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300 Swedish Massage Techniques

300 Swedish Massage Techniques [1 DVD – ISO]
[1 DVD – ISO]


Are you frustrated with performing the same techniques over…and over…and over? This instructional DVD movie covers all areas of the body and many of the techniques can be used on most parts of the body. I have also made a book of the techniques to accompany this instructional DVD movie (Almost 2 hours long). You will learn many new techniques and redefine your old ones! Here are the techniques that will be covered: *FACE & NECK *ARMS & HANDS *STOMACH *LEGS, GLUTE & FEET *EFFLEURAGE (Back) *FRICTION (Back) *PETRISSAGE (Back) *TAPOTEMENT (Back) *BROADENING (Back)Burn the ISO, View in your favorite Video Player, and …Enjoy!!


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