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Arthur Gordon – How To Get All The Girls You Want both volumes

Arthur Gordon
[2 eBooks – PDF]



The How To Get All The Girls You Want!   Guaranteed System of Success with Women has three sections. The basic equation is simple.We discuss You in Volume One – we thoroughly examine the inner psyche of the Creature Called Woman in Volume Two – and in Volume Three we put the two together with the goal of giving you the upper hand when dealing with a female. And control of her mind. Because when you control the mind, you control the body! She will have sex with you!Section One will give you an easy-to-use program to structure your mind to achieve maximum success with women. Without all the phraseology stuff – just plain language. How I’m writing to you now is how I write to you there. You won’t have to learn a whole new vocabulary and way of talking to become extremely effective with the women of your choice in my program. Any shyness, hesitation, fear or negativity you have experienced in the past will be obliterated within 30 days. You will be shown simple techniques to optimize your mind for the success with women that’s about to come your way – and how to handle it smoothly when it does.                              Section Two: stay with me here. This next section is crucial for you to understand RIGHT NOW why my system obviously works.(Those of you that have ever owned or do own an animal as a pet will have a leg up on grasping the understanding of how a woman, once you realize she is the ultimate Creature, can be trained.)Do you know how to train dolphins? Chances are you don’t. But somebody does, don’t they? And were they born with that knowledge, skill and technique? NO! Do you know how to tame and train lions and tigers? Chances are you don’t. But SOMEBODY does, don’t they? Was the lion tamer or dog trainer or horse trainer or elephant trainer BORN with that ability to communicate and control the creature in question? NO! But somebody before them knew how and successfully passed that knowledge onto the novice which gave that beginner enough knowledge, technique and skill to properly get started – to get in the water for the first time or get into the cage…and actually have the creatures do as commanded! And maybe one day become a master trainer himself if he turned his training and knowledgeable instruction into a career choice. (When I was selling cars before I started doing this full-time I would always say that selling cars was my job, but handling women was my profession…)Imagine the feelings of accomplishment the new instructee had the first time that creature, a completely different species, understood and obeyed his command! And then, depending on the how strong the desire of the no-longer-a-beginner, a certain degree of mastery is achieved. Get the point?Don’t you think if a Master Trainer SHOWED YOU the techniques and how STEP-BY-STEP to apply them and if you were willing to learn and he was willing to coach you, don’t you think you could do the same?ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU REALIZED THAT EVEN IF YOU HAD NO CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF YOU COULD HAVE  FULL CONFIDENCE IMMEDIATELY IN YOUR TRAINER AND THE TECHNIQUE HE WAS TEACHING YOU AND THEREFORE THE FAITH TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP WHEN DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE TOLD YOU TO DO – THEREBY INSTANTLY TRANSFERRING HIS CONFIDENCE TO YOUR ACTION?And that you could have this faith and  MAKE THE TRANSFER OF HIS POWER TO YOU IMMEDIATELY because he had demonstrated his expertise convincingly?And when the lion hears the authoritative crack of the whip and firm command, along with the smell of the meat being dangled for a reward for the right response to the command, sees the look in the beginner’s eye is the same as that of the master trainer – it does what it is told to do. Let me show You how to “crack the whip and dangle the meat”.YES! Is it your desire to get the girl you want? No, don’t just answer mechanically. Really now once and for all: IS IT YOUR DESIRE TO GET THE WOMEN YOU WANT AND GUARANTEE THEY HAVE SEX WITH YOU?  If you have enough intelligence to read my book and you have the desire that’s all you need.You can make this discovery now in the privacy of your home or office. There’s no one else here but you and me. Download this material in minutes NOW! Makes a whole lot more sense for you to take a chance NOW and get this material than to take the chance of being made to feel foolish in front of a woman who has accepted your attention and then turned you down when you tried to score or when a woman lets you spend a lot of money and not get a “return on your investment”, right? It is impossible to be disappointed with your purchase! The results are guaranteed!The level of success you achieve will depend on the amount of time and effort and practice you put in AFTER you learned the techniques, of course. But it is the unique knowledge, technique and strategy I have researched, documented and proven PERSONALLY that will allow you to break through and gain control of the female mind, which operates in the same fashion as the other creatures