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Roosh Valizadeh – B A N G –

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Welcome! If you are short on time, Bang is a book I wrote after studying the “game” for six years. View sample pages to check out my style and what I teach. But if you have a couple extra minutes, read on…        In high school and college I was so clueless that if you put a naked girl on my lap I wouldn’t know what to do with her. Part of the reason was because my father never taught me anything about women. Even though my mom tells me how much of a player he was in college, he never passed that knowledge on to me when I desperately needed it in college and as a working adult. It didn’t help matters that my mom said they key to success was to buy women gifts and always be a gentleman. I don’t think I need to tell you how far that got me.        After I graduated from college in 2001, I went overboard on how to solve my “girl problem.” Not only did I go out four nights a week to approach girls like a machine, I ended up digesting every resource I could get my hands on, from body language books to audio CD’s that were supposed to hypnotize me into getting more sex.        Most of the information was horrible and I ended up learning on my own through trial and error and from guys who actually knew what they were doing.        But it did take a while.        To get good with women through trial and error, imagine how many women I had to talk to and get rejected by (it’s in the hundreds). Each night I learned just a very tiny piece of the puzzle until finally I got to the point where I could wake up, look in the mirror, and be completely content with my sex life and notch count. Like the Jay-Z song, “I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one.”        At that point I knew I was ready to record my “game”—the rules, techniques, style, and attitude that gets me laid with pretty girls. I wrote the book I wished I had once I graduated college… one that would have saved me a whole lot of bullshit and frustration.        First I want to share with you one of my favorite lines from the book..        A problem I had when I started getting laid regularly was how to get the condom the first time I had sex with a girl… without killing the moment. I would pray the girl would ask me to get the condom when she was ready, but unfortunately they rarely did this.        It was such a problem that many guys I know simply had unprotected sex instead of possibly making things awkward and losing out on sex. That wasn’t a solution for me so I thought… and thought.. and thought—and finally in my own personal Einstein moment I came up with seven words that solved the problem… How To Get The CondomWithout Killing The Moment        You’re going to make a statement which doesn’t allow for a “No.” Ready? “Let me get something, just in case.”        This line is beautiful because she knows what the “something” is, but it still doesn’t hit her “logical” brain. She doesn’t consciously resist or back out.        The “just in case” tells her you are not assuming sex will happen, but that you just want to be extra safe anyway. But once you have the condom on, sex is guaranteed to happen. This line allows her to say yes without saying yes.        If you engage her logical brain with something like, “Should I get a condom?” or even worse with “Can we have sex?” then there is a chance she may start thinking too much or back out because she sees herself as too “easy.” But with these seven words she won’t.        I like this line because it works and is simple. I’m a big fan of making things easier on myself without having to memorize complicated moves that just stress me out or confuse me even more.        The condom move starts on page 110 in my book, and before that I teach you everything to get that point, from how to approach girls, what to say, how to get numbers, and how to date them. Here’s a few things you’ll learn in my book…How the thoughts inside your head can help—or hurt—your success with women. I share with you beliefs that prevent your mind from sabotaging your efforts. The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male, and the fastest way to copy those over your useless beta male beliefs. I explain how to be like the silverback gorilla and not the beta gorilla who begs for sloppy seconds. pgs 7-9 I tell you the most important part of the game that increases your results more than anything else—something you can start doing right away. pg 10 Why a man who doesn’t get rejected is a man who doesn’t get women… period. I teach you how to use rejection to take your skills with women to the next level. pgs 12-14 Two of my favorite high-impact opening lines that work just about anywhere women can be found and are so simple that a monkey could master them. pgs 23-24 Five fun openers you can use in bars and nightclubs to get a girl’s attention right away. I also teach you the concept of “stacking” openers on top of each other. pg. 26 I was deciding which one I wanted until I found out they were both under 18…The most common deadly mistakes guys make on an approach that creeps girls out—and what you can do to break the habit. pg 28 The five critical components of the “vibe”—an attitude that gives you the most bang for your buck in getting laid. While every woman is different, adopting the vibe will attract the most women with much less effort. pgs 29-32 Six “themes” that provide a framework to keep the conversation going long after you first approach, with dozens of word-for-word examples. Most guys struggle after the approach so I made sure to put more time and care into this part of the book than any other. pgs 32-38 How to tread the fine line between compliments and insults, and what to