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Sean Stephenson – Interview with Liz – Getting Inside A Woman

Sean Stephenson – Interview with Liz – Getting Inside A Woman [11 MP3s]
[11 MP3s]



Sean Stephenson of Inner Game Magazine interviews his “inside woman” Liz (Author of Getting Inside a Woman) as a bonus companion to her book.  Sean gets Liz to explain seduction from the woman’s point of view: what it feels like, what she wants, where guys frequently go wrong, and how to succeed where others fail.  Of course Sean “Inner Game” Stephenson adds his own tips on how to take what Liz is explaining and turn it into better inner game to become a better seducer and a better man.  He also gives outer game examples of how to put this knowledge into practice.This is most useful for guys who don’t really understand what women want in a seduction or how it feels for them (or only understand it in abstract terms like “survival and replication”, “alpha males”, and “social proof”).  It is also great for being another perspective on the whole seduction process.11 MP3s for a one-hour interview/seminar.


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