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Bas Rutten – MMA Workout

Bas Rutten’s MMA Workout
[CDRip – 8 mp3s, DVDRip – bin, ebook]


From Amazon Review:The cardio is tremendous and will get your heart rate up quickly and bust into a heavy sweat. I own several systems including p90x, the pit-crosspit- 20s, and Insanity. I use p90x as my main workout and add everything else in the mix in between days (I dont do yoga, kempo, or stretch on p90x). I will actually start doing the bas rutten right after the p90x workouts now and is way funner than the insanity workouts that i was doing for cardio. Dont get me wrong, insanity is great cardio but very repetitive and will wear your knees. The pit is also very good but it does not have as much bag work as Bas Rutten. In The Pit, you will be doing lots of bodyweight pushups, squats, burpees, then throwing you on the bag which is a very effective workout on its own. But the Bas Rutten has definitely exceeded my expectations and is tremendous for getting your heart into shape. And by the way, listening to the audio rather than watching it on the TV like other systems has also impressed me. You can just concentrate on the bag.IS THE BAS RUTTEN MMA WORKOUT FOR YOU?Answer these questions.  Are you:Wanting to get in killer (I mean killer) shape in private?Plus, no fluffy, stupid diet manual you’re supposed to try and follow.  Eating is up to you.  This mma workout set from Bas Rutten simply gets you in shape.Or maybe you’re tired of being that pansy that can’t make more than a round or two during mma training?  Or how about that dude that rolls during bjj 2-3 times and then has to sit off to the side and recover (raising my hand)?Keep on a reading so you can decide if the Bas Rutten MMA Workout would be something you could see yourself doing at your own pace.Rating: ★★★★½Or maybe you would rather get in shape and work out without tons of people watching what feels like your every move?With the Bas Rutten MMA Workout Set, you get:4 cd’s – fighting, boxing, Muay Thai, & all around workout.1 DVD1 ManualJust download them to your phone and bam.  You can carry around a workout that mimics death wherever you go!Sound like you?  Maybe not.  But it could easily describe me.  I watch guys at the gym roll for close to an hour and I just wonder how in the hell they are able to do that.  That is definitely not me, I used to be okay with rolling for maybe 20-30 minutes and that was it.  At my gym they change up the rounds but usually they are 8:00 long, so 3-4 rolls at the end of bjj and I was done.Despite training bjj regularly, my cardio just wasn’t improving anymore.  It like got to a level and then just stayed there.  It was quite frustrating.  Especially when you notice people who train less than you but have better cardio.bas rutten mma workoutHave you ever experienced this?  Or what about gassing during a roll or round and then a few minutes later finding yourself wishing that you could’ve gone another round?  Kind of an “if only” type of thing.  If only I had better cardio, or, if only I had pushed that one workout.So one day after training, I was sitting around with a guy from the gym, you know who you are, and we were talking about DVD sets, bjj, and mma.  He is one of those guys that gets most instructionals because he is more a student of the sport.  When he does get them, he loans them out so that others can check them out.In my typical fashion I was complaining about my lack of cardio.  He mentions that he has the Bas Rutten MMA Workout set.  Never heard of it (this was about 4 years ago.)  He says he’ll bring it in so I can check it out.I checked it out, put them on my mp3, and started using them.  Actually, I started trying to use them.  No joke, this set will kick your arse up and down the block.If you look around the site, you won’t find many direct recommendations.  Sure I have a couple pages up about gis, Ryan Hall, but that’s it.  I can recommend the Bas Rutten MMA Workout DVD set.If you want to get in shape for mma training, bjj, or fighting, this specific Bas Rutten set will do it.DO NOT GET THE BAS RUTTEN MMA WORKOUT IF:You want an easy workout.You are looking for shortcuts.You like Bas Rutten.  After doing this workout, you won’t.If you are seriously out of shape, like stuck in your couch shape.YOU SHOULD GET THE BAS RUTTEN MMA WORKOUT SET IF:You want to get in shape in private.  Serious shape.You are serious about getting into fighting shape.You want to improve your mma training sessions.You want to improve your cardio for bjj.The difference between the Bas Rutten mma workout set and all the others I haven’t checked out is that this one pushes you.  I mean really pushes you.  And because of the pace, movements, and variety, your cardiovascular endurance will go way up.Quick example, during the all around workout at one point you’ll be throwing combinations.  In one quick second Bas tells you to sprawl.  Now push-ups and quickly get back to your feet.bas rutten mma workoutBas says “I see you.”Now if you’ve done any training before you know how hard it is to get down to the floor and back to your feet again, especially without losing a beat.  The reason it’s so hard and you feel so out of breath is because as you get up and down,your lungs are unable to get a full breath because you are compressing your chest.  And just the Bas Rutten mma workout is 25 minutes long alone.  Two words – FUN TIMES.WHAT YOU’LL NEED FOR THE BAS RUTTEN MMA WORKOUT:You really don’t need anything.  However, there are pieces of equipment that if you do have, will make the workout even more effective especially for those of you who train stand-up.Some type of mat – you’ll be doing crunches, leg lifts, bridges.  I use the carpet if I’m inside, a little foam pad if I’m outside.Your Fists – you shadowbox.That’s it.A punching bag is not required as you can very easily shadowbox and get a good workout, Bas even addresses not having one.  I have one and I like using it for the mma workout because it gives me something to strike and somewhere for my punches to end.  Having one improves the workout.One last item on what you may want to use, especially if you are ultra serious about getting in shape, like mma fighting shape.  You need to know how hard you are pushing your body.  Not only to make sure you are pushing it hard enough but also so you aren’t overdoing it and hurting your improvements rather than helping them.  For this I recommend a heart rate monitor.  I have a post up about bjj conditioning that gets into using a heart rate monitor and the various zones.What’s included with the Bas Rutten MMA Workout Set?It comes with a manual, a DVD that shows and explains everything, and then 4 audio cds.  The manual explains how to use everything.  The DVD demonstrates the different techniques, sample workouts, and miscellaneous stuff.When I got the set I was worried about understanding the punching combinations (combos) even though I took Muay Thai.  Bas explains it all and at first, the combos he yells out are hard to do before he yells out the next one.  But by the end or maybe by the 2nd or 3rd workouts, you’ll have it down.The 4 audio cds are:  the all around workout, the all around fighting, boxing, and Thai boxing.I have never done the Thai boxing cd and I prefer the all around fighting cd.  I don’t think I can convey how hard of a workout it is.ANOTHER TIP ABOUT THIS SET:If you do decide to get this set, I would not do the workouts on back to back days.  Especially if you are training in other areas like bjj or weights.  You will overtrain.  If you push yourself, you will need a day of recovery and some protein.This set will:Increase your speed.Elevate your stamina, cardio, and power.Help with learning boxing combos.Improve your reflexes, reaction time, auditory processing (you have to pick up what Bas is shouting out and then execute the techniques in seconds.)WHERE TO BUY BAS RUTTEN’S MMA WORKOUT SETbas rutten mma workoutNice bod, I bet he works out.Are you ready to get into the best shape of your life?  No lie, this is hard as poop.  If you are concerned that you might not be in shape enough, you can always do a portion and then shut it off, build up your foundation first.I found that Budovideos and Amazon had the same price for this set.  At $60, you won’t be disappointed.  You don’t have to buy anything else now or down the road.  You will not have to pay a monthly fee like at a gym.


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