do when a girl gets offended or angry at your words. pg 44 The number one, sure-fire way you can tell if a girl is interested in you. Most guys miss this completely but it is important to learn so you can change gears and start taking things to the next level. pg 45 My favorite answers to a girl’s common questions that heighten the tension, build attraction, and make the pick-up more fun and interesting. pgs 45-47 How to start escalating the encounter with touching, and my favorite touching move that trumps all the others. pgs 49-50 After being “cockblocked” dozens of times by the ugly friend, I developed an effective routine that makes the girl say “not yet” to the friend… and stick around you much longer. pg 51 Getting ready to go out.A deadly technique to get rid of another guy who has intentions on your girl that leaves him stunned and embarrassed. pgs 51-52 My “drink loophole move” that allows you and your girl to share a drink and get intoxicated together without having to buy her a drink outright. pg 54 My sound technique to get her phone number without even asking for it. It works because you never give her the opportunity to say “no”—it’s a naturally implied “yes.” pg 60 The 3 most common reasons why guys get the dreaded “I just want to be friends” line. I promise you will never hear those words ever again. pgs 62-63 How to dance with a girl that builds a climax and brings you very close to the kiss. I also teach you two fun ways to approach a girl on the dance floor. pgs 63-65 My “four key moves” to the kiss, a strategy that has taken me years to perfect and gets the kiss almost every time a girl is even mildly interested. These moves are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won’t even recognize them as moves. The one thing a girl does to let you know that she will not reject you on the kiss. After reading this, the only way you will get rejected is if you want to. pg 69 How to execute a “venue change,” a move that dramatically increases the likelihood of scoring a one night stand. I include word-for-word examples on how to get inside her place on the same night—and why it’s important to at least make the attempt. pgs 71-74 A strategy for the first date that will make her feel like she has known you longer than she has—and the one date venue you want to avoid for the first date (no exceptions!) pgs 76-77 An issue I hope to finally put to rest—the number of days you should wait before calling her. pg 78 The ideal voicemail message you should leave girls when calling girls for the first time, but why in the end your message is less important than you think it is. pg 79 How to have smooth phone conversations that ends with the girl agreeing to go out on a date with you. pgs 81-84 My “flake defense move” that eliminates any chance of getting stood up, something I’ve experienced but I’m confident you won’t. pgs 83-84 A comprehensive dating strategy so you bang her no later than the third date. This includes over a dozen tips and techniques, including how to prepare for dates (mentally and physically), how to start dates on the right foot, how to have fun conversations without awkward moments, and the important “arm in arm move.” The 5 magic words to say when you want to get inside her place that has never failed me. It’s so “anti-game” that a girl would never suspect it’s a tested technique. pgs 97-98 What you need to do once inside her place to make a smooth transition to the bedroom. You’re too close to fail now. pgs 101-102 How to deal with the dreaded ‘R’ word: resistance. I teach you an effective strategy to steamroll her resistance so you don’t go home blue-balled. pgs 104-105 Seven very detailed steps to taking off her clothes that includes tactics to fight any late minute resistance she might throw at you. pgs 106-109 The most common way guys blow it after they get done having sex with a girl for the first time—while still in bed! pg 112 One simple thing that guys unfortunately abandon after sex and how it costs them dearly. pg 115 Four methods for breaking up with a girl you are bored of having sex with. One of the methods is my favorite because it allows you to get back in her pants just in case you change your mind in the future. pgs 118-119 Two reasons why most guys get into nasty cold streaks. I teach you the right way to make changes to your game so you can get out of it. pgs 120-121 Why finding your “niche” is important if you want to get more for putting in less. No player grows up with a dream of being just average. pg 122I also wrote a handy-dandy appendix at the end of Bang to help you out with common situations you’ll face… Detailed strategies—with specific lines—on how to approach girls in coffee shops, the gym, and foreign countries. My technique to have sex with a girl who is already in a relationship—and how the key to success is something you probably haven’t thought of. pgs 130-132 Why you need to get out of your mind that you are too young or too old for a girl—and some things to say in case she brings it up first. pg 134 Exactly what to say to a girl who is telling you she is busy with a never-ending schedule of events. pg 135 How to get out of the very dangerous situation of when you like the girl a lot more than she likes you. pgs 137-138 What to do if you have tried just about everything but she is still not putting out. pg 140 And much, much more…The Big Secret To Game Is ThatIt Can Easily Be LearnedShe didn’t speak a lot of English but I didn’t mind.        In college I was friends with a very good looking guy. He was so good looking that he could have easily made the catalogue pages of Abercrombie & Fitch or J. Crew. We would hang out and girls would stare at him and approach him outright to compliment his looks. He’d tell me stories about all the girls he is having sex with.        