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Alan Tutt – Keys to Power Persuasion Course

[1 eBook -PDF]



Keys To Power Persuasion CourseMy first product written with conversational hypnotic techniques is one that will help you quickly master the art of conversational hypnosis itself.  And not only will you learn how to use conversational hypnosis, but you will also learn how to protect yourself from other people using it against you.Remember that list of conversational hypnosis uses I presented to you?  Within the pages of this revolutionary course, you will find step by step guides that you can use for each and every one of them, as well as many others.But this isn’t a book of scripts or a collection of random “here, do this” instructions.  The Keys To Power Persuasion course goes much further into the heart of the subject and outlines the complete structure of conversational hypnosis.  Not only will you learn what to do, but also why you’re doing it. When I studied the topic, every course I found seemed to be a random collection of phrases and techniques, without any order or organization.  It took me forever to understand how to apply the information given.  The few books and courses that did seem to have some degree of organization were woefully incomplete.In fact, it took several months of taking notes from every book and course I could find and then sorting those notes into categories to find out what was actually happening during the persuasion process!And now you get the benefit of all my work, because you get everything, neatly organized and clearly explained in the Keys to Power Persuasion course, for a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.Actually, if you were to do what I did, you’d spend well over $10,000 on various books, courses, seminars, and the time to organize all of the notes.  Then there is the time to find out what works and what doesn’t, and getting enough experience to find the underlying psychological principles and the ‘undiscovered’ techniques those principles lead to. 5 Key Phases of PersuasionIn the process of filtering the mountain of material, I discovered that there are 5 distinct phases of the persuasion process.  Without all 5 phases, you’ll never be able to persuade as effectively as you could.  When I went back to my source material, not even one of the books or courses I purchased had all 5 phases.  Most had 2 or 3, and only 1 course talked about 4 of the 5 phases.  Obviously, the Keys To Power Persuasion course is the only complete persuasion course.Also from my organization of the material, I discovered certain patterns that led me to find other persuasion techniques that were never mentioned in any other book or course.  I’ll reveal all of these secret techniques in your course material.And please, don’t feel compelled to purchase my course simply to find out what these 5 phases are.  Purchase my course because you want to take control over your destiny and become a master of persuasion.  That way, you will actually get something out of it. The ‘Undiscovered’ TechniquesOne thing that I’ll reveal here, and the only reason I’m doing it is to give you a taste of what you’ll get when you order the Keys To Power Persuasion Course today, is one of the many techniques that no other course has!One of the underlying principles of conversational hypnosis is that the mind of the listener will pick out subtle differences in your voice tone and interpret what’s said differently as being separate from the rest of the conversation.  This is the mechanism by which the technique of ’embedded commands’ works.  This same principle can be extended to reveal other techniques to create a subliminal message.It’s possible to use a technique from ventriloquism to make one word sound like another word, and in doing so, the mind of your listener will process the 2 words simultaneously.  What this does for you, is that you can subtly focus your listener onto a subject completely separate from the subject of your conversation!  Ventriloquism also gives us other options to choose from.  Obviously, the skills of ventriloquism need to be adapted to the requirements of conversational hypnosis to work, but you will find the final adaptation within the pages of the Keys To Power Persuasion Course.What’s even better is that these techniques sound completely natural in everyday conversation.  No-one will be able to detect that you’re doing anything out of the ordinary!Top 10 Reasons To Purchase Keys To Power PersuasionEveryone has their own reasons for purchasing the Keys To Power Persuasion course.  Perhaps yours is in this list:   1. Become super-successful in sales and/or marketing.   2. Improve your personal relationships.   