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Brad P – Perfecting Your Voice Tone

Perfecting Your Voice Tone.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



This is part of Brad P’s 30/30 club and is found in month 3 which deals with PRESENCE. I am uploading this as a trial, though I will leave it up once I see that I uploaded it correctly (will as well upload the rest of the product).Here is the description from the webpage:30/30 Club InfoHow did you Know I like that?This page is about information that’s “none of your business.”In fact, some big names are going to be downright furious this is being released.Here’s the story: Every legitimate dating expert knows there’s just three things you must master if you want unlimited choice with beautiful women:    * The ability to approach her…    * To generate intense feelings of attraction/connection and…    * Know exactly how to get her back to your place.Unfortunately, some guys think they can buy a woman into the bedroom. You’ve seen ‘em. Fancy clothes, sports car, the works. And most of them couldn’t pickup a hottie in a bar to save their life. Shameful.Other guys pump weights, get huge muscles, slap on a fake tan and pray that women will approach them. Still others read and study every single thing they possibly can on female psychology, dating, attraction, seduction and more.Well, guess what? Many of the top guys are keeping a dirty little secret from you. Sure, they want you to believe you need a million different techniques, countless opening lines, complicated language patterns and other technical stuff…and, of course, dozens of books, courses, seminars and products to teach you all that.But here’s something many of the “mainstream” dating experts and gurus don’t want you to know: When you finally learn the right dating and attraction information in the right sequence – and then make some small, yet powerful tweaks to your personal identity – APPROACHING, dating and sleeping with beautiful women is a waaaaaayyy simpler than you ever dreamed possible.In other words, you can STOP “waiting” to experience success with women and finally…START experiencing the results you deserve -Simply by applying the all-new “30/30 Method”that’s been quietly spreading like wildfirethroughout the Dating Underground!Here’s what we’ve got for you: You may or may not have heard of Brad P…but all the other Dating Gurus sure have. He’s been the most sough-after “secret weapon” in the dating community for the last two years. Top guys from all over the world beg him for personalized instruction. Yes, even a few of the “household names” in the dating and seduction community. Brad and his coaches have trained coaches and empoyees from EVERY other major dating company  in the US. Yes, every single one of them.And they come despite the fact that Brad P has never advertised his services. It’s all word of mouth. One pro whispering to another.Join NowClick to join Brad’s 30/30 Club!Why do many of the top guys seek Brad out?Simple: He’s the ONLY instructor who has taken intense, field-tested experience, and merged it with what he calls the “sequential learning model”…to create the most comprehensive, “total transformation” system for attracting hotter women into your life.Yeah, that’s a mouthful. Here’s what it means…    * Brad P was just a regular guy – with minimal success women – until he decided to get his dating life handled…    * Having degrees and a professional background in teaching, he carefully developed what he calls the “30/30 Method” – a step-by-step process of total transformation that makes success with women both natural and inevitable…    * Once Brad P discovered and fine-tuned this process, it was only a matter of time before he became the #1 Pickup Artist in the world….    * So why is it literally sending shockwaves through the dating underground? Because Brad was doing something few other “experts” could even imagine: In one of the most competitive, cut-throat pickup environments in the world – the NY Club Scene – he would routinely score one-night-stands with an average of five different gorgeous women a week…    * These weren’t your everyday hotties, either. I’m talking about high-paid fetish models, runway models, Swedish 9’s and 10’s, bitchy but smokin’ hot club promoters, DJ chicks and other sexy “hired guns”…and so many more…the kind of women most men drool over…And yet…despite all this…he’s still a mystery to nearly every guy in the dating community. The reason: Most pros simply do not want to share these secrets with you or anyone else.If they could, they would lock Brad P up someplace where no “regular guys” could ever find him. Don’t be shocked…but…there are several gurus you read about who consistently seek his counsel and owe much of their success to what they’ve learned from him. They ain’t talking of course – it would totally blow their image.So they really, really wantthese secrets to stay secret.Well, Brad says “to heck with that.” He now believes it’s time to share the 30/30 Method with every guy who’s got the balls to learn it.Hey, don’t be intimidated by the fact that this is really advanced material. The simple fact is that you can go through his process, step-by-step…day-by-day…month-by-month… until