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Andrew Saul Ph.D. – Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works Audio Book

Doctor Yourself – Natural Healing That Works
[1 MP3]


Description and reviews Taken from Amazon…* this is an audiobook *Editorial Reviews -Review”Must reading for anyone seriously interested in health and doubtful about the efficacy of conventional medicine.” — John Moelaert, author of The Cancer Conspiracy”Must reading for anyone seriously interested in health and doubtful about the efficacy of conventional medicine.” –John Moelaert, author of The Cancer Conspiracy –This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.Product DescriptionThis book is about diseases treatable with vitamins. It is also about any number of other ways in which you can, as I say, ”fire your doctor.” Should you ever want to put someone to sleep, just start lecturing on nutrition with the ever-boring ”vitamins A through E and foods that contain them” approach. I guarantee that heads will be nodding long before you finish with the B complex.About the AuthorAndrew Saul, Ph.D., is contributing editor for the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. A biologist and teacher by training, Dr. Saul has been a consulting specialist in natural healing for more than twenty-five years, helping medical doctors’ problem patients get better. He has taught thousands of students at New York Chiropractic College and the State University of New York. Dr. Saul’s previous book, Paperback Clinic, has been used as both a college textbook and reference work for health practitioners. He lives and practices in upstate New York.Quote:5 star review by John Mosher (New York) Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Biological Sciences This review is from: Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works (Paperback)DOCTOR YOURSELF is easy to read, lively, humorous and packed with practical, easy-to-follow suggestions for maintaining and improving ones health. I agree with the author’s comment that folks need “education, not medication.”I highly recommend this book to others because it helps people to help themselves. In these times of rising medical costs, along with the fact that many lack health insurance, Dr. Saul’s book gives hope and confidence, almost like a personal consultation with the author. It sets out dozens of well-documented nutritional protocols for treating ailments using supplements rather than prescription drugs, thereby avoiding drug expense and side effects. The book deals with with quite a few chronic and serious health conditions, as well as more common concerns. DOCTOR YOURSELF provides down to earth and well-researched information.John I. Mosher, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus Biological Sciences 5 star review -Dr. Saul is the assistant editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (founded by Linus Pauling), and clearly explains in this book how natural methods can be invaluable treatments for even the most serious illnesses. This book shows it’s not always necessary to go along with pharmaceutical treatments as the only option. I heartily subscribe to this school of thought as living proof of its efficacy.5 stars – Health Care Instead Of Disease Care, April 5, 2005By Robert Mcclain (Cleveland, OH)Doctor Yourself is titled and based on a simple premise: every person is responsible for their own health care. When a person abdicates that responsibility, they often place themselves in the hands of the “disease care” industry, a monolithic and profit-driven enterprise where getting well isn’t the bottom line.Through lively anecdote, personal history and accounts of patient education and treatment, Dr. Andrew Saul (not an M.D., by way of disclosure) takes the reader down a path most M.D.’s never dare to tread. Without a hint of pretension or medical braggadocio, the reader shares Dr. Saul’s encounters with individuals as they seek relief from common maladies feeding the trillion dollar medical monsters of the Western world; arthritis, cancer, schizophrenia, depression, obesity, allergies, heart disease and many more.We’re also introduced to a “Who’s Who” of unjustly ignored medical pioneers like Abram Hoffer, Robert F. Cathcart, Wilfrid and Evan Shute, Linus Pauling and Frederick Klenner. These unconventional M.D.’s and researchers ignored the scorn and censure of their peers in order to treat patients with nutrition and lifestyle change rather than dogmatic, pharmophilic (drug loving) therapies that most often do not cure, but merely attenuate a sufferer’s condition.Doctor Yourself is a page turner, written in a friendly, conversational style that takes you inside the interactions between healer and client, unafraid to detail the skepticism and even fear shown by patients when alternative medical advice runs counter to the normal drug, cut and radiate school of thought. In addition, Dr. Saul lists specific protocols for the use of nutrients as therapy; the reader is never left on their own to experiment or wonder at the possible safety of a potential cure.It is clear that Dr. Saul has profound respect for the science and art of medicine, but far less for physicians and their patients who willfully remain blind to the value of nutrition, for hospitals that “serve green jello and white bread to cancer patients”, to drug companies who relentlessly market to a gullible, insured public.Based on what I’ve learned from this book, from Dr. Saul’s website and from the many reference materials provided by both sources, I’ve been fortunate to cure sciatica that hobbled me for three months, and rid myself of hay fever to boot. My wife, an allergy sufferer of 30 years, hasn’t touched prescription meds in two seasons. My two boys are healthier because of the changes the family made in diet, supplementation and exercise. Does that make readers of this book “health nuts”? Dr. Saul would ask, “Who wants to be a disease nut”?Single or married, young, middle-aged or older…any person who lives in a human body will find inspiration and education in the pages of Doctor Yourself. You will find yourself turning to it again and again as a reference and “owners manual” for the body you’re using.


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