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Anna Soo Wildermuth – Change One Thing – Discover What’s Holding You Back – and Fix It

Anna Soo Wildermuth – Change One Thing – Discover What’s Holding You Back – and Fix It.pdf
[ 1 eBook – PDF ]



Anna Soo Wildermuth – Change One Thing – Discover What’s Holding You Back – and Fix ItChange One Thing is your new secret weapon in the quest to look, feel, and be your best–by transforming those little things that keep you from shining like you should. Be it an outdated wardrobe or an understated personality, executive image consultant Anna Soo Wildermuth gives you the tools you need to change how others see you–and how you see yourself. Her self-assessment quizzes show you where you’re coming up short, help you shake up your usual routine, and point you in your new direction.Change One Thing is the first step to finding out what’s keeping you from the job, the relationship, or the life you want. “Anna’s work is straightforward and down-to-earth. Her book, like her workshops, gives practical, easy-to-use tips for looking your best so you can be your best.”–George Vukotich, director of leadership development, HSBC “Anna remains an ongoing resource for me, providing insight and understanding that has been invaluable in my career and my daily life. There is no one like her.”–Connie DuBois, director of communications, Siemens Medical Diagnostics


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