you’re the kind of guy that women find utterly irresistible.Join NowClick here to join Brad’s 30/30 Club!Best of all, it works…    * No matter what you look like – even if you’re short, bald, out-of-shape, or uneasy on the eyes…    * No matter what your current skill or experience level (in fact, it’s almost better if you’re a raw rookie beginner, because you won’t have to unlearn any of your bad habits)…    * No matter how much money you have right now to spend on clothes, your apartment or anything else (Heck, when Brad P first developed the 30/30 Method, he was making under $20,000 a year – while living in the ridiculously expensive city of New York – and still, he was bringing one hottie after another back to his shabby little studio each night)… Truthfully, the 30/30 Club is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It’s not just another technique or even a mere “system” – rather, it’s a foolproof process of total psychological transformation that ANY guy can make – which literally forces you to become everything hot women are seeking out in a man.Don’t get me wrong: You’ll still be “yourself” – the key difference is that you’ll be the boldest, coolest, most attractive possible version of yourself!And rather than foolishly bounce from one system and technique to another like most of the frustrated guys currently studying, you’ll finally start making real, measurable progress… you’ll kick the paralyzing effect of “information overload” to the curb…and your confidence and success with women will inevitably soar.In fact, when you go through this powerful process, I’m personally betting that: Within three to six months you’ll be getting regular dates…Within seven months you’ll be consistently getting laid…And by the end of the twelve months,you’ll be the kind of guywho’s got more beautiful women chasing himthan he can possibly handle.Hard to believe? I understand. But I know for a fact it’s possible because Brad P went from “average guy” to world-renown master in far less time than that. And his personal students have experienced radical transformations in a matter of weeks, sometimes as little as a single weekend.In other words, I’m understating the amount of time it’s going to take you to get good. I don’t believe in the shameless over-promising you so often see in marketing. I only tell you what I KNOW will happen – and I’m 100% confident that if you take the simple actions you’re about to discover – there’s absolutely no way you won’t experience the same kind of life-changing results Brad and his students have.That’s exactly why I’m writing this today: Over the last year, Brad P’s been putting together a coaching program that teaches this groundbreaking method. It’s going to take you from wherever you currently are with your game… to exactly where you want to go.It doesn’t matter whether your goal is to have multiple relationships with 8’s, 9’s or 10’s…an exclusive relationship with that beautiful, smart, fun woman you’ve always dreamed about…frequent one-night-stands…threesomes…or anything else…Brad’s done it all.And more importantly…He knows the quickest, surest pathto helping YOU get where you want to be.Join NowClick here to join Brad’s 30/30 Club!So how does the program work? Well, for starters, you’ll focus on mastering a crucial new skill set for attracting women each month.That means the programs begins with foundational elements – such as Building an Attractive Identity…Cold Approaching… Discovering Your “Sexy Stereotype” and Overall style…and then eventually moves to advanced topics…like Threesomes…Social Circle Club Game…Elite-Level Social Dynamics…and more.But with Brad’s new program, it’s always first things first. There’s no point in thinking about threesomes if you’re having trouble getting phone numbers. Nor is there any point in using advanced tactics like “pawning” and “tension loops” in a bar if you’re still getting stuck on the approach.See, when you build your skillset with women – one piece at a time – in the right sequence, you take luck OUT of the equation! Progress is inevitable, your results are repeatable. And that means you get whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s phone numbers, makeouts at the club, fun dates, same-night-sex or relationships.Specifically, here’s a small taste of what you’ll experience if you’re accepted into Brad’s new 30/30 Program:    * How to take any strengths you have – and creatively “fuse” them into an “identity” that women are irresistibly drawn to…(Month 1)    * The best opening strategies, lines and locations for YOU – how to adapt field-tested material according to your own unique personality, style, circumstances and goals (Unfortunately, most guys just blindly jump into what they read and never develop a strategy that best matches who they are as individuals. Failure rates are high that way)…(Month 2)    * Why you may still be setting off a woman’s “Nice Guy Detector” (even though you know it’s dating suicide)… And the secrets to making sure a woman NEVER mistakes you for another boring “Nice Guy” or “just a friend” – ever again! (Month 3)    * Do you radiate a natural sexual confidence and “strong presence”? If not, Brad will teach you. This is the surest way to have women think