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BBC – Food: Truth Or Scare – Series 1

Food – Truth Or Scare – Series 1
[TVRips – 5 MP4s]


Chris Bavin and Gloria Hunniford examine the facts behind the headlines and pseudo-science to make sense of confusing advice about which foods are healthy or harmful.Part 1:Following reports that taking extra vitamins is pointless and possibly even dangerous, Gloria discovers whether the vitamins she takes each day are really necessary or if she can get all the nutrients she needs from her food? Chris tests out a new meal plan to see what difference changing what you eat makes to how you power through the day, and even how you sleep.Part 2: Gloria Hunniford and Chris Bavin make sense of which foods we should and shouldn’t be eating. Gloria reveals her own experience of being diagnosed as pre-diabetic. With headlines suggesting millions are at risk of developing diabetes, she exposes how changing your diet can stop the condition in its tracks, and perhaps even reverse it. Chris unpicks which fruit and veg are best to eat. After years of working as a greengrocer, even he’s unsure if he’s eating enough, and how those five-a-day really stack up.Part 3:Gloria Hunniford and Chris Bavin unravel the truth behind food stories that have dominated the front pages. In this episode, they discover how it’s not just what you eat that can make a difference to how you feel, but when you have it and how you cook it. The truth behind the headlines about the dangers of cooking with olive oil, and barbecues, is revealed. Several long-established beliefs are put to the test, with experiments to see whether three meals a day is the most effective way to fuel your body, and if breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.Part 4:In this episode, they investigate whether we should really be giving up bacon and sausages, after new research suggested they’re bad for us. The programme explores why eggs, for years demonised as unhealthy, are now firmly back in fashion and apparently now about as healthy as you can get. Could butter or dripping be next? Plus why white bread isn’t necessarily as unhealthy as assumed.Part 5:In this episode, they unpick the dramatic shift in advice on drinking alcohol. After warnings that there’s no longer any safe limit, what’s the truth on whether it’s still ok to have a drink? And what about all the previous reports that suggest the occasional drink might actually be a good thing? The shocking secrets of how Britain snacks are revealed, but it seems the mid-afternoon energy slump that prompts millions to reach for treats may just be all in the mind. Also, the controversial 5:2 diet is put to the test. With the experts still divided, could regular fast days really be the key to losing weight?Web page:


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