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Alan Questel – What if you knew how to adapt

Alan Questel – What If
[Web – 20 MP3; 2 PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! What If You Knew How To Adapt Alan QuestelDescription:What if you had a zillion dollars…what if you met the partner of your dreams…what if you could do whatever you wanted to do? What if were always words that were rich in my own fantasy life…until broke my leg skiing. I quickly discovered a deeper meaning to Moshe Feldenkrais’ famous words: “Movement is life and without movement life is unthinkable.” What if you couldn’t do what you wanted…what if you were constrained in some unexpected way…what if your movement choices were diminished? And…WHAT IF YOU KNEW HOW TO ADAPT!?! What if you had a zillion dollars…what if you met the partner of your dreams…what if you could do whatever youwanted to do?What if were always words that were rich in my own fantasy life…until broke my leg skiing. I quickly discovered adeeper meaning to Moshe Feldenkrais’ famous words: “Movement is life and without movement life is unthinkable.”What if you couldn’t do what you wanted…what if you were constrained in some unexpected way…what if yourmovement choices were diminished?And…WHAT IF YOU KNEW HOW TO ADAPT!?!In this workshop, utilizing Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement Lessons®, you will discover how you can adapt,adjust and transform the difficult into the easy. You will come to understand how a limitation can be the means to newaction. You will realize that the cup that seems half empty is actually half full of new possibilities.WHAT IF YOU CAME TO THIS WORKSHOP… AND DISCOVERED ALL OF THAT… AND MORE!?!Lessons:Introduction : What if… you knew how to adapt ATM 1 – Finding the Front of your heelDifferences : A bad adaptation : What can help us heal : Changing the standing legATM IntroATM2 – Connecting your head and your pelvis #1Feeling safer : Where does your neck begin and end?A question about the last lesson : It‘s the ability…not the age : Small movements : ATM IntroATM 3 – Puzzle #1Feeling different things : Confusion… : Measures of successATM 4 – Connecting your head and your pelvis #2Which way should it be? : ATM evolves : Our compass… : Learning how to learn : Winning the lottery : Stress : What else…ATM5 – Using the ground to move yourselfConnection with the ground : Feeling ourselves…to feel lessATM 6 – Connecting your head and pelvis #3Watching young children move : Blind spots : Thinking vs. just doing itA question about stretching, core, plateaus & noveltyATM 7 – Puzzle #2Doing what we didn‘t know we can do : Our resources…our skeleton & the groundATM 8 – Up from the ground through your skeletonNice differences! & GoodbyesSales page:…


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