about sleeping with you, right from the moment her eyes meet yours…(Month 3)    * A revolutionary, fast-acting process for complete “Social Freedom” – so that you’re no longer scared or inhibited in social situations! Most guys take years to become socially free – if ever – but YOU can get there in a matter of months (or even weeks) when you follow Brad’s 18 Degrees of Social Freedom Process… This one tweak alone will multiply your success with women many times over, even if you learn nothing else! (Month 4)    * The quickest path to Advanced Sexual Mastery – how to give a woman one orgasm after orgasm another so that she keeps coming back…so that she has no problem just “using you for sex”…and so that she openly welcomes the idea of being with YOU and another woman at the same time! (Month 7)    * Proven secrets for designing a fun, healthy lifestyle…getting everything you want from the women in your life…And, most importantly, being yourself the entire time. This has NOTHING to do with money! As I said earlier: There was a time when Brad was making under $20,000 a year…spent less than $400 on his wardrobe… had a tiny little NY studio filled with cockroaches (true!)…and still brought home 5-6 beautiful women a week! If he did it…and if his seminar students do it…WHY NOT YOU? (Month 10)    * The single best way to attract the “Ultimate Girlfriend” – that rare kind of woman who’s super-hot, smart, fun and sassy, has her life together and wants nothing more than to spend quality time with you. This is NOT the kind of woman you’ll ever get by “default” – she only comes into your life by becoming a charismatic guy who’s got TONS of different options. Brad will SHOW YOU exactly how to be that guy… (Month 10 & 11)And literally, dozens and dozens of more lessons and secrets that will change your dating life forever. Seriously. As you can see, I’ve left many of the months out – and each month covers so much more than I can possibly list here.If you want to quickly eliminate any fear, anxiety and frustration you have in your dating life…if you want to experience the fun, freedom and bold power that guys like Brad radiate…and, most importantly, IF YOU WANT A CONSISTENT, NON-STOP FLOW OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN INTO YOUR LIFE – then look no further.Brad’s 30/30 Club will get you there. It’s the most systematic, yet “easy-to-take-action” process in the dating community – and there’s simply nothing else like it.Just fill out your online application – TODAY – and you’ll soon receive the following monthly benefits as part of your membership:Monthly installments of Brad’s hottest products (A $69 MONTHLY VALUE!). I’m talking about stuff like:    * Instant Attraction – The groundbreaking e-book which reveals exactly how Brad became one of the best guys in the world at “cold approaching,” (starting conversations with women you’ve never met) – including all his favorite “SHOCKER” openers…    * The Underground Dating Seminar – Recordings of the $1500-a-head workshop where Brad shares tons of secrets for building a sexually magnetic identity… transitioning from phone numbers to dates that finish in the bedroom… advanced sexual techniques that keep women coming back…and lots more…    * The Adventures of Brad P – Readers are calling this the “XXX version of The Game” – because Brad gives detailed accounts of his seductions and many sexual encounters with super-hot women from around the country. More importantly, each story is filled with powerful lessons and underlying psychology – making it the ultimate “state builder” as you head out to meet women…    * The Fashion Bible – This extensive guide gives you clear step-by-step advice for dressing in ways that women respond to sexually. You’ll learn exactly how to permanently remove yourself from the “nice guy/friend” category…how to rapidly speed up a woman’s “countdown to sex”…secrets for figuring out which “sexy stereotype” fits you best…and so much more…    * The Pheromone Kid Interview – Believe it or not, Brad found a guy who could consistently seduce women in under 10 minutes – a total natural with zero “pickup knowledge” whatsoever – and got him to share exactly how he does it. It’s an overnight crash course for developing a strong sexual vibe women respond to uncontrollably…You’ll also get…Ongoing expert advice, insight, feedback and suggestions from Brad and his head coaches (A $99 MONTHLY VALUE!) – all via the 30/30 Forum. Specifically, you will…    * Have your most pressing questions and concerns answered…    * Get specific, timely, actionable feedback about what you can do to improve the skill you’re focused on mastering that month – whether it’s how to dress…how to approach…storytelling…gaming in clubs…or whatever else…    * Motivational posts, experiences, lessons and insights from guys who are really out there DOING the work, who’ve mastered the skills, and want to share everything they know with you…Your own “30/30 Profile” (A $39 MONTHLY VAUE!) – where you’ll post pictures of yourself for critique (Don’t worry, Brad and the other coaches are good guys – their feedback is NEVER mean and will only help you increase your success with women)…    * Post your initial “30/30 Baseline” results (more on this in