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Attraction Institute – The Book (1 PDF)

The Book.pdf



This is a pre-release version of the follow up to family favourite, Seduction Community Sucks (which can be found here: ).Like SCS, this book isn’t filled with tricks, techniques, and methods for trying to trick women into sleeping with you. If you’re looking for that kind of stuff then you’re going to get no value out of this so don’t waste your ratio. This book is about how to be the kind of guy who doesn’t need to learn anything to be attractive to women. It’s about unlocking the confident, attractive, powerful guy you have locked underneath the layers of internal bullshit that’s preventing you from letting him out. It’s not about ‘doing’ attraction, it’s about being attractive.But it’s not just about improving your relationships with women, it’s much more holistic than that. This book is about helping you create the kind of life you desire and deserve. One that’s filled with passion, fun, excitement, love, and joy. One where you wake up every morning, excited about what the day has to bring and go to sleep exhausted but excited because the day’s been so full of amazing things to do and you can’t wait to see what tomorrow has to offer.This book take the ides in SCS to the next level. SCS illuminates the limitations inherent in the seduction community that mean it’s never going to give you the real results that you’re looking for. The Book shows you the underlying processes that you need to change in order to start having the undreamed of success that you’re looking for. Not just with women but in life.The processes in the book aren’t focused on positive beliefs, affirmations, and NLP, instead I dig to the core of the issues, showing you the underlying pathways you can access to get rid of the crap that’s preventing you from freeing yourself, rather than just bandaids to cover over the deep causes.There’s going to be a lot of people who disagree with what’s in this book, and that’s fine. Not everyone is in a place where this kind of information is going to seem useful. And from what I’ve seen so far, there’s also going to be a lot of people who hate it too. But then there’s also going to be a lot of people love it too. I sincerely hope you’re one of those.I know how switched on you guys are when it comes to self help material so I’d really appreciate your feedback on the book. This is the first time I’ve ever written out my entire theory so I’m sure there’s going to be holes in it where I don’t explain my self thoroughly and where I leave important bits out. If you guys could help me fill in those gaps, I’d really appreciate it.Also, if you have any feedback on the general content, I’d been keen to hear it to – both positive and negative. If you hate it, please let me know why, just the same as you love it. I want to know where the blank spots are so I can make this more useful to more people.We’ve intentionally left all design work out of this copy just so it’s easy to tell the difference between this and the real version. The final version will be a full graphically designed copy.At the moment, the title is ‘The Book’ because we’re still looking for something that describes it better. If you can come up with something, share it here.If we end up using your suggestion, then you’ll get a free signed copy when we release the print version.I hope it helps you create the kind of life that you really deserve.Leigh


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