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Brent Smith – Lifestyle Design Secrets Revealed Teleseminar

Brent – Lifestyle & The next level of Game.mp3
[1 MP3]



LIFEstyle DESIGN – The REAL Secret Of HavingSmoking Hot Women Around You, Pursuing You… andWANTING TO GET WITH YOU… ALL THE TIME! You’re going to learn:-Why the guys who get the MOST and the HOTTESTwomen almost NEVER approach a woman “cold”!(There is no reason to when you do *this*…)-The 10 word sentence to say after you give a girlyour number that TRIPLES the chances of youhooking up with her THAT SAME NIGHT-The BEST way to get a woman you haven’t met toapproach YOU FIRST-A HUGE mistake guys make that eliminates allchances of having multiple women you hook up withregularly (If you’ve never been able to get a”rotation” going it’s probably because you’remaking this ONE common mistake)-How to use Facebook, Myspace, and plain old emailto get DOZENS of new, hot women texting andcalling you every single week!-And much much more…


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