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Brian Vaszily – The 9 Intense Experiences

Brian Vaszily – The 9 Intense Experiences [11 MP3s – 1 TXT – 1 PDF]
[11 MP3s – 1 TXT – 1 PDF]



The following is taken from the long sales letter at Nine Intense ExperiencesBrian VaszilyImmerse yourself in The 9 Intense Experiences and you will personally discover how—in an incredibly enjoyable and captivating way like NOTHING else you’ve ever tried, whether you are 25, 40, 55, or 70 years old—it will transform YOUR life too.Bob Marley, a solitary walk outside in the middle of the night, Casablanca and Grumpy Old Men, a phone call to your dead relative, Thomas Merton… Bugs Bunny, time capsules, Aretha Franklin, animal spirits, Blade Runner, tombstones… Vincent Van Gogh, “dinner” with everyone who has ever wronged you, LEGOS and Play Doh, meeting your 20-year-older self right now, inhaling peppermint…These are just a few of the WONDERFUL “ingredients” you’ll encounter in the #1 bestselling, scientifically based—and incredibly captivating, enjoyable and transformative—audio program, The 9 Intense Experiences, by acclaimed author, speaker and positive transformation visionary Brian Vaszily.Why is this life-changing audio program being called the vitally important, powerful and FUN method that, by its very design, will INEVITABLY lead to remarkably positive changes in your life? Whether you appreciate…Eckhart Tolle, The Secret, Tony Robbins, The Sedona Method, T. Harv Eker, Centerpointe or any of the other great positive transformation programsORAmazing music, movies, books, art, theater and other cultureORThe beauty, majesty and adventure that nature providesORSpirituality, and the power of meditation, prayer, or yogaOR any to all of the aboveMore than anything else except perhaps for how quickly it provides you incredible insights and benefits, being enjoyable is what makes The 9 Intense Experiences so effective—and so different from anything else out there. Just a few of the engaging and fun things you’ll encounter include:How to free yourself from chains you didn’t even know were holding you down in the amazing “Family script” action (Intense Experience #2)The fun way to reveal and tap deeply into YOUR real genius… and why in some way or another everyone is a genius (Intense Experience #7)Why doing these three things that NO ONE CAN EVER KNOW ABOUT may be the #1 most important step you ever take to feeling deeply self-fulfilled (Intense Experience #8)The “Defeat the Angry Fruit” action that will rapidly clear sadness, upset and frustration and restore your sense of wonder and motivation (Intense Experience #1)How getting on your hands and knees right outside your front door will enable you to see things—and eliminate feeling empty or “jaded”—in an amazing way! (Intense Experience #3)The interesting “Shutting Up” action through which you’ll quickly discover far greater inner peace—and some truly amazing revelations (Intense Experience #5)Why—by answering these 5 biggest questions—you’ll feel MUCH more fulfilled and always be able to stay “true to your core” (Intense Experience #4)The “Get It All Out” meal through which the weight of any guilt, resentment or anger you’ve been carrying will be lifted and eliminated (Intense Experience #2)Why delving into these “strange things” will break through the “rust and crust” inside you and SUPERCHARGE your energy and motivation (Intense Experience #6)How wearing your clothes a certain way will increase your mental clarity and creativity by leaps and bounds (Intense Experience #7)The “Doubting Thomas” action in which you’ll quickly discover how to connect more deeply with your spirit… and eliminate misunderstanding and anger (Intense Experience #5)How you’ll discover a certain tree that will help you center yourself, focus (and refocus) on what really matters, and achieve your biggest goals (REALLY!) (Intense Experience #3)How… in a remarkable action in which you confront yourself years down the line… you will find your purpose (if you haven’t already) and be far better equipped to achieve your big goals (Intense Experience #4)The 20 TOP musical pieces to increase your brainpower and feel more “boundless” and alive while you’re at it (Intense Experience #7)Why discovering these 7 types of people you don’t know will increase your happiness… and the opportunities for real success in your life (Intense Experience #6)How Schoolhouse Rock, the Rugrats, LiteBrite and a ball will erase feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled AND light a fire under your creativity, energy and sense of direction in life… whether you are 22 or 62, whether you are a parent or not (Intense Experience #1)5 “scary” but profoundly interesting actions that will place you firmly on the path to achieving whatever you desire most! (Intense Experience #9)The mundane tasks that everyone does… but that YOU will be able to turn into little epiphanies that provide you greater clarity and greater energy! (Intense Experience #5)How Johnny Cash, Salvador Dali, Carol King, Edgar Allen Poe and Beethoven will help you banish any feeling of mediocrity in your life for good (intense Experience #7)Permanently experience a much deeper sense of “connection,” belonging and purpose in your life with the “Time Capsule” action (Intense Experience #2)The “psychic bonfire” action that will free you from fears, worries and a past you might not even know is dragging you way down! (Intense Experience #8)How to use Dane Cook, Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams, Johnny Carson and more to give you powerful clarity and focus (Intense Experience #7)The “Last Meal” action that will (in addition to the short-term benefit of pleasing your taste buds like never before) get you and KEEP you on the path to achieving whatever truly matters most to you (Intense Experience #9)How to STOP being your own worst enemy for good through the “Greatest Accomplishments” action (Intense Experiences #7)And much more of the most beneficial, captivating, enjoyable and transformative experiences…AND REMEMBER… NONE OF THE EXPERIENCES YOU ENCOUNTER TAKE MUCH TIME AT ALL TO DO! THAT’S WHY BRIAN VASZILY CALLED THEM “INTENSE”… MAXIMUM BENEFITS PACKED INTO ACTIONS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO ANYTIME AND FOR JUST ABOUT ALL OF THEM, ANYWHERE!So one of the BIGGEST REASONS The 9 Intense Experiences has already become one of the top-selling “Self-Growth through Self-Realization” audio programs available today (an Oprah appearance can’t be far away!) is because it provides you amazing insights and benefits RAPIDLY. Instantly in many cases.In our ongoing quest to tell it like it is, we will tell it like it is: people today like the idea of seeing INSTANT results. Right or wrong, it makes them feel better about their purchase, and themselves.(By the way, the reason that, more than ever, it seems people want instant benefits is partly our “now” culture, but also it is because people are so immersed in all of the “mundane to-do’s” in their job and at home that DON’T really provide that short-term “Wow!”)We’ll continue telling it like it is: the long-term benefits The 9 Intense Experiences provides you are much, MUCH more extensive and important, including igniting your ability to achieve success in your finances, relationships, career, and more, and to achieve greater happiness overall. BUT it does feel really good when you experience those amazing instant benefits too, doesn’t it?And with The 9 Intense Experiences, that’s exactly what you’ll get… the very powerful long-term benefits discussed above and on the Order Now page, but also amazing NOW benefits too!This program is quite fascinating, and definitely fun to listen to. After each part, take a look at the link for further recommendations concerning each experience. All links are in the info.txt file contained in the product. Enjoy!


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