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Alain Herriott-Essence Qigong (Quantum Touch)

QuantumTouch-EssenceQiGong (1 DVD) (1 PDF)


This is for TPclick only, okay?!I said I’d up this a while back… I’m lazy but I put it here now! LOL! From the Site:Total Running Time: 1:52:09Includes an Essence Qigong Booklet by Alain Herriott.”The Essence form of Qigong is designed to improve physical health and open you to greater energy, as well as to improve your intelligence. When practiced regularly, one’s ability to perceive energy is also improved. In particular, the Essence Qigong helps people connect to the universe.This is a very adaptable form in that if you need to do it sitting instead of standing, or if for some reason you cannot achieve some of the body positions you can do those portions (or even the whole thing) with your mind instead. The actual physical movements do increase the speed with which changes occur but it will still give wonderfully satisfactory results just using visualization to practice the movements.The more you practice, the faster changes will occur. However, doing the practice at least four days a week will give you good results and practicing seven days a week will give you even faster deeper results.I have found it to be a real asset to my life and personal growth.”— Alain Herriott, Advanced QT Instructor


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