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Paul Janka – Attraction Formula

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***This is Paul Janka’s Attraction Formula. I could only see the draft available here so enjoy.Quote:This Is The True Story Of How I Went From A Regular Guy To A LEGENDARY New York “Playboy” And How YOU Can Become Wildly Successful With Women Too!From: Paul JankaWednesday, 9:14AMNew York, NYLast week I was having lunch with a friend…As we were looking for a table, I spotted a CUTE blonde eating alone. I approached her and roughly 30 seconds later, walked away with her phone number.As my friend and I were finishing our meal, I leaned back in my chair and started chatting with a group of girls sitting at the table behind me.You should have seen the look on our waitress’s face…PRICELESS!In under an hour, with almost NO effort, I had two phone numbers from two attractive girls that I’ll almost certainly take out for drinks later this week…I Used To Be TERRIBLE With WomenA few years ago, I had NO idea how to pick up women. When I spotted a cute girl on the street, I didn’t know how to get an interaction going, much less get her NAKED.And when I did try to pick up a woman, it was usually a bit AWKWARD. Within seconds I could tell if she was giving me her number just because she felt bad for me.Although it wasn’t like I was a complete loser or anything. I had a few relationships over the years, which were great. But I really had NO idea what I was capable of.So I spent many nights going to bed ALONE and waking up in an EMPTY bed. I felt DISCONNECTED from women and I didn’t know what to do about it…Then A Player Friend Took Me “Under His Wing”So one day, a friend of mine from work started giving me a few tips. He was a true “player” and has slept with HUNDREDS of women.Now a “cold approach” is when you walk up to a stranger and get an interaction going. You might be out shopping, at a bar, a coffee shop or wherever…And with the guidance of my “player” friend, I approached a LOT of women. And after THOUSANDS approaches, and failed pick ups, I started to “get it.”I learned things like how long to talk to a woman you just met, when to call her, what to say to get a date, how to get her back to my place, etc.The funny thing is… a lot of “getting laid” is about avoiding MISTAKES. And after several YEARS of trial-and-error….I Developed A Reliable “Formula” For Meeting WomenBut let me be CLEAR. It’s not like I said the same thing to every woman, or called her at the exact same intervals as the other girls. It’s not exactly like that.What I mean is, I discovered the things that really “worked” and kept doing them. I also eliminated any behavior or action that decreased my success rate.This “formula” allowed me to have sex with over 173 women.Of course, there is a lot of variation in social interactions, but this formula helps me to expand my dating options, and gives me power and choice over who I date.And when I finally worked out all the kinks…My Formula Actually Started Working TOO WELL!I live in New York City, which, for those of you who have never been here, is FILLED with BEAUTIFUL women. It’s like THE hot-girl-capital-of-the-world.After I refined my system, I could NOT believe how many women I was dating. Sometimes I would be going out on dates with up to 10 to 15 girls PER WEEK!I realized that I was living every man’s DREAM when I was laying across from a young model who was one of the most beautiful women I’d EVER laid eyes on…I could barely believe that she was in MY bed! We sure had a LOT of fun together.Of course, when you get really good at pick up, people start to notice… You start to develop a reputation. It can even UPSET a few people…Newspapers and Magazines Caught Wind Of My StorySince I live in New York, there are a lot of people who work in the media. Time Out New York got wind of my exploits which were later written about in the New York Post.Then, after the article in the Post broke, almost overnight, I became a “mini-celebrity.” And let me tell you, the feminist blogs were on FIRE. You should have seen the comments!The thing is, women do NOT like to see men have this much power…They’re used to having the sexual “upper-hand,” and they want to KEEP it that way.In addition to the York Post article, I was featured in Psychology Today and was later invited to speak on Dr. Phil…I Was Invited To Speak On National Television…Guys Across The Country Started Emailing MeAfter my media exposure, I started to get HUNDREDS of emails and phone calls from GUYS around the country who wanted to learn my secrets.I