I didn’t feel jealous as much as unlucky. He hit this awesome genetic jackpot which meant he didn’t have to worry about ever attracting a girl, and here I was, average looking at best, getting none of that attention. In fact it wasn’t until I was 23 years old that a girl first called me “cute.” I accepted my hand and settled for listening to his stories.        It took a couple more years until I had enough. After college I began working hard to improve my game and how I interacted with women. It didn’t take long for enough successes to happen where I could tell some hook-up stories as well. I approached these college girls in a club and got “in” their social circle…        One night we went out to a club called Dream in Washington D.C. I had been working on my game for about a year but could hold my own from time to time. We were downstairs when a girl came up to my friend and said he was handsome. The girl was short, fat, and ugly, but she had a few friends with her. One of them was very cute. In the past I’d accept my role and hope the uglier girls would go for me, but now I knew how to attract women.        I decided to go for the cuter girl. I made her laugh, danced with her, and teased her. Through my personality—and not my looks—she became attracted to me more than my good-looking friend, who did not learn the techniques I learned. He had no reason to learn because his looks were good enough… most of the time.        The club closed and I went with my friend to the girl’s house. Along with us was the ugly friend who approached my friend in the beginning. For her I imagine it was like hitting the jackpot. We went back to their apartment and in the same room, we had sex with our girls. For the first time in my life, I got the better girl—the one I wanted.        After that night I was 100% sold that the pursuit of game was the way to be most successful with women, short of being a celebrity. Getting buried in the sand by two beautiful Argentine girls.        If you’re not sold on the idea of game then my book won’t help you because it says nothing about flaunting your wealth or trying to look like a generic-looking “all American” guy. But if you’re willing to made a few changes with how you interact with women, you’ll be surprised with how well they respond. Here Are Three Quick Reviews…ONE“ Hey Roosh,I just finished Bang. loved it. you are one funny motherfucker. there were certain parts that were absolutely laugh-out-loud; I read them aloud to my roommates. I started calling these “Rooshisms.” some examples:”if the first girl whose number you get you want to impregnate, I guarantee you will bomb spectacularly.””…but you will really try to weasel your way inside once you get to her place.””get out of my face or I’m gonna knock you out.” LOL!!”but after a couple times of this you can start to mold her into the slut you’ve always wanted.”And my personal favorite: “Personally I wouldn’t have sex with a girl who does IV drugs or gets banged in the butt by bisexual men.” I nearly pissed myself on that one.You have a great writing style. you don’t try to sound stuffy or pretentious or high-fallutin’. you’re honest and unapologetic about your desires, which is why I think it’s so funny when you talk about your ulterior motive being to weasel your way into the girl’s apartment and stuff like that.I think the thing that makes Bang the best instructional guide to the aspiring player is that it is the best combination of “big picture theory” and examples of lines that actually work. I read The Game (which, in its defense, isn’t really intended to teach you how to run game) and then another book which scientifically broke down all the stages of pick-up from approach to relationships, and I have to say Bang was by far the best use of time spent reading. IMHO, it will set you off and–successfully–running into the game faster than any other material out there.”TWO“Hey. I just started reading Bang and just wanted to let you know it’s a great book. I don’t cringe when I read it like I do with other books in the genre. Your approach is matter-of-fact and down to earth. Other books, frankly, often appear to be written by douchebags. With your approach one can have actual relationships that are sincere, even if they are just brief hookups or one night stands. You don’t advocate lying, dressing up like a raver from 1992, and memorizing bullshit.”THREE“ I’ll be honest the book has bumped my notch count a bit, I’m more aggressive in approaching when I used to wait for the women to come to me. What I’ve learned from quizzing various women is that while they think I’m attractive or hot, I look too “nice”, like I am going to buy a woman flowers and kiss her on the cheek after dropping a c note over a bad dinner and not ram their head into the headboard as I’m doing my best fido impersonation.Props to you for a great book that is an honest approach as opposed to the other really terrible ”pick up artists” books. To be honest, I consider your book to by a psych text which is a good thing.”        All I can promise is that if you try my strategies and techniques, you will get more than you are getting now. Whether you are a virgin who is an expert at computer games or a guy who already knows how to get laid regularly, there is something for every skill level. After just a bit of practice you’ll approach more, get more numbers, more make-outs, and of course, more lays. If you work on it every week, it will take around two months to notice a big improvement…        Bang’s slogan is More Lays In 60 Days, but for me it was more like “more lays in 400 days.” That’s because I didn’t start with a solid resource to build that strong foundation. I didn’t have Bang!


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