listed above: on an instinctual level to satisfy desire, gain psychological and physical pleasure, seek shelter and whose sexual desire is under the influence at a specific point each month of her ovulation cycle, which automatically sends them into subconscious “heat”. Nature at work. Ya gotta love it. Takes all the guesswork out of the equation.THAT’S why it doesn’t matter how good-looking you are or how much money you have…these techniques help you outperform the men that have these traditionally recognized female attractants but don’t know how to flood or camouflage a woman’s instinctual receptors in the proper sequence at the right time. If you have money and/or good looks too….so much the better if you know how to cash in. But having them alone is no guarantee you will get sex from women! And if a man is not successful with women despite having money and/or being good-looking then he becomes more frustrated than the guy who doesn’t have those things and therefore doesn’t really expect success! If you are him at least you are smart enough to get the answer before you act out on that frustration.         If you have had a divorce and need to know how to get a love to last, you must obtain this information. You may have simply married what you thought was a Good Girl when in reality she was a Freak or a Ho. Beware of any advice that does not specifically address the Three Basic Types of Women when discussing how to approach and attract them. Not all women are the same, so all techniques do not work the same on all women! And unless the technique and strategy tells you specifically which technique to use on which type woman and when, how can it be guaranteed to be effective? And how can it be guaranteed not to embarrass you?It’s amazing how easily handling a woman becomes if you begin by knowing her true basic type, and how to truly discern which type that really is. This is key to doing the things to guarantee she will have sex with you that are specific to her type. Like sports, a solid grounding in the fundamentals will get you results if you learn the right techniques to make you effective, and how and when to employ them. That’s why I say my system gives you knowledge, technique and strategy.Section Three will give you the exact step-by-step format to enjoy ultimate success with women to whatever level you choose to take it. It’s a simple fact: control of her mind leads to control of her body. It’s not actually that pair of breasts and legs and lips in and of themselves that you have to influence; they don’t make the decision to get in bed with you! It’s a lump of grey and white matter that fits into the palm of your hand: her brain. You control the brain, you control the body!Get All The Girls You Want II: The Advanced Strategy is primarily for those who want to go beyond acquiring a steady girlfriend for a relationship or marriage, to playing “The Game”, successfully seeing more than one girl at a time.The Book I Basic System on the main page is a complete format within itself. It tells you everything you need to know to have a very successful string of relationships that start and end on your terms, leading to you being able to select the woman you want for a serious relationship, content in the knowledge you have explored your manhood.TRUE “macking” is taught here. School’s in session. In Book II I detail how to get girls to do all the things you see late night on cable TV…as I said, Book II action is not the goal for everyone interested in using these methods. But knowledge of their existence is beneficial because it shows you what is truly possible for the average guy to achieve with women. especially nowadays – there are Freaks everywhere! But for some it remains “water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.”Now, so we understand each other, I will never claim or guarantee you will be having sex with a different girl every night of the week, (I did once or twice, but for for efficiency’s sake it didn’t appeal to me. Three was a perfect Rotation for me for a long time. So I’m am not claiming to teach you to “see thirty girls a month” or something ridiculous that other websites  claim they can show you how to do. Gaining a woman’s company, sometimes by silly gimmicks, as some other books emphasize is not our  goal — getting a sexual relationship  is the goal, in the most expedient and efficient manner as possible and, if she’s special, a relationship for a time, if that’s what You want. And if it is, being in control of that relationship. I would rather have a select few women of quality whose sexual depths I can explore over time than the shallowness of a continuous string of one night stands. There’s a difference between acquiring relationships of depth with a few girls and women at a time continuously through life  and indiscriminate sex with anything that moves just because it’s female and you’ve been told that quantity rather than quality is a sign of manhood.But seeing two or three special ones isn’t overdoing it in my opinion. Before making that long-term commitment to one girl,  it is fun to have two or three woman in Rotation!Book II will show you how to do so, successfully.


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