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Amir Zoghi – The Greatest Kept Truth

Amir Zoghi
[1 Webinar Rip – Asf Video File + 1 PDF]



Amir Zoghi – ”The Greatest Kept Truth”1 ebook – THE GREATEST KEPT TRUTH1 Webinar Rip – The Truth About Finding HappinessIf you want to see more of Amir, check out ‘Leap: The Movie’ here: “I have a personal commitment to life and that is to givehumanity the ability to see the invisible, to experience the incredible and to accomplish what we once thought was the impossible: Freedom and Peace”  Who is Amir Zoghi?Amir Zoghi is an international leader and speaker in the area of Self Awareness and human potential. His modern age philosophies ring with Truth within his inspired audiences. He is a natural intuitive, sharing his wisdom through his writings, teachings and in speaking his voice on the stages of the world. He is a master at channelling a message that is deep and profound and delivering it with absolute simplicity and clarity for anyone to relate to. Amir Zoghi is also the founder of Be Free Events and the Oneness Revolution. These companies work together with a “Pass It Forward” initiative that brings unity and love to people’s lives throughout the world. A true inspiration, Amir Zoghi is breathing new life into the hearts of those who are ready to hear his Truthful message of Love.  Click here to read more about the Oneness Revolution Amir Zoghi is one of the key contributors in the film, the Leap! Movie, which explores the meaning and purpose of life by questioning reality. Other well-known key contributors to the Leap! Movie include Dan Millman, Joe Vitale and Robert Scheinfeld. Amir Zoghi’s Journey Amir began to have spiritual experiences from the age of twelve. His curiosity led him to seek more about the Truth of life and its meaning and purpose. Not knowing where to start as a young boy Amir asked his mother what his religion was. When she responded that it was “LOVE” it sparked his curiosity and he began a search to experience the meaning and purpose of “LOVE” and “LIFE”. Through his search Amir found himself working with different spiritual teachers in the personal development industry. He soon started his own company promoting speakers from the US for Australian audiences. When asked why he started his organisation, he responded that he wanted to personally learn from the speakers that he promoted and get to know them behind-the-scenes. He would only promote the speakers whom he felt had something to teach him on his search for Truth. It didn’t interest him to promote someone that was just marketable or profitable as Amir was after one thing: Truth, the Truth of who we are and the Truth why we are here. Along his dedicated search for the Truth and after hearing what  one teacher after another had to say, Amir arrived at a point of realising that no one could ever tell him what the Truth of life was. He realised that the Truth cannot be taught or learned; it can only be experienced from within. This profound realisation brought him to the decision of selling his promotion company and going on a soul-searching journey within. Amir decided that for him to experience this Love, this Truth within him, he would have to let go of that which he feared losing and perceived to need in life. For the next  year Amir did nothing but spend most  days on his own; he stopped searching for the answers outside of him in books, seminars or in other teachers and turned his attention to what was taking place within himself. What he then started to experience within him inspired him to start speaking about it. Amir then went on to share the Truth that we all can experience within ourselves through a weekend program that he calls “The Quest for Truth Experience”. What made this program so different is that Amir does not try to teach what he has realised within but instead allows people to experience it for themselves. He states that if you are learning the Truth, you will be only learning a version of the Truth; the Truth has to be experienced and Amir truly has a gift for taking people to their Truth experience. Influences in his lifeThe greatest influence in his life besides what he calls his inner Truth was his mother Lili and the last person that he ever promoted, his friend Robert Scheinfeld from the US. Both Amir’s parents have been on a spiritual quest since Amir was born so this too created a supportive upbringing for a person who had always been a seeker of life’s purpose and meaning. His Journey to Truth Amir’s self awareness journey really started when he sold his business and let go of many things in his external life to search for the Truth internally. He realised that the answers to his questions about external life would only temporarily fulfil his thirst for Truth because the moment he found an answer to a question externally, that answer would come with another question. It was a never ending cycle, a deep rabbit hole with no light in sight. He was experiencing himself to be progressing and growing in life but he could never say that he had arrived. He also felt that he needed to know more, to do more, to have more and so on.After realising that everything he was seeking was within himself, he began to experience his inner Truth. Amir then arrived at a place where he felt that he no longer had any questions, he felt naturally fulfilled without the need to be anywhere else but exactly where he was. He says that right in that moment was when he felt he had arrived. He came to find himself at a point in life where he felt that “need” melt away from his life experiences. He felt that there was nothing in this world that he “needed” to do anymore in order to be someone in the world. His teachings today allow you to experience the Truth within yourself without him needing to teach it to you. Amir has a very unique way of getting you to experience the Truth within yourself simply by connecting to the place where you, he and the Truth are One which allows you to experience your Truth without him necessarily teaching it to you. This is also known as channelling or intuitive speaking. (IT) Infinite TruthI believe that what I allow to speak through me is not by me, nor is IT limited to me. I do not claim this prize; I do however have the ability to share IT with those who are ready to claim IT.What I speak of is not by me, but of IT. IT does not just belong to me but to those who are ready for IT. IT will not be understood by those who are not seeking IT.IT can only be recognised by those who are ready to embrace IT.Written through Amir Zoghi


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