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Brian Boxer Wachler – Perceptual Intelligence: The Brain’s Secret to Seeing Past Illusion, Misperception, and Self-Deception (2017)

Perceptual Intelligence
[1 ebook – 1 EPUB, 1 MOBI, 1PDF]


Brian Boxer Wachler – Perceptual Intelligence: The Brain’s Secret to Seeing Past Illusion, Misperception, and Self-Deception (2017)New Book Cracks Code — The Secret Behind Our Perceptions Finally Revealed. . . Is it okay to fantasize during sex? When should you follow your intuition and gut feelings? How do the most successful salespeople and marketers magnetically attract more customers and business? Why do we gravitate to products endorsed by celebrities? Why do some people pay $100 for a cup of “cat poop coffee”? Why are some athletes perpetual winners and others losers? Why do some people see Jesus on a Cheeto? Exploring the brain’s ability to interpret and make sense of the world, Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler describes how your perception can be reality or fantasy and how to separate the two, which is the basis of improving your Perceptual Intelligence (PI). With concrete science-based examples, and case studies, Dr. Brian (as he’s known to his patients) explains why our senses do not always match reality and how understanding this can improve decision-making in your life.Fine-tuning your PI elevates your game so you can have what you want in life: better job, better relationships, better sex, more success, more happiness. Without the information in this book you will have a hard time achieving these things because you will keep repeating the same patterns. By reading Perceptual Intelligence you elevate potential success in every area in your life. And there is an amazing chapter on sex! About the Author:Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, is the world’s leading authority on keratoconus, refractive surgery, and creator of the revolutionary I-Brite eye whitening procedure. He has devoted his career to the field of vision correction. For two decades, he has been a pioneering doctor with a thriving career in clinical, academic, and laboratory settings. He boasts an unparalleled history of awards and accomplishments — many of which have single-handedly changed the practice of ophthalmic surgery. He is currently the medical director of the eponymous Boxer Wachler Vision Institute in Beverly Hills and a staff physician at Los Angeles’ famed Cedars Sinai Medical Center.Reviews:”Perceptual Intelligence is a uniquely nuanced examination of the power and pitfalls of perception. This book will delight all who seek a greater understanding of how we view the world and the perceptions that influence every aspect of our lives. It would be hard to find a better guide into this fascinating topic than Brian Boxer Wachler. His synthesis of the many factors that shape our perceptions will change the way you think about your own life. I will be one of many healthcare professionals who will immediately recommend this book to colleagues and patients alike.”~ Andrew Ordon, MD, author of Better in 7″My 2nd year at USC, I had a falling dream whereby I hit the ground. To my surprise when I attempted to get up, I saw myself peacefully sleeping in my dorm bed. Holy $#!%, I won’t go toward the light, I still hadn’t found love yet!It never would have occurred to me that Out of Body experiences were common phenomena until I read the author’s account of his own experience. In Perceptual Intelligence, the author ventured where no MDs have gone before to get you seeing past illusions, misconceptions, and self deceptions. While not intended as medical advice and hardly the kind of publication one would come across at an ophthalmology conference, Out of Body experiences amongst other fascinating mysteries of the mind are explored by ophthalmologist turned neuroscience author, Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler. At one point, I had to pause and ask, ‘Did he just eluded to the idea that one can heal with the right mindset?’ Um, yea. And by Montel’s account, mind can prevail over matters.Two thirds into the book, I am keenly aware that to have an awaken PI is a good thing. At a minimum, it’s your PI that gets you buckling up in the back seat to save your life and packing TP when traveling to places where there isn’t a toilet seat to save face. Bravo, BBW, for letting us peek into your brilliantly unique perspective of a mind.”~ Anne Q (Amazon)”I found this book incredibly engaging with its insights, anecdotes, and scientific foundations. Many books that cite research studies can be a bit yawn-inspiring. Boxer Wachler clearly has a talent for weaving well-grounded science into relatable stories that illustrate his poignant and fresh points with great, memorable impact.I enjoyed Malcolm Gladwell’s books (Blink, Outliers, Tipping Point) and Perceptual Intelligence is on par and in some ways exceeds Gladwell’s works because of the breadth of take home points that the reader can incorporate into daily life. The influence of marketers and celebrities on our PI is on point in today’s culture. Having critical thinking skills is crucial when assessing what is real vs fake on social media, the Internet, and elsewhere. Boxer Wachler guides readers across the bridge that passes over the chasm of deceit like a skillful Sherpa on Everest to help readers avoid falling off that bridge in the future with the tools he provides in the book.The chapter on gut feelings and intuition was surprising. I enjoyed the confirmation by scientific studies that support the notion that we should pay attention to these feelings because, more often than not, they lead to correct decisions including in gambling and investing. Making some decisions based on intuition without analysis is common, but clearly there is a scientific basis indicating at the very least to pay attention and evaluate.Boxer Wachler revealed numerous biases (good and bad) that societies have had in past which explains much in our current day. I laughed out loud on the section discussing what chastity belts were REALLY for – and it’s not what you think. Who would have known Mark Twain gave a speech on this topic?! Really fascinating and makes you think.I thoroughly enjoyed the self-test at the end of the book and found room for improvement. If you want a better understanding of how our brains and decision-making work, you’ll love this book and I am sure read it several times.”~ Earl M Furfine (Amazon)Audiobook is found here:


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