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Andrei Patrushev audiostrobe meditation set

Andrei Patrushev audiostrobe meditation set
[6CDs – 7WAV]



The name Teta-Meditation comes from the name of teta-waves of the bio-electrical activity of the brain. Slow teta-waves (4-8 hertz) are registered on the EEG of only the most experienced meditaters. They are typical for hypnotic, creative and dreaming conditions.Really, a person inexperienced in meditation can hardly initiate theta-waves unnaturally, both with the help of binaural beatings, and with the help of mind-machines (audiostrobe). A new technology «Holophonic Auto focusing» developed by Andrey Patrushev which really helps to increase the power of teta-waves by listening to in the ear-phones, is applied on CD.This 6 CD set is not a magic stick and few people have the opportunity to get in the meditation state from the first, but regular trainings help the beginners to master meditation states significantly faster – for 1-3 months.Usually to reach deep meditation states people need about 20 years of the hard work. The programs presented on CDs have the matrix of frequencies which correspond with the desired state (reflected in the title). Binaural beatings (in which these frequencies are set in the programs) work even in case if the volume of the carriers is set up on the under-threshold level (it is not perceived by the conscience).The pink noise (the second component of these programs), on one hand, helps going in the meditation state, on the other hand, significantly increases effectiveness of the binaural beatings.For the volume of the pink noise in all the programs significantly higher then that of the stimulating frequencies (it is purposely made because the pink noise much more pleasant for hearing in contrast to binaural beatings.All the programs seem to be quite identical. But in fact they differ from each other much in the frequencies set in them and in states initiating by them.Each disk is directed for training.1  – “Concentration” – meditation on the candle flame, trataka, photo reading. It means that while listening to the disk you need to do something demanding concentration.2 – “Deconcentration” – meditation on the anything absolute (god, universe), samadhi, notions of the endlessness of time and space. Deconcentraion works not bad with solving problems (if you don’t meddle but just observe your images then the decision seems to come by itself). Sometimes Deconcentraion also initiates lucid dreams.3 – “Hypnotic Trance” – hypnosis and self-hypnosis.4 – “Lucid Dreams” – it is necessary to listen to the disc before going to sleep with the aim “to become lucid in the dream”.5 – “Creative Visualization”– while listening to the disc it’s necessary to work with some images. The simplest example: imagine the orange and the basket, and then imagine yourself putting the orange into the basket. 6 – “Inner Voyage” – Track 1  (Inner Voyage) is a set of specially processed sounds (not music) that contribute to the immersion in certain states of mind, symbols as “dissolution”, “Climbing”, “Exploration”, ” Connecting to the Future “,” Formation of intentions. “6 – “Inner Voyage” – Track 2 (Awake) intended to return to the normal waking state. Can be used separately as a morning exercise (instead of coffee) if you have problems with sleepiness after waking up.


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