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2012 Raw Food World Summit – Steve Prussack

2012 Raw Food World Summit – Steve Prussack
[1 CD – 23 MP3s]


“2012 Raw Food World Summit” – Steve Prussack (Audio CD – 23 MP3)It’s a great opportunity for you to hear all the different raw food perspectives, what makes us tick, what we’ve researched and brought to you, and how we’ve grown as a culture over the years. There are some new and old faces there, mine being in the latter category but hopefully only in familiarity, as the raw food diet continues to keep the years at bay!The Truth, Based on the LATEST RESEARCH about the Raw Food DietThe #1 Mistake Raw Foodists Make and How to Avoid PitfallsHow to Reverse the Aging Process and Increase LongevityAnd that’s just the beginning…Are you Stuck on Your Journey to Health? Is your current diet working for you? Have you been confused about the best way to follow a raw food diet? Are you ready for the truth, from the leaders who have been lecturing and writing about this for years?Rawpalooza was created to provide the essential answers for discovering a raw food lifestyle that works. We have left no stone unturned, as we brought together the most inspirational speakers in the raw and conscious living movement today.You’ll Discover During Rawpalooza:Everything You Need To Know About Thriving on a Raw Food DietProven Methods of Body Purification and CleansingHow to Eat Raw Food On a BudgetSecrets behind the 80/10/10 DietThe Magic of Green SmoothiesDo You NEED to be 100% Raw?Sustaining on a Raw Food DietRaw Food Cleansing Vs. DietingFor the first time, the Masters will reveal inside information about:    * The Biggest Raw Food Controversies Revealed    * Amazing Secrets about Raw Food for Rejuvenation and Longevity    * How Eating Late At Night Can Sabotage a Healthy Lifestyle    * Common Mistakes Made on the Raw Food Diet    * Vital Breakthroughs about the Energy of Food    * The Truth about Superfoods and Herbs    * How To Live on $1 a Meal    * Tricks of the Ancients that are MORE Useful Today    * Raw Foods vs. Living Foods    * The #1 Problem People Face when Doing a Cleanse and How to Overcome It    * How the Raw “Movement” Has Changed in 21 Years    * Can a Raw Food Diet Cure Diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer,    and Arthritis?    * Is Cooking Really Harmful to Food?    * Eating Raw Foods in the Winter    * Breakthroughs in Intuitive Eating    * Raw Food in the Mainstream    * Everything You Need to Know about Raw Parenting    * Your Raw Lifestyle and Dating    * Revolutionary Secrets of the Hardcore Health Warrior    * The Essentials of Juice Fasting/ Feasting!


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