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Adoley – Prayers that Heal

Adoley – Prayers that Heal
[1 Guide – 1 PDF; WebRip – 22 MP3]


Description Exclusive. Don’t share it out of here.Prayers that Heal is a 21 day process based on Spiritual Law and the Science of Manifestation that is designed to raise your consciousness and increase your spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing.These are prayers that I have used in my daily practice. They are designed “to meet you were you are at.” We all have “valley days” when we lose heart, experience set backs and life can seem bleak. These prayers acknowledge our valley days and are designed to lift your spirits and bring you back to an understanding of who you really are and a direct experience of Power and Presence that supports you in each and every moment.We also have moments where we are ready to affirm the truth of who we are and experience life in its fullness. This 21 day process leads you to experience this truth more and more so that it becomes your natural way of being.2 Morning Prayers – Start the Day with PrayerA prayer you can use every day to “set” your intention to have a wonderful day and a prayer for those days when you wake up in a funk and it’s hard to get started.EVENING PRAYERHow you end your day, affects the quality of your sleep and the subconscious programs you run during your dream state. A prayer to “clear” the day and prepare you for a deep, restful sleep.A PRAYER FOR FAITHDevelop faith that is strong no matter what the conditions or circumstances of your life.A PRAYER EMBRACING CHANGE: I Am Ready for ChangeAn empowering prayer that anchors your intention to change your life and Affirms that you have all that you need to create a magnificent life.A PRAYER WHEN CHANGE IS HARD FOR YOU: I am Willing to ChangeSometimes, we want to change and know it’s necessary but we are stuck and afraid. This prayer, helps you to release the fear and “stuck energy” and become available and willing to change.A PRAYER FOR HEALTH AND WHOLENESSThis power prayer activates the “divine blueprint” of health that is within you, it clears away the negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that foster disease and sets in motion your body’s powerful ability to heal.A PRAYER TO RELEASE FEAR AND WORRY ABOUT MONEYFear and Worry about lack of money produces more of the same!This prayer shifts this mindset once and for all and puts you in a frequency to generate and enjoy having money – lots of it.A PRAYER TO ELIMINATE DEBT AND FINANCIAL CHAOSSo many people live in this debilitating condition. This prayer will give you the confidence, energy and power to bring order and harmony into Your financial affairs. Then watch how you manifest money and greater wealth!A PRAYER TO RELEASE ANGER, JEALOUSY, FEAR AND JUDGEMENTNegative emotions that are held in our hearts and minds are toxic to our bodies, our relationships and our lives. Experience the freedom and spaciousness that brings in loving relationships, greater health and joy with this prayer treatmentA PRAYER TO HEAL TROUBLE RELATIONSHIPSRelationships that aren’t working cause us so much pain. Release the beliefs and emotions that trap us in patterns of behavior, activate the divine qualities that support healthy relationships and the clarity to know how to set boundaries and when to let go.A PRAYER FOR DIVINE GUIDANCEAlign with the Divine Intelligence that is within you. With this GPS system, you no longer have to struggle, work overtime to make things happen, you can begin to live in the divine adventure that was created for your life!A PRAYER FOR CLARITYThis treatment will lift you out of the fog of confusion and illusion so you think clearly, and are empowered to make decisions that support you and serve for the highest and best good of all.A PRAYER OF GRATITUDESpiritual law tells us: For those who have will have more given them; and from those who have not, even what they have will be taken away.” Are you ready for greater joy, abundance, happiness and fulfillment? Gratitude is the key. This power prayer multiplies your “having consciousness” so you can attract what you most desire into your lifeA PRAYER TO BELIEVE IN THE POWER TO CREATE YOUR DREAMSWhen you realize that you don’t have to do it all by yourself and That you have the power of the Universe behind you, what else is possible? This prayer treatment anchors you firmly into this awareness. It empowers and transforms you into a powerful Creator and Manifestor.A PRAYER WHEN YOU ARE FEELING ALL ALONEWe all have times when we feel small, alone and vulnerable. This treatment acknowledges where you are and lifts you out of that state in just a few minutes. Leaving you feeling empowered, knowing you are supported and at peace.A PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS FOR OTHERSIt can be hard to let go when we have been hurt by others. Anchored in spiritual law, this prayer assists you in letting go and trusting again.A PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS OF SELFIt can be even harder sometimes to forgive ourselves for the things We believe we have done wrong. When we understand who we are and the nature of the Power that created us, it helps us to forgive Ourselves. This beautiful prayer empowers you to do just that.A PRAYER OF SURRENDER – Let go and trustWhere are you holding on in relationships, to possessions, to beliefs, to illusions, where do you think you have to do it all? Where are you afraid to let go because you don’t trust you will be taken care of or that it will be okay? This prayer clears these beliefs and releases the chains that are tying your spirit down.A PRAYER FOR SELF-LOVEMany of us do not know how to love and be kind to ourselves. This prayer connects and aligns you to Source Energy that is love. And the Greatest Spiritual leaders tell us that Love is the greatest power of AllA PRAYER TO FULFILL THE DIVINE PLAN FOR YOUR LIFEIf you are wondering about your life purpose, feel called to be of Service to humanity, or feel there is more within you that you long to express, this prayer opens the channel for you to receive and align with the divine plan for your life.PRAYER FOR PEACE FOR YOURSELF AND THE WORLDThe Dalai Lama reminds us that “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves” This prayer brings you to a state of inner peace that can then be reflected in the world around you.’s note: Although in the description and guide it says 2 Morning Prayers, the files contains only 1. I think the other one might be the prayer for self-confidence. Hope you guys like it


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