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David – Member Teleconferences

[19 MP3s]



Title: “How To Keep From Overthinking That First Date”Date: June 17th, 2009 Description: When you meet someone new, how much time do you spend thinking about it ahead of time? Do you try to “pre-plan” the conversation topics? Do you try to be REALLY ready so that it will be successful? In this week’s Member Teleconference, we’ll teach you how to stop overthinking the first date so much . . . and why this will actually make your first dates overall go much better! Besides telling you how to stop overthinking your first dates, we will also give you some great first date ideas. Don’t go out on another first date until you’ve listened to this call!———————–“Overcoming Setbacks And Embracing The Wins”Date: June 10th, 2009 Description: This week’s Member teleconference will be all about how to overcome perceived “setbacks,” and learning how to embrace the small wins along the way. Learn how to stay focused on your goals. You will also find out how to get “back on track” and start again if you’ve been slacking off … or just feel like you’ve had a lot of setbacks. No matter what you feel has caused your progress to stagnate, this call will show you how to get yourself through it. You’ll leave this call feeling GREAT!—————–Title: “New Member Coaching Call”Date: May 27th, 2009 Description: This week’s Member Teleconference will be a *LIVE Coaching Call* And we will welcome (officially) our new Members to the Community by reserving this week’s teleconference exclusively for questions from our newest 67 Members. So to each of you *New Members,* an early welcome, and get your questions READY! Cause you will have your first one-on-one coaching opportunity tomorrow…————————Title: “How To NOT Be An Ass When Meeting Women”Date: May 20th, 2009 Description: In honor of “Ass Week” here at DW, this week’s Member Teleconference is going to go deeper into this week’s podcast topic: “How NOT To be An Ass When Meeting Women” (By the way, if you don’t know about “Ass Week” yet, be sure to check out today’s blog so you’ll know what I’m talking about!) Click Here To Check Out Today’s Blog And To Learn What “Ass Week” Is All about:—————————Title: “Open Q & A Forum”Date: May 13th, 2009Description: This week’s Member Teleconference will be an open Q & A forum with my coaches. What will the topics be? WHATEVER is on YOUR mind! We will cover as many questions as time allows. If there’s anything you’ve been dying to ask — but hasn’t yet been on the topic of one of the teleconferences, NOW is your chance to get it answered!———————Title: “Ultimate Lifestyle & Avoiding Cliches When Meeting Women”Date: May 6th, 2009Description: On this week’s Member Teleconference, we are going to talk all about achieving an ultimate lifestyle and how to avoid being a bad cliche when you’re trying to meet women. This call will a lot of fun, and will give you some great perspective as you step out of the house every day!—————————-Title: “Letting Go Of Expectations”Date: April 29th, 2009Description: This week’s Member Teleconference will be all about how to let go of expectations and have fun! This will be a call you will REALLY enjoy. We will also be taking your calls and answering questions. Be sure to join us.—————–Title: “What’s Your Biggest Sticking Point”Date: April 22nd, 2009Description: This week’s Member teleconference is going to be an open forum for all of you to bring up YOUR biggest sticking points in THREE MAJOR AREAS: First Encounters, First Dates AND When You’re About To Have Sex. Let’s get right to heart of whatever is holding you back in these three key areas … and overcome them NOW!———————–Title: “Create Sexual Tension With Coach Kimberly”Date: April 15th, 2009Description: On this week’s Member Teleconference, we are going to talk all about how to create sexual tension on a first date…and we’re going to do it by having you roleplay with Coach Kimberly. So anyone who wants the chance to do some amazing roleplaying with Coach Kimberly and work on their ability to create amazing sexual tension with women on the very first date, should NOT miss this call!————————–Title: “How To Connect With A Woman Sexually”Date: April 8th, 2009Description: This week’s teleconference will be all about how to connect with a woman sexually right from the get-go.  How many of you guys really understand how to connect sexually with a woman before you ever step inside the bedroom?  How many of you guys know how to take a woman to incredible level of desire before you even get physical?  Tune in to this week’s teleconference and discover exactly how to do this.———————-Title: “New Member Coaching Call”Date: April 1st, 2009Description: This week’s Member Teleconference will be a live coaching call, and we will welcome (officially) our new Members to the Community by giving each and every one of them one-on-one live coaching on the call.  This will be the new Members first first one-on-one coaching opportunity, and a great chance for the rest of the Community to get to know our newest Members.