just a second) so that you can carefully track your progress and overall success…    * Verbalize your identity, refine it and determine the specific goals you want to achieve on your journey to getting good with women.Monthly and weekly communications from the Brad and the team (A $19 MONTHLY VALUE!) – including the following personal services…    * newsletters that reveal urgent secrets and insights…    * success stories from other guys out there going through the same process you are…    * text messages on the weekends for inspiration and motivation…    * answers to your questions…    * and more…As you can see, this is a robust coaching program designed entirely with one goal in mind: To get you wickedly good with women, FAST.Join NowClick here to join Brad’s 30/30 Club!Once you have that ability, you can use it to move in whatever direction you want, no matter goals you have. The choice is yours.Can The 30/30 ClubReally Do All This?By now you might be wondering, what separates Brad’s method and new coaching program apart from the other stuff out there? Does it really work that well?In short, YES! Just look at the feedback – from guys who’ve received only a small fraction of what you’ll get – and you’ll see that it works like absolute friggin’ gangbusters.But just so that you have no remaining doubts, here are five compelling reasons why this program is unconditionally guaranteed to forever transform your dating life:Proven Success Factor #1:You Always Getthe Right Information,At the Right TimeRight now, most students of dating are wandering aimlessly from e-book to e-book, buying whatever’s trendy or has the best marketing, and slowly creating a traffic jam of unusable information in their head.Can you relate to this? If so, you’re not alone. Nearly every guy in this field is suffering from the paralyzing effect of “information overload.” Spending a small fortune on information and doing nothing with it.But the 30/30 Club is DIFFERENT. It gives you exactly the right amount information to go out and build on small successes. The steps are carefully planned out for you. It’s all perfectly timed for maximum effectiveness.You see, it’s not enough that you have correct information. These days, guys have 100 gig hard drives full of “correct information.” It’s got to be timed appropriately or it’s worthless.Proven Success Factor #2:You Always ApplyWhat You LearnIt takes a lot of discipline to stop reading and apply the things you read yesterday. Many of the students Brad’s encountered are reading incessantly. You name it, they buy it.But in reality, you only need to be taking in the information that applies to your current level – information that address the things YOU find challenging.This is where having a program with live coaches makes such a difference. Brad and his team support you to continually take action – one step at a time – and help you at the times where you run into walls. You’ll never be tempted to jump far ahead, because your coaches and fellow students will be continually pushing you to master the task at hand.Skill by skill, one step at a time.Proven Success Factor #3:You AlwaysHave a RealisticExpectation of SuccessMany guys create wild, unrealistic goals like approaching 40 or 50 women in a weekend – even if they’re just starting out. And then they feel like a total failure when it doesn’t happen, which kills their momentum and progress.But as a member of the 30/30 Club, this will never happen to you. Both your motivation and confidence will stay high because we help you set modest, attainable goals at every step.Stuff like writing an identity statement, going out and do 30 approaches in a month, just so you have a baseline to test against…Trying out new openers at least five times…this is all doable stuff. Then, once you get some momentum, the goals will gradually increase in their difficulty, in their riskiness, and in their reward.Having an ongoing reasonable expectation of success builds your confidence layer by layer. You never lose momentum, you never feel like a failure. This is why you’ll see such consistent, ongoing improvement. And why it’s a lock that you’ll eventually realize your most prized dating goals.Proven Success Factor #4:You AlwaysMeasure Your ProgressIf you’re accepted into Brad’s 30/30 Club, you’ll agree to do what’s called the “30/30 Baseline.” It may be easy or incredibly challenging, depending on where you’re at. But I assure you: It’s 100% necessary.The point is that by doing minimum of 30 approaches per month and documenting all 30, you’ll finally have a clear, measurable “baseline.” This is what allows you to compare your results to prior months and see measurable progress.Plus, your “Social Freedom” score is also easily quantified. (Social Freedom is a big reason why naturals get laid more often than most other guys – they’re simply less inhibited socially.)All in all, having this system in place is the most effective way to step out of the “study-but-never-improve” cycle most guys are stuck in. You immediately increase your perception of success and begin a positive feedback loop that sends your self-confidence soaring.Proven Success Factor #5:You AlwaysGet TRUE Benchmarksand ValidationIn today’s community, most students get