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Bodansky – Instant Orgasm

[1 eBook – PDF]



Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch by Dr. Steve Bodansky PhD and Dr. Vera Bodansky PhDIn their latest book, noted sexperts Steve and Vera Bodansky show readers how to take their sexual pleasure to the max by becoming instantly orgasmic. In the first part of the book, they describe the concept of instant orgasm and explain why humankind’s natural ability to experience ecstasy has been stifled through cultural brainwashing. They then present specific techniques for becoming instantly orgasmic by using a “Ground Hog” approach: starting and stopping over and over again, each time with additional knowledge gained until the concept is totally integrated into actual sensation and feelings. A chapter on pleasurable peaking describes the technique in more detail than ever before, with added emphasis on each peak starting with a first stroke mentality. The authors also delve into the reasons why some people resist pleasure and offer ways to handle those resistances, allowing anyone to become a fully sensual beings.                                 ContentsList of Illustrations                                                ixAcknowledgments                                                       xSome Definitions to Know Up Front                                    xiIntroduction                                                          1   How This Book Works                                            2   “No Time” and Other Excuses                                    4   Pleasure Now                                                   5Chapter 1Opening Your Mind                                                     8   Give Your Hands a Hand                                        10   Is Instant Orgasm an Improvement?                             10   How Is Instant Orgasm Different from Extended Massive Orgasm? 12   Language and Orgasm                                           13   New Thinking                                                  14   Women and Men Differ in Response                              17   The Old Kind of Orgasm                                        18   First Step                                                    20   Check It Out for Yourself                                     21   Another Difference Between Women and Men                      22Chapter 2Self-Pleasure                                                        24   Receptivity                                                   25   Focusing Your Attention                                       26   Ways of Touching Yourself                                     27   More Exercises                                                38   Masturbation and Connections                                  41   Once You’ve Built a Connection                                47Chapter 3Pleasure Training                                     49    Inheriting Information                            50    Training Your Partner to Give You Pleasure        52    Training Your Partner to Receive Pleasure         55    Putting the Training Together: Receiver and Giver 59    Requests, Suggestions, Commands                   60    More Instant-Orgasm Training                      61    Talking while Pleasuring a Man                    63    Asking for What You Want                          64    Connecting the Brain to the Genitals              65Chapter 4Partnered Pleasure                                    67    Pleasuring a Partner: Some Basics                 68    More on the Importance of Acknowledgment          69    Addressing a Negative Occurrence                  71    Dealing with the Verbally Challenged              72    Feel the Heat                                     72    Point-and-Feel Orgasm                             73    Performance Anxiety                               74    One Stroke at a Time                              75    Graduating to More Strokes                        75    The Importance of Confidence                      76    Noticing and Appreciating Her                     77    Time to Touch                                     78    Handling Resistances: Enemies of Turn-On          79    Integrity                                         80    Getting into Agreement                            81    A Tangent?                                        82    Reasserting Control                               83    The Role of Chemistry                             83    Hand Placement (on a Woman’s Body)                85    More Signs of Resistance                          86Chapter 5A Variety of Pleasurable Touches                     91    Pulling, Stretching, and Applying Pressure       92    Exposing Her Clitoris                            93    Pressure on the Lower Abdomen                    95    Pressure on Her Entire Vulva                     95    Squeezing His Penis                              97    More Ways to Touch a Woman                       99    Lubrication                                    100    Lubricating a Man                              103    Touchdown                                      104    Retracting the Hood                            104    Stroking the Lower Clitoris                    107    Placement of Your Second Hand                  107Chapter 6Advanced Tips For Creating Orgasms                 109    Control and Confidence                          110    Giving Orgasmic Pleasure to an Untrained Woman  111    The Position                                    113    Challenges                                      115    Touching                                        116    Finding the Right Pressure                      118    Crotch Diving                                  120    Instant-Orgasm Training                        120    Touching a Trained Woman                        121    Ready, Set, Clitoris                           123    The First Peak                                 124    Different Strokes                              124    More Positions                                 125    Fun or Work?                                   127    The Surround Stroke                            127Chapter 7The Pleasure Of Peaking                            130     Slowing Down and Taking Breaks                  131     Specific frames                                133      Are You Peaking?               135      Extending the Peak by Talking  136      Attention Spans                137      No Feeling                     138      Ways of Peaking                139      First-Stroke Mentality          141      Between Peaks                   141      Peaking by Changing the Stroke 142      Peaking and Control            142      Know When to Break the Rules   143      Training Peaks                 144      Peaking Before Ejaculation     145      Go Peak Yourself               147Chapter 8Closing Words                        149      Choose Pleasure                150Frequently Asked Questions           153Bibliography                         172Index                                174


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