————————-Title: “Roleplaying With Coach Kimberly”Date: March 25th, 2009Description: On this week’s Member Teleconference, Coach Kimberly will be on the call – and ready to do some roleplaying with YOU! We are going to be opening up the phone lines and taking your calls. For each caller, we’ll give a random situation and have the caller practice opening up Coach Kimberly. It will be a ball … and a great way to practice and get a woman’s opinion at the same time! Be sure to join us!————————-Title: “Open Q and A Forum 2 “Date: March 18th, 2009Description: Last week was such a success that I decided to do it again. What stops you from meeting women. What are your fears and excuses? Tonight’s call is an open forum to blast through all of your fears and excuses. Bring your questions and get ready to find out how simple it really is to move forward and lose the fears!——————Title: “Open Q and A Forum”Date: March 11th, 2009Description: Open Q and A Forum! So bring all your questions and be ready to be coached!——————————Title: “Lifestyle”Date: March 4th, 2009Description:We have talked quite a bit about dating, sex and how to meet women. While all of these are critical components, the bottom line most important concept to grasp in improving your dating and personal life overall is the concept of lifestyle. What do you want to do with your life? Are you one of the many guys out there who are confused, scratching his head and wondering “What the hell am I doing with my life?!”This call is going to be different than any call we’ve ever done. It’s going to be all about how to explore the perfect lifestyle, and how to map out a road plan to get there. It is going to show you how to create a map or a game plan on how to really understand who you are and how to get that lifestyle.The reality is that you can chase women until the cows come home, but if you’re not happy in your life and in your work, then it’s never going to work for you. You want to be fulfilled emotionally, mentally and spiritually before you go out to find great women. So let’s talk all about lifestyle. It’s something that I really know how to create because I live a perfect life.————————-Title: “Secrets Of The Female Orgasm”Date: February 25th, 2009Description: It’s all about how to get a woman to orgasm every time. I’m know you want her to beg for more and I’m going to show you how. I have a very special guest who is going to show you how to make her cum and to get her to beg you to come over at all hours of the night begging you to please her again and again. This call you aren’t going to want to miss.———————————-Title: “Storytelling”Date: February 18th, 2009Description: Are you tired of not knowing what to say on a date or when you meet a woman? I remember when my Mom used to tell me, “don’t talk about yourself, it’s bad!”  Well Mom, I love you but you are wrong. You need to talk a bit about yourself on a date.  How else would a woman get to know you?  The real question is:  what do you say?  You don’t want to brag… bragging IS bad.In this conference call, I will teach you how to create amazing stories based on real events from your life.  Turn something as simple as your to-do list into captivating and emotional anecdotes that will make the woman want to know more about you.  By the time we finish, you will know how to intrigue her with your words, without ever having to memorize a script or line.—————————–Title: “Getting Out Of The Friends Zone “Date: February 11th, 2009Description: Do you have a lot of women who you are friends with? Are you attracted to some of them and wished something more could happen? In this conference call, David will explain to you what it really means to be attractive and how you can keep the sparks, the intrigue alive even when she’s just your friend.Learn how being just the friend is different from being the attractive friend and how to convert a friendship to a romance. It’s all about going deeper with the woman and really letting her see you all of who you are, all of the greatness that you are. So stop wondering whether there could be more between you two or not.See how you can finally stay out of the friend zone forever.————————-Title: “Overcoming Approach Anxiety”Date: February 4th, 2009Description: Learn all about the “art of the approach” in this week’s Teleconference. In it, I will break down and give you a guided tour through the mind of a woman, explaining exactly how women think and feel about men who approach them. I will tell you what creates instant attraction for women to a guy who approaches them, and what totally turns them off.I will also go into how you can confidently approach any woman, and how to tackle those things that keep you from feeling confident and succeeding in your approach. Find out how to stay totally present in the moment, how to get rid of the “monkey chatter” in your head and how to never again worry about what to say when you approach a woman.————————–Title: “Meet & Greet”Date: January 28th, 2009Description: Our first Community Site teleconference will be a “meet and greet” for all of us to to get together, meet and get to know each other better.  I’ll also talk more about the Community.


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