false validation from posting on forums and message boards. This is part of what keeps them coming back and buying new products, even when they have no real field experience or results to speak of. Often, they’re merely parroting back the words of the gurus.But as a member of the Brad’s 30/30 Club, your validation will come from much more effective sources: Your monthly reports will get feedback from coaches. This is true positive reinforcement.Join NowClick here to join Brad’s 30/30 Club!What’s more, it will be crystal clear whether you’re actually attaining the skills you’ve committed to for that month. There’s no faking it – and no advising others if you haven’t. In this way, you’re forced to make real progress.Figure the PriceAgainst What You Stand to GainBy now, I imagine you’re wondering what this program costs. As you may know, Brad’s live seminars sell out for $1500 each…his products range from $39 to $250 each…and guys routinely spend hundreds, even up to $1200 for half a day of personal time with him.In fact, just add up the conservative monthly value of each part of this service and you’ll see it’s worth at least $186 a month.Fortunately, The 30/30 Club won’t cost you anywhere near that. Even though you’ll be getting direct feedback and advice from Brad and his team…even though you’ll be getting monthly installments of every product he’s created to this point…Brad’s set out to make this affordable. He remembers exactly what it feels like to be tight on cash, yet hungry to get out there and date high caliber women.That’s why I think you’ll agree that – at only $67 a month – The 30/30 Club is an absolute steal. You literally get everything you need to transform your dating life – no more, no less – delivered in a format and sequence that assures your success.Heck, I know guys who spend more than that on a single t-shirt!In other words, for a little more than two bucks a day – less than a single cup of coffee at Starbucks – you can finally become the envy of all your friends – that rare kind of guy who’s just seems to naturally attract hot women wherever he goes.If You’re Up for the Challenge,This Could Be One of theMost Powerful Decisions You Ever MakeI’m going to level with you. Not every guy is fit for a program like this. You WILL be required to take action each month. Sure, there will be challenges. Your fears and anxieties may flare up with a vengeance.Your brain’s habit of sabotaging you will NOT die easily.But that’s exactly what Brad and the other coaches are there for! They’ll help you work through your fears and sticking points and finally move forward.Of course, it will be up to you to put in the work. This isn’t mere “learning” or “intellectual entertainment.” It’s your job to get out there apply the information.In other words, by virtue of submitting your application, you agree to:    * Thoroughly read or listen to the products you’re sent. There’s no fluff here – every piece of information you receive is essential to your success…    * Set up your 30/30 Profile that includes pictures, your goals, identity statements, vision and more. This is how Brad and the other coaches will get to know you individually…    * Follow through on your minimum “30/30” commitment each month – where you cold approach at least 30 times a month and document your experience for Brad and his assistant coaches to view (if you have trouble with this, we WILL help you work through it – but the effort needs to be there)…    * Take action on what you learn via the monthly products, posts, newsletters and text messages. It should be fairly obvious why this is essential…Please apply ONLY if you feel you can meet these requirements. Otherwise you may be asked to leave the program. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. This program is all about results. Brad and his team want to give as much time and attention to the guys who are truly committed to change.They simply can’t afford to waste time on anyone who’s just out to be entertained.The goal for this program is not to have the world’s largest group of aspiring pickup artists. It’s to help a dedicated group of guys get to where they want to be in their dating life.If that sounds like you, then I urge you to APPLY TODAY. We’ll let you know whether or not you’ve been accepted within the next 48 hours. Now the choice is yours.Please: Stop waiting – and START experiencing incredible success with women – simply by submitting your application today!Yours for unlimited dating success,Glenn P.PS – As you can see, I haven’t listed a million and one bonuses you’ll get when you sign up. And that’s because I don’t want you to make your decision on that basis. This is a serious commitment, strictly for guys who are ready to move forward.If that’s you, then I suggest you apply right now.We both know that there are few things in life more rewarding than having the knowledge you can go out and meet, date and get intimate with beautiful women – whenever you want.Brad’s done it, he helped me get there… many of our students have made the transformation…AND NOW IT’S YOUR TURN.So what are you waiting for? Join us today and experience the most electrifying year of your dating life!


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