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Brooks Landon – Building Great Sentences – Exploring the Writer’s Craft

Brooks Landon – Building Great Sentences – Exploring the Writer’s Craft [1CD – 24 MP3s + PDF Guide]
[1CD – 24 MP3s + PDF Guide]


Great writing begins—and ends—with the sentence.Whether two words (“Jesus wept.”) or 1,287 words (a sentence in William Faulkner’s Absalom! Absalom!), sentences have the power to captivate, entertain, motivate, educate, and, most importantly, delight.Understanding the variety of ways to construct sentences, from the smallest clause to the longest sentence, is important to enhancing your appreciation of great writing and potentially improving your own.* Why do some lengthy sentences flow effortlessly while others stumble along?* Why are you captivated by the writing of particular authors but not others?* How can you craft sentences that reflect your own unique outlook on the world?Get the answers to these and other questions about writing and style in Building Great Sentences: Exploring the Writer’s Craft, a lively 24-lecture course taught by Professor Brooks Landon from the University of Iowa—one of the nation’s top writing schools. You explore the myriad ways in which we think about, talk about, and write sentences. You discover insights into what makes for pleasurable reading. You also learn how you can apply these methods to your own writing.More Than Just a String of WordsBuilding Great Sentences revives the sentence-oriented approach to studying writing. Unlike common nuts-and-bolts approaches to discussing writing, this course provides a greater context for what makes sentences great. You investigate how to recognize the mechanics of the sentences you read and write, you learn how language works on your thoughts and emotions, and you discover basic strategies to sharpen your ability to recognize great sentences and make your own everyday writing more effective.More than just a string of words, “sentences are shaped by specific context and driven by specific purpose,” notes Professor Landon. “No ‘rules’ or mechanical protocols can prepare us for the infinite number of tasks our sentences must accomplish.”Explore a Vast World of SentencesConsisting of a subject, a verb, and sometimes an object (“The girl raised the flag.”), the kernels from which sentences grow are called minimal base clauses. Adding modifying words (“slowly”) or phrases (“because doing so would inspire her compatriots”) creates larger sentences that lead toward great writing.In Building Great Sentences, you delve into the ways that literary and popular writers work with these larger sentences (called cumulative sentences) and encounter the three distinct levels that enhance these sentence kernels by:* Adding information and keeping a sentence moving in place (“She served the dessert, a French pastry affair dripping in dark chocolate.”)* Moving a sentence forward with increased specificity (“He drove carefully, one hand on the wheel, the other hand holding a sandwich, a ham and cheese fossil, a strangely colored lump made days before by his sister.”)* Adding information and moving a sentence forward at the same time (“Big Al headed back into the bar, a demented grin twisting his scarred face, his bloodshot eyes narrowed to a fierce squint, looking around the dim and smoke-filled interior, scanning the terrified inhabitants for any of his tormentors.”)You also explore sentence constructions that make writing more complex and add exciting levels of suspense, and you see tactics that create balance and rhythm in sentences. Professor Landon makes these writing methods clear and easy to apply to your own reading and writing habits. Some of the many illuminating methods you come across are:* Using a mirroring effect between words to suggest confidence (“Dryden’s page is a natural field, rising into inequalities, and diversified by the varied exuberance of abundant vegetation; Pope’s is a velvet lawn, shaven by the scythe, and leveled by the roller.”)* Using three phrases of parallel construction to create unity and emphasis in a sentence (“I came, I saw, I conquered.”)* Beginning each element in a series with the same word or words (“The reason I object to Dr. Johnson’s style is that there is no discrimination, no selection, no variety in it.”)* Ending each element in a series with the same word or words (“Raphael paints wisdom; Handel sings it, Phidias carves it, Shakespeare writes it, Wren builds it, Columbus sails it, Luther preaches it, Washington arms it, Watt mechanizes it.”)Recognizing and appreciating these and other eye-opening aspects of sentences helps you understand the work that goes into creating an effective, pleasurable sentence. With the newfound knowledge gained from Building Great Sentences, you become more aware of why particular lines, passages, or phrases in the poems, novels, or articles you read so enchant you.


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