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Brian Tracy – The Law of Attraction – In Action

Brian Tracy – The Law Of Attraction In Action.mp3
[1 MP3]



Brian Tracy – The Law of Attraction In Action Product description on Brian Tracy’s website1 MP3, 72 min. The Law of Attraction is one of the oldest “Universal Laws” known to man, and when used the right way, it’s incredibly powerful.Through books and movies like “The Secret,” it has become a huge part of popular culture…but do you know how to use it to your greatest advantage?Keep reading and I’ll tell you…When I was younger, I asked myself “Why are some people more successful than others?”I spent the next 20 years searching for the answer to that question. I studied philosophy, metaphysics, religion, spiritual development, psychology and success principals…When I finally understood the Law of Attraction things started to fall into place.I started to meet the right people at the right time…My goals became easier and easier to achieve…And my entire outlook on life changed.I realized that once I mastered the Law of Attraction, I could learn how to:     Determine exactly what I wanted to attract     Flood my mind with positive thoughts     Achieve abundance in every area of my life     Get rid of fears and doubts that would stop the law from working     Become calm, confident and optimisticEver since I came to this realization, I’ve been sharing my discoveries with people all over the globe. And for the past 25 years I’ve been showing people the mental Laws of Success and the little-known details of the Law of Attraction to more than 5 million people in 47 countries!In this life-changing teleseminar, you’ll discover the real secrets of using your mind to take direct control of your life in a positive way.Also in this 1-hour program I’ll give you…     6 Proven Ways to activate the Law of Attraction in your life      The Top 4 Actions to speed up the Law’s lasting resultsAfter listening you will have gained the insights and action ideas you need to achieve greater health, wealth, prosperity and success than ever before.When you are able to capitalize on your own thoughts, the world will truly become your oyster. Imagine how amazing life will be when you can think and dream about how you want your future to be…and then make it happen!With this program you can do it. And in just 1-hour, I’ll show you how!


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