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Antônio Vespasiano Ramos – A Massagem Chinesa: Manual de Massagem Terapêutica (Portuguese language)

Massagem Chinesa – Antonio Vespasiano Ramos.doc (1)
[1 eBook – doc]


In China, there has been a strong movement among practicing doctors to explore the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine – acupuncture, the use of medicinal herbs and massage – and combine them with the best of Western medicine. With the growing awareness of the risks or the dangerous side effects, as well as the costs of many Western therapies, the interest in ancient Chinese traditional medicine has grown in the West. Massage treatment can also be widespread because it costs little or nothing and can be applied to many common diseases.The book The Chinese Massage is unique in that it is a direct translation of a manual used today in China. He explains when the treatment by massage is appropriate, describes individual cases of diseases, their evolution and healing. The 34 massage techniques, from digital pressure to foot pressure, are presented with detailed illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions. The acupuncture points and their use in massage treatment in adults and children, as well as their coordination with other treatment methods, such as medical gymnastics and the use of medicinal herbs, are explained. The appendix contains instructions for preventive self-massage of diseases, including ocular massage. This book provides new and valuable insight into a time-tested medical approach for both the physician interested in Chinese medicine and the layman willing to learn techniques for strengthening the body’s natural defenses and developing resistance to disease.Knowledge is never too much. It is worth remembering, however, that no alternative therapy technique replaces traditional medicine. So let’s use it wisely. Original Title: In English: Chinese Massage Therapy Translated Title: The Chinese Massage – Manual of Massage Therapy Genre: Alternative Therapy Number of Pages: 229 pages Year: 1983 Portuguese language Publisher: New Era File Format: .doc Size: 2.71 MB


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