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Anatomy Trains – Myofascial Meridians

Anatomy Trains – Myofascial Meridians – Tom Myers
[10 DVDs – 110 MP4]


Anatomy Trains – Myofascial Meridians, Intro and Technique DVDsby Tom Myers–INTRO DISCS–The “Anatomy Trains” is a revolutionary way of analyzing soft-tissue patterns, and developing strategies for unwinding these patterns via fascial and myofascial work. In “Fascial Tensegrity”, Program 1 of the “Anatomy Trains, Myofascial Meridians” introductory series, you learn about the important role of connective tissues, and the development of the fascial network as Tom Myers unfolds and explains the complex origami of fascia’s multi-layer arrangement. Tom describes how the relationship between the bones and the myofasciae can be seen as a “tensegrity” structure and how the myofascial meridians describe the continual tensile lines running through the body. Using models like Buckminster Fuller’s Tensegrity structures, Tom shows how the myofascial system transmits the forces of gravity, action, strain, and even trauma around the body. To make it fun, he compares these myofascial continuities to train lines, with “tracks” and “stations” and use this metaphor to present the rules and the route map that these meridians of structure follow. The “Fascial Tensegrity” program lays the tracks for the next DVD program of the series, “The Myofascial Meridians”, where Tom Myers presents each of the twelve major myofascial meridians in detail and summarizes the entire system. Each of the body’s twelve Anatomy Trains lines, their components and relationships are examined in specific detail in a way on ordinary muscle-by-muscle and bone-by-bone anatomy course has ever done. By understanding these body-wide lines of transmission, you’ll be able to address stubborn local myofascial pain problems by unwinding global postural patterns.  This DVD includes common diagnostic elements, and some simple stretches to expose tensions in each line. Certified advanced Rolfer, anatomist, and widely published author Tom Myers uses skeletons, videos, demonstrations, dissections, colorful graphics, and computer animations to create the most lively anatomy presentation ever.–TECHNIQUE SERIES–All bodyworkers, especially if you’re familiar with Tom Myers acclaimed “Anatomy Trains” concepts, should see the new Anatomy Trains Technique Series consisting of 8 interactive DVDs. Each program presents a sequence of integrated fascial techniques for one of the Anatomy Trains Myofascial Meridians lines as covered in Tom Myers book, “Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists”.Utilizing interactive capability, each DVD provides instant access to:-         a review of the relevant anatomy-         an overview of the issues and patterns associated with the Myofascial Meridian line covered by the DVD , and-         the wide range of individual fascial release techniques and variations for the particular line being covered merely by clicking on a graphic of the body.Far from being a simple demonstration program, each of the techniques are taught in a small class mentoring situation. The comments from the clients, Tom’s corrections concerning application and the student’s body use, and the student’s responses, all become part of your learning process. Each techniques DVD program is designed so that you can apply the techniques with maximum confidence, understanding, and ease. The main program on each DVD runs a bit more than an hour and each DVD has numerous additional “extras” that will make it a valuable reference tool, client education aid, and a lasting addition to your library. Total running time for each DVD is approximately 85 minutes. The 8 Anatomy Trains Myofascial Meridians Technique Series DVDs are:    *      Superficial Front Line – Fascial and Myofascial Plane Techniques as outlined in Chapters 3-6 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      Superficial Back Line – Fascial and Myofascial Plane Techniques as outlined in Chapters 3-6 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      Lateral Line – Fascial and Myofascial Plane Techniques as outlined in Chapters 3-6 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      Spiral Line – Fascial and Myofascial Plane Techniques as outlined in Chapters 3-6 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      The Shoulder and Arm Lines – Fascial and Myofascial Plane Techniques as outlined in Chapters 7-9 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      The Functional Lines – Assessment, Training, Treatment, and Techniques as outlined in Chapters 7-9 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      Deep Front Line – Part 1 – Core Techniques for the Pelvis and Legs as outlined in Chapters 7-9 of the “Anatomy Trains” book    *      Deep Front Line – Part 2 – Core Techniques for the Trunk and Neck as outlined in Chapters 7-9 of the “Anatomy Trains” book


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