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Arathi Ma – Living Prosperity From The Core (Package A)

Arathi Ma – Living Prosperity From The Core (Package A)
[WebRips – 16 MP3]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Arathi Ma – Living Prosperity From The Core GB ()GB is CLOSEDArathi Ma – Living Prosperity From The Core (Package A) [WebRips – 16 MP3]Product Page:…Product Information:Quote:Arathi Ma’s Special Offer 2019Living Prosperity from The Core™”Changing Your Mirrors ” ™A Course in Living Prosperity 2019​What will the Future bring? Economy Down?Stuck? Money Issues?Meaningless work? Boring job? Fear? How to keep up with everything… My Invitation is to: $    Calibrate to co-create in Partnership with your Higher Self $    Prepare and shift into Physical 4D Reality for good$    Change your life to a better version$    For You to find true Peace with everything$    Assist you in making Important Decisions $    Help you see the Mirrors of your Illusions$    Take action towards your Better Life$    Embody the natural Magnetism of Love & Prosperity    $    Open true Pathways within Yourself$    Open to Good Intuition$​    Live Safely in Life$    To have Fun with Everything$    Relinquish all limiting programsThis package offers you a complete program, inviting you to clear and transform your obstacles, fears, confusions, and anything else that holds you back from accessing and sparking your innate, living prosperity in order to accelerate you towards your true God-given Potential, specifically in the area of Prosperity. PACKAGE A ~~~ CONTAINS 15 MP3s & 1 BonusWith recorded Talks, Practices, & Energetic Transmissions ​15 MP3s & 1BONUS MP3    MP3: How to Use this Package-Course    MP3 ~ Introduction to 4D & 5D Living and Manifesting TALK    MP3 ~ The Fundamentals of Perception: Changing Your Mirrors™ TALK    MP3 ~ Change your Life Today TALK    MP3 ~ Sacred Decision ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ Nourishment ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ Connection ​​​​TALK    ​MP3 ~ Inspiration ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ Intuition ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ The Peace of Freedom ​​​​SILENT    MP3 ~ Meaning ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ Creativity ​​​​SILENT    MP3 ~ Service ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ 5D Money​ ​​​​TALK    MP3 ~ A Vibratory Vision of New Earth SILENT    MP3 BONUS: CLEAR FALSE MATRIX PARASITES MP3


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