3. Spark new relationships with wonderful people.   4. Manage your employees more effectively and get the big promotion.   5. Help charitable organizations raise funds and get government grants.   6. Inspire your children to grow up to be a credit to the human race.   7. Inspire whole groups to become better people.   8. Become famous as a top-notch motivational speaker.   9. Have lots of fun seducing attractive strangers.  10. Protect yourself from being manipulated by others. Here’s What You Get With YourKeys To Power Persuasion Course    * The Psychology of Persuasion:  An Overview    * Motivating Desires:  Understanding the average prospect    * Personality Types:  Discover your prospect’s secret buttons    * Preparing To Persuade:  Training the subtle skills to hypnotize conversationally    * The 5 Phases of Persuasion:  An in-depth study of Conversational Hypnosis    * Persuasive Formulae:  Push these buttons in this order to get quick, easy results    * Persuasion Examples:  5 Step by Step Guides    * Appendix A:  Hypnotic Power Words    * Appendix B:  Hypnotic Phrases    * Appendix C:  Other books published by PowerKeys Publishing    * Appendix D:  The PowerKeys Publishing Master Affiliate Program – Make money by introducing others to this powerful course. When you download your copy of the Keys To Power Persuasion Course, you will be able to glance over the material and have an INSTANT grasp of the concepts.  Within 5 minutes, you’ll be able to persuade others with far more success than you’ve ever had before.You will also receive within this amazing course a step by step plan to becoming a true “Power Persuader” in mere weeks.  You’ll be able to set your expected outcomes, map out a plan to cover all of the material contained within the course, and master it one step at a time.  Trust me, you won’t walk away confused like you would with some other course.In fact, the course is written with conversational hypnosis techniques which help you to learn the material at an accelerated rate, virtually ‘transplanting’ the mind of a master persuader into your brain.  This is one course that can actually REPLACE experience, it’s that good.During your study of the Keys To Power Persuasion, you will soon discover exactly WHY people do the things they do, and how that helps you persuade anyone to do anything you want.  You will also learn how to defend yourself from these techniques being used against you.However, there is 1 THING THAT CANNOT BE DEFENDED AGAINST. You’ll just have to purchase this course to find out what it is.(I know, you’re sitting there wondering what that 1 thing is, and you just won’t be able to rest until you buy this course to find out.) More Of What You’ll Find In TheKeys To Power Persuasion Course    *      The “Ventriloquism” Techniques – No-one else teaches these!    *      The “Conspiracy” Technique – Draw your prospect deeper into your sphere.    *      The “Piranha” Technique – Create a feeding frenzy for what you have to offer.    *      The “Twilight Zone” Technique – Confuse your prospect’s conscious mind to the nth degree.    *      The “Eliza” Technique & how it easily opens up your prospect to tell you more.    *      The “Garrison Keillor” Technique – Have the eating out of the palm of your hand.    *      The “Deja Vu” Technique – Give your prospect the feeling they already know you      and have done what you want (and want to do it again).    *      The “Mirror Mirror” Technique – Take advantage of the secret “monkey see, monkey do” response.    *      The “Hyper-Drive” Technique – Switch gears on your prospect to kick your persuasion to the next level.    *      The “Simon Says” Technique – The magic of having a 3rd party do the persuading for you.    *      The “Designated Drive” Technique – Get your prospect to “hand over the keys” to his thinking.    *      The “Truth Serum” Technique – make it impossible for anyone to lie to you again.    *      The “Drug Dealer” Technique & how it gets your prospect ‘hooked’ on you.    *      The “Politician” Technique & how it automatically creates agreement with anyone.    *      The “You Can’t Have It” Technique – You never know what you’ve got until you lose it.    *      The “Blast-Off” Technique – Overcharge your prospect’s emotions and watch your success take off.    *      The “Pavlovian” Technique – Get your prospect salivating over your offer with the ring of a bell.    *      The “Blonde’s Secret Weapon” – Make your prospect think that it was all their idea.    *      The “Locomotive” Technique – Once your prospect climbs aboard, you can take them anywhere. Other Benefits Of The Keys To Power Persuasion Course    *      Start persuading in 5 minutes.    *      Become a power persuader in mere weeks.    *      See at a glance how the whole persuasion process works.    *      No need to memorize scripts.    *      Sprinkle in a few key phrases & watch the magic happen.    *      Create mesmerizing presentations.    *      Eliminate stage fright because you know how to WOW an audience.    *      The 5 key phases of persuasion – Once you know the phases of all forms of persuasion, it becomes child’s play!    *      10 Covert ways to create trance states.    *      31 keys to creating consciousness dislocation.    *      10 carriers for your subliminal messages – 98% of the human race is programmed to automatically accept your message if presented in one of these forms.    *      5 quantum powered persuasive formulae.    *      41 Hypnotic Phrases – Slip your suggestions into these phrases and watch your prospect automatically follow your command.    *      247 Hypnotic Power Words – Create emotional involvement with the most powerful of all ‘hot words’.    *      Transform an old relationship overnight.    *      Seduce perfect strangers “on the spot”.    *      Control another’s emotions as easily as using a dimmer control on a lamp!    *      Double & triple your business with only a few key changes.    *      Completely undetectable – sounds just like innocent, natural, everyday language.    *      Hypnotic formulae outlined in an easy-to-use format.    *      Use simple step-by-step guides to persuading anyone in any situation.    *      Dozens of examples you can copy.    *      How to persuade the overly-analytical non-emotional types.    *      The Only Thing That Can NOT Be Defended Against!!    *      One simple technique that will bring you & your prospect so closely in rapport – it will be like the two of you are Siamese twins!    *      The quickest method to create INSTANT RAPPORT!    *      Common persuasion killers that you need to avoid at all costs.    *      An easy method of making “yes” the most automatic response your prospect can give.    *      The all-important rapport-breaking process & how dangerous it could be to leave your prospect in the persuasion trance.    *      How to take a quantum leap beyond persuasion. Use the science of quantum physics to persuade even when you’re not in contact with the prospect!    *      Get as much, or as little, attention as you want.    *      Get people to tell you their innermost secrets & desires.    *      Make more sales.    *      Win back an old lover.    *      Get more “action”    *      Create trance states on demand.    *      Deliver Hypnotic commands covertly.    *      Control the wants & desires of others.    *      Watch your prospect’s resistance melt like soft butter on hot pavement.    *      Get your prospect wanting what you are offering, then amplify that desire to the point where they will beg you for it.    *      Discover how you can talk about 1 subject, yet get your prospect thinking about something else altogether.    *      Turn up the emotional heat on your prospect’s thermostat & make them jump at any proposal you make.    *      Become a highly-accurate mind reader & make your prospect feel as if you know EVERYTHING about them.    *      Position yourself as the hero in your prospect’s mind.    *      Automate your persuasion activities with a single touch.    *      Special techniques for highly resistant individuals. Persuasive judo. Have them persuade YOU!    *      How to project your subject into the future & get them feeling as if they have ALREADY decided in your favor. Do this wrong & you’ll fail miserably.    *      Get someone to feel as if they’ve known you forever, just like a long-lost friend.    *      Get your prospect to reveal what works with them – and use it to get what you want.    *      This course literally transplants the mind of a master persuader into your head. Watch yourself effortlessly persuading others in ways you could never imagine before.    *      An easy method to mimic top persuaders & get the exact same results.    *      How to develop uncanny self-assurance and confidence.    *      The overlooked mindset that amplifies your persuasiveness.    *      Create post-hypnotic commands that cause the effects to grow even after you’ve gone.    *      Create an ‘itch’ that can only be scratched by you.    *      How to set an intention that acts like a self-guiding missile that will ‘force’ your will into reality.    *      Instill “Controlled Amnesia” & your prospect will forget all about your competition.    *      The strange reason why admitting what’s wrong with your offer will make your prospect agree quicker.    * A powerful switch-a-roo that magically transfers thoughts & feelings from you to your prospect.


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