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Aglaee Jacob – Digestive Health with REAL Food

Digestive Health with REAL Food – Jacob MS RD, Aglaee.pdf
[1 ebook – 1 pdf ]

Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by theGB status -OpenGB thread – HerePhase 2 Uploads – HereAglaee Jacob – Digestive Health with REAL Food…Product DescriptionHealth begins in the gut. In addition to digestive disorders, many other health problems can stem from damage to your intestines, including migraines, skin problems, autoimmune conditions, and weight abnormalities, so tackling your digestion first is smart if you want to maximize your chances of obtaining optimal health. Beyond simply managing your symptoms, Digestive Health with REAL Food will teach you how to address the root causes of your digestive troubles to achieve optimal digestive and overall health.The information in Digestive Health with REAL Food will help you build your own optimal diet by identifying the best foods for your digestive system: ones that are easy to digest, anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense, healing and low in irritants and allergens. The nutritional protocol in this book, developed by registered dietitian Aglaée Jacob, addresses numerous digestive problems, including:Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) | Crohn’s disease | Ulcerative colitisSmall intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) |Fructose malabsorptionFODMAP intolerance | Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)Gallbladder issues | Abnormal intestinal permeability (leaky gut)Gut dysbiosis (gut flora imbalance) | Celiac disease | Non-celiac glutensensitivity | Multiple food sensitivities | And many more…In addition to guiding you on how to successfully follow an elimination diet, Aglaée will teach you everything you need to know about dietary supplements, stress management, eating out, and travel strategies, as well as how to troubleshoot various digestive problems. The book includes over 40 recipes and meal/snack ideas plus helpful charts, food lists, and weekly meal plans to get started on the path to better digestion.Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to digestive problems, but the evidence-based, customized and holistic nutritional approach in Digestive Health with REAL Food will give you the tools to tackle your digestive issues and optimize your health. 5 Star Amazon ReviewI have been suffering from IBS since the age of 15 and i’m 21 now. I feel like the most valuable years have been robbed from me. I’ve tried many different diets, different supplements but nothing seems to help. Doctors haven’t taken me seriosly either, my doctor told me it’s all in my head. At some point I wanted to die because no one understood what torture I was going through. Aglaeé Jacob gave new hope for me and this book really is a dream come true! Finally there is a book that MAKES SENSE and finally there is a certified dietitian who acctually knows what IBS/SIBO really means and knows how to treat it. Seriously, Aglaeé deserves a Noble price for this book!!! PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread … [/size]


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