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Authentic Man Program (AMP) – Power of Integrity manual

[1 eBook – PDF]



description taken from this product :”More information: description:Women Know The Difference Between a ‘Good Guy’ and A ‘Great Man’:A good guy is one who is compassionate, loving, and is liked by everyone, yet his positive impact upon women and the world is minimal.A GREAT MAN (‘King’ Archetype), on the other hand, stands and speaks for what he believes in–whether it’s a life purpose, a simple truth or just a gut-feeling. He’s cultivated the emotional solidity to allow himself to be impacted by the world because he is unswayable from his center.Being a GREAT MAN doesn’t mean that you’re FEARLESS, but it DOES mean that you don’t apologize for who you are. Great men don’t play the approval-seeking “social masks” game – they’re 100% authentic, live in full alignment with what they’re committed to, and their impact upon the world (and with women) ENORMOUS.These are the rare men of INTEGRITY, and our program is going to break it down, step-by-step, what it takes to become a man of that caliber in the world.I’ll Let You In On a Secret:This Is About Waaaaaaay More Than Just Women.We market this program as something that will improve your relationships with women—and it will. But the fact of the matter is, this program works by impacting ALL areas of your life. If you seriously take on the practices in this program, you’re gonna see a boost in your confidence and assertiveness with your FRIENDS, FAMILY and COWORKERS – EVERYONE.Lots of guys who go through the “Integrity Phase” of our AMP Intensives come out and change their careers, clean up their lives, deliver withheld communications with people they’ve been holding back on for years…. It’s a GAME-CHANGER.As you watch the AMP women testing these guys, and seeing their ability to take their intense emotional storms while staying open, without collapsing or posturing, you’ll be better informed, prepared and aware of how to handle that level of intensity yourself.And, as a nice byproduct, when your Integrity is SOLID, your ability to create lasting attraction and connection with women will take off, as well.”


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