDescription from the page:AMP’s “Inner Game” Training Model, explained. In this video, the guys talk about the five components that comprise their Holarchy.Who are those guys?Most people don’t know them in the community but people say they are the best on inner game. Even Zan and style recommends them!You can get an interview from stylelife here: [url=]stylelife Inner Game interview with Travis Decker[/url]And an chat with Travis Decker and Zan here: Decker’s Fireside Chat with ZanMy opinionThis is a pretty useless video which just explains their model and is a part of the DVDs like it seems. Its OK to understand what AuthenticMan’s stuff is all about but dont expect to learn something.I only uploaded it because it was requested.No waiting time for anyoneuntrusted GB participants can PM me, then ill add them to the list!


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