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Arianna Huffington – The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

The Sleep Revolution – Arianna Huffington.epub
[Ebook – Epub]


The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Timeby Arianna Huffington Published by Harmony Books in 2016 – EPUB, Retail, 400 pages, English (9781101904015) , 1 file  1.39 MB We are in the midst of a sleep deprivation crisis, writes Arianna Huffington, the co-founder and editor in chief of The Huffington Post. And this has profound consequences – on our health, our job performance, our relationships and our happiness.What is needed, she boldly asserts, is nothing short of a sleep revolution.  Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives.In her bestseller Thrive, Arianna wrote about our need to redefine success through well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving. Her discussion of the importance of sleep as a gateway to this more fulfilling way of living struck such a powerful chord that she realized the mystery and transformative power of sleep called for a fuller investigation.The result is a sweeping, scientifically rigorous, and deeply personal exploration of sleep from all angles, from the history of sleep, to the role of dreams in our lives, to the consequences of sleep deprivation, and the new golden age of sleep science that is revealing the vital role sleep plays in our every waking moment and every aspect of our health – from weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease to cancer and Alzheimer’s.  In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna shows how our cultural dismissal of sleep as time wasted compromises our health and our decision-making and undermines our work lives, our personal lives — and even our sex lives. She explores all the latest science on what exactly is going on while we sleep and dream.  She takes on the dangerous sleeping pill industry, and all the ways our addiction to technology disrupts our sleep. She also offers a range of recommendations and tips from leading scientists on how we can get better and more restorative sleep, and harness its incredible power.In today’s fast-paced, always-connected, perpetually-harried and sleep-deprived world, our need for a good night’s sleep is more important – and elusive — than ever. The Sleep Revolution both sounds the alarm on our worldwide sleep crisis and provides a detailed road map to the great sleep awakening that can help transform our lives, our communities, and our world.Editor Reviews“Arianna shows that sleep is not just vital for our health, but also critical to helping us achieve our goals. Sometimes we need to sleep in to lean in!”–Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In “Arianna Huffington is one of our leading authorities on the life well-lived. In this passionate, deeply researched book, she reveals everything you need to know about the magic elixir of sleep: from how to get enough, to why it matters. I dare you to read this book and carry on depriving your body (and soul) of the nightly nourishment it so desperately needs.”– Susan Cain, co-founder of Quiet Revolution and author of Quiet “In this very thorough and highly readable book, Arianna Huffington explains the history, nature, and science of the sleep problem: why so many people today do not sleep well.  And she gives us solutions in the form of evidence-based advice about what to do and what not to do to enjoy the restorative sleep we need. I recommend The Sleep Revolution highly.”– Andrew Weil, MD, author of Fast Food, Good Food “Arianna Huffington has written a book of profound importance. From time to time we’ll all find sleep comes hard. For many, it is a constant struggle. Taking Arianna’s wise advice to rebuild your relationship with sleep— to befriend rather than struggle with it— will transform your life, putting you back in touch with your more compassionate and intelligent self.”–Mark Williams, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Oxford and Co-author of The Mindful Way Workbook “The message of Arianna Huffington’s compelling book won me over: You can be your own Prince Charming. You can empower yourself with knowledge— knowledge in this book— to wake yourself up. And then, use that  knowledge to put yourself, every night, into a sleep that is healthy and restorative!”–Sherry Turkle, Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology, MIT and author of Reclaiming Conversation “Is inadequate sleep the new smoking?  Ms. Huffington tackles the issue of our deteriorating sleep hygiene and its serious health and performance consequences in a comprehensive, engaging, and accessible book.  A must read for everyone burning the candle on both ends.”–Gene Block, Chancellor of UCLA, and Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences “Science and experience proves it: the foundation of a happy, healthy, energetic, and productive life is a good night’s rest—yet for many of us, it’s hard to turn out the light and turn off our brains. The Sleep Revolution is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to build the crucial habit of sleep.”– Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project “Propelled by cutting-edge science and brimming with wisdom and wit, The Sleep Revolution is the single best book about sleep in years. An extraordinary achievement.”– A. Roger Ekirch, author of At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past“In her new book, The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington draws on a remarkable breadth and depth of science, literature, spirituality, and story to remind us that sleep is not just a restorative, but a threshold to the resources of life that wait below our noise. By looking honestly into her own journey, Arianna uncovers important markers in the human journey through detailed research, knit together in a way that broadens our foundation. The chapters ‘Sleep Throughout History’ and ‘Dreams’ are, by themselves, an invaluable contribution to our modern consciousness. The Sleep Revolution unravels the tense threads we tangle ourselves in, giving us a chance to re-engage the forces that sustain us. This book won’t just help you sleep better; it will enliven you while you’re awake.” —Mark Nepo, author of Inside the Miracle, The One Life We’re Given, and The Book of Awakening “Count on Arianna Huffington to write a book on sleep that kept me up at night. The Sleep Revolution is invaluable, interesting, and ultimately necessary for us all. It explains why we are so tired and how that has to change. Here is the science, history, and culture of the role that sleep plays in our lives —and the role that it should really play.” —Atul Gawande, MD, MPH, Surgeon, Researcher, and Author of Being Mortal“A lucid, compelling, and rational narrative on the importance of sleep to our mental, emotional and physical health.  In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington exposes the dangers of our modern-day attitude towards sleep and advocates for a renewed emphasis on the importance of sleep to our well-being.  It is nothing short of a call to arms for policy makers, CEOs, parents, educators, hospital administrators, and coaches to confront the fact that insufficient sleep is a modern-day health crisis.”–Patrick Fuller, Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School and Deaconess Medical Center”This is one of those books that, if you don’t read, when you’re dead you’re really going to wish you had.  I never thought I would have needed a self-help book for sleep, but I did! Sleep is everything – that’s my takeaway, and so you better know how to do it.”– Bill MaherAbout the AuthorARIANNA HUFFINGTON is the cofounder, president, and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group. Her most recent book, Thrive, was a #1 New York Times bestseller. Among her other bestselling books are Third World America, On Becoming Fearless, and Pigs at the Trough.


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