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Al Sears – PACE

Al Sears – PACE.pdf
[eBook – PDF]


My PACE® Program Proves Once-and-for-All that Traditional “Cardio” is a Waste of Your Time… It Just Doesn’t Work!PACE® Rediscover Your NativeFitness – shatters all the myths and misconceptions about health, aging and fitness.So throw away your jogging shoes, cancel your aerobics class and say goodbye to hours of never-ending workouts. Then round up all your ‘diet’ books and toss them in the garbage…PACE® proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that a strong, disease-resistant body and vibrant health does NOT have to be difficult, time consuming or boring. (It’s okay to admit that exercising can be pure drudgery – I know you’ve probably pushed yourself hard at the gym – without seeing the results you wanted – thinking that maybe you were doing something wrong… or worse: feeling like you were wasting your valuable time…Just look at our caveman ancestors. They had incredible strength and survived under punishing and life-threatening conditions – but they didn’t make themselves repeat the same movement ten thousand times – day after day!So what did cavemen know that mainstream medicine doesn’t? Variation… Cavemen followed natural cycles of work and rest – or what I call periods of exertion and recovery. They didn’t run for hours on end, starve themselves with ridiculous diets or lift boulders over their heads to build bigger muscles.My patented PACE® program taps into those same principles – with amazing results!Ditch those Grueling, Monotonous “Cardio” Routines… With PACE ®, You’ll Uncover a Lean, Disease-Free Body – In as Little as 12 Minutes a Day!Many of today’s greatest athletes know the secret. Carl Lewis, the winner of 9 Olympic gold medals, credits interval training – the basis of my PACE® program – for his record-breaking career. He even recommends it to non-athletes who want to reach their highest potential.The concept is simple: Short periods of exertion followed by short periods of rest. But my PACE® program takes it two important steps further…PACE® stands for: Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion. By increasing the intensity and varying the duration of each interval according to the program, your heart and lungs get the right challenge they need to transform and stay fit and strong – well beyond the age of 100!Where long-duration exercise causes your heart and lungs to shrink, PACE® does just the opposite. PACE® builds up reserve capacity in your heart (the only way to avoid a heart attack) and triggers the expansion of your lungs (your ticket to a long, disease-free life).Groundbreaking Harvard StudyProves What I’ve Known for Years… Intensity Lowers Your Risk of Heart Disease– and Your Risk of Death!A few years ago, Harvard researchers published the Harvard Health Professionals Study. After studying over 7,000 people they found that the key to preventing heart disease is intensity – NOT long-duration exercise.Those who followed the basics of my PACE® program – short bursts of intensity, followed by short periods of rest – dramatically lowered their risk of heart disease. But that’s not all…In another Harvard study, intensity turned out to be the key to longevity and reduced risk of death. This study reinforces what I discovered 20 years ago: long-distance runners have a higher risk of sudden cardiac death than other athletes. When I was in medical school, providing emergency care for marathon races, a young man collapsed just yards from our emergency aid station. His heart continued to violently race, as we put an oxygen mask over his blue lips. Another runner in his 20’s made it to our station but had to kneel down to wait for emergency assistance. He was weak, dizzy and frightened – with a dangerously irregular heartbeat. Later I came to call this pattern the “Jim Fixx Phenomenon,” after the popular fitness guru of the 70’s. Fixx claimed that the secret to heart health and long life was endurance running – up until he died of a heart attack – while running!Now I know that the “new science” from the 1960s that promoted jogging was a big mistake. Long-duration aerobic training doesn’t work. It isn’t natural and your body knows it. PACE® puts an end to the hardship of exercise. It super-sizes your lungs and bulletproofs your heart. Just what you need to prevent heart attacks and live a disease-free life.But the benefits of PACE® don’t stop there… PACE® is the Oldest Fat Burning TechniqueKnown to Man –And the Most Effective!By reconnecting you to your native fitness, PACE® does more than just extend your life and give you endless reserves of energy. It burns your excess fat more effectively and reliably than any other system out there. PACE® actually puts your body into “fat burning” mode. Imagine flicking a switch inside your body that told it to stop making fat – AND burn off all the excess fat you currently had… Now you’re starting to get the picture…How does PACE® do this? It’s all about when you burn fat…Long-duration exercise burns fat during your workout. Sound good, right? Guess again… This sends a message to your body that you need a reserve of fat available at all times – so the next time you exercise you’ll have something to throw on the fire. This self-defeating cycle ensures that your body makes more fat every time you finish exercising. That’s why you may have such a hard time losing fat at the gym. Every time you burn fat during exercise, you body reacts by making more.PACE® sessions can be as short as 10 to 12 minutes. And they NEVER last more than 20 minutes. That means your body never has a chance to burn fat during exercise. During PACE®, your body burns carbs from muscle tissue. This triggers your “afterburn.” When you finish your PACE® session, your body starts to burn fat to replace the carbs it just burned. In fact, your body continues to burn fat for up to 24 hours after you finish!After a while, your body stops making fat all together – it simply doesn’t need it anymore! This afterburn is the key to getting rid of excess body fat – not long hours of boring exercise.***More info here: there is demand, I can upload two more of his ebooks. Enjoy!


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