started to realize that I wasn’t the only guy in the world who wanted to learn how to pick up women. I realized that almost EVERY guy wants to be learn more.So if you’re not already VERY successful with women, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT…Why? Because guys are simply NEVER taught this kind of stuff, while women have MOUNTAINS of magazines, books, television shows and gossipy friends.Plus, 99.999% of all men’s dating advice is DEAD WRONG. In fact, many of the “tips” you’ve gotten about dating can actually make girls run the OTHER way.But many guys do NOTHING to improve their game. They think they should just “be natural” or whatever. Well, I don’t like to leave things to CHANCE.Learning how to pick up women is a SKILL. A skill that can be learned. And if you have the courage to work on it, to improve, the pay-off can be ENORMOUS…So I Boiled Everything Down Into A Step-By-Step System ANY Guy Can Use To Meet The Woman Of His DreamsLike I said, becoming good with women is a skill. And with any skill, there are VERY SPECIFIC techniques that, when practiced, move you closer to mastery.But if you don’t have anyone to TEACH you the techniques, it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to achieve MASTERY. Imagine trying to learn Jujitsu WITHOUT an instructor.I’ve done the research. I’ve tried everything. And I KNOW what works.So after being emailed by hundreds of guys, I decided to write a book. It’s called, “Attraction Formula: Dating Technology For The Modern Man.”It contains the PRECISE formula that I’ve developed over a 12-year period by approaching THOUSANDS of women and going on HUNDREDS of dates.This book contains specific “field-tested” techniques to pick up women that you can’t get ANYWHERE else. Plus, I’ve included a few stories I think you’ll really enjoy.So if you’re not good with women, this book will make you a LOT better. And if you’re already good with women, this book will make you UNSTOPPABLE…Here’s A Small Taste Of What You’ll Learn Inside    * The correct way to pick up an ATTRACTIVE woman so that you make a good impression and increase the odds of getting her number.    * What almost EVERY guy is doing WRONG when he goes out to the bar in hopes of meeting a woman on a Friday or Saturday night.    * A jealously-guarded secret most “pick up artists” DON’T want you to know.    * What NEVER to say to a woman when you’re asking her for her phone number (if you do this it will SERIOUSLY damage her pride).    * How to quickly and easily create an ATMOSPHERE that is conducive to sex (do this and she’ll practically be ripping YOUR clothes off).    * The absolute best TIME to pick up a woman (she’ll be MUCH more receptive to chatting with you and giving out her phone number).    * How to end your lonely weekends (wouldn’t it be nice to have MULTIPLE women wanting to spend time with you so you’ll almost NEVER be alone?).    * A secret phrase that TURNS WOMEN ON.    * A place you can go that makes it easy to create an INTIMATE physical and emotional connection rather than an AWKWARD conversation.    * Boost your confidence by learning how to manage rejection (and a way to make meeting women fun—even if you’re getting SHOT DOWN).    * The most important thing to do when you’ve JUST met a woman you’d like to date. Ignore this and you’ll lose her FOREVER.    * How to ELIMINATE approach anxiety so that you can comfortably talk to a woman anywhere without sounding needy or insecure.    * The secret to looking good has more to do with your FASHION SENSE than what you were born with. You’ll learn tips on how to dress that will make women drool.    * How to develop a bullet-proof exterior that will allow you to pick up the hottest woman in the room without flinching.    * My sure fire method for making sure that even if a woman FLAKES out on a date—that I’m still getting some ACTION that night.    * The SIMPLE question that you can ask a woman that will let you know if she’s available. TIP: Asking “are you single?” will OFFEND her.    * How to have fun, playful chat that makes a woman feel at EASE around you.    * How to follow up with a woman so that it feels natural. Follow up too soon and you’ll appear needy—too late and she’ll IGNORE you.    * Learn SUBTLE dynamics of the pick up that will clue you in on what she’s thinking, so you can effortlessly number close without risking rejection.    * How to develop a rock solid frame so you’ll never be thrown off guard during a difficult or challenging pick up situation.    * What to do when you get a woman back to your apartment so that she feels COMFORTABLE enough with you to take her clothes OFF.    * You’ll discover how to quickly create a SEXUAL connection with a woman so that you don’t end up in the ambiguous and dreadful FRIEND-ZONE.    * How to become IRRESISTIBLE to women so you can stop sleeping alone.    * Examples of how to pick up women in different VENUES, from the coffee shop, to the supermarket, to the shopping mall and beyond.    * How to make your masculine qualities stand out.    * Real life stories of my successes and failures in pick up, including WILD situations that I wouldn’t believe if I didn’t see them with my own eyes.    * And a lot more…Even If You Only Apply 1/10th Of This StuffYou’ll Still See AMAZING Results With WomenAs you can see, this is STREET-WORTHY dating advice. Everything you’ll learn has been PROVEN in the field and works like a charm.But consider this… even if you have no desire to pick up HUNDREDS of women, what if you could achieve just 10% of my success?Use just a FEW of these techniques… and you WILL get results.And if you apply ALL of what I teach in the book, you’ll be completely overwhelmed with women. And before you know it, your buddies will be begging YOU for advice.You might want to get a girlfriend, you might want to find “the one,” you might want to sleep with multiple girls, it DOESN’T MATTER what your goal is.By applying just a FRACTION of the stuff you’ll learn in this book, I guarantee you’ll IMMEDIATELY be blown away by your new found success with women…Let’s Face It, Women Have An UNFAIR Advantage!Look, I don’t mince words. What you’ll learn in this book is NOT “nice-guy” material. And it’s NOT for guys who are too TIMID or SCARED to take action.The thing is, the formula I’ve put together WORKS. And it works like magic. It’s powerful, and you must use it ETHICALLY. And if you do, you’ll see results.If you’re on the fence, consider this. Women are waaaay ahead of the curve. They’ve been studying the art of snagging the man they want for YEARS.Millions of dollars are spent EVERYDAY by women on beauty products, magazines, and books that are all dedicated to getting the guy THEY want.Plus, women have been refining their game from a VERY young age. They’re at the COLLEGE level when it comes to getting what they want from the dating scene, while we’re stuck in second grade, playing with our trucks in the sandbox.Isn’t it time you stopped letting women always have the UPPER HAND?How Good Do You Want To Become?What you’ll learn in this book is way BEYOND what you can learn elsewhere. And the reason is that I have the EXPERIENCE to back up my claims.A lot of dating advice out there is garbage. It’s written by guys who’ve only slept with a small number of women. What you’ll learn from me will get you RESULTS.If you want some cheesy “pick up lines” then I suggest you go elsewhere. If you want some “feel-good” psycho-babble, then I’m sorry, you won’t find it here.But if you want a PROVEN formula that will get your numbers, dates, and sex, from lots of attractive women, then this is the book that WILL deliver the goods.WARNING: Becoming good with women can actually have some unexpected downsides. When it becomes second-nature to you to get a woman naked on the FIRST date, you may start to feel a little guilty.In the book, I talk about this, and how to find a path that is FULFILLING for both you and the women in your life. These are “luxury problems,” but important none-the-less…Imagine Your Life FILLED With Beautiful WomenNow ask yourself this…How much is it worth to you to even have the CHANCE to become this successful with women? How much would it be worth to you to be able to have an ABUNDANCE of women in your life? $5,000? $10,000?For most guys, this level of success with women is INVALUABLE.Imagine the feeling of PRIDE—and satisfaction—you’ll have when you can approach a woman anywhere, get her number, and quickly create SEXUAL chemistry.I only WISH I had this kind of specialized knowledge years ago, when I was still a virgin and couldn’t talk to a woman to SAVE MY LIFE, much less ask her on a date.Well you can have it RIGHT NOW, and it can help you meet the beautiful woman that will almost CERTAINLY be walking through your life as soon as TOMORROW….So the big question is—are you going to be able to meet her?Are you going to know EXACTLY what to do to bring that woman into your reality and into your bedroom? Or are you going to let her VANISH on the horizon?Sales Page since I don’t believe in restricted access, especially for products, this exclusive is immediately available to all. Enjoy.


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