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Stephen Nash – The Natural Attraction CEIC

Stephen Nash – Natural Attraction CEIC
[7 CD – 36WMA, 1 Workbook – PDF]



INFO:…“Who Else Wants An In-Depth,Controversial, Fast-Track Education In Female Psychology And Sexual Attraction… COMBINED With An Intensive “Boot Camp style” Personalized Training With Step-By-Step Techniques For Overcoming Fear, Approaching Women, Getting Emails And Phone Numbers, Setting Up Dates, And “Getting Physical” With Women…”If You’re Ready To Start Meeting And DatingMore Women RIGHT NOW, This Might Just BeThe Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read…Dear Friend,I have some questions for you:Do you get nervous around women? When you see a woman you’d like to approach, do you “freeze-up” and let the opportunity pass you by?Maybe you are out on a date with a woman, and you feel like it might be time to kiss her yet you are too afraid to risk it and make a mistake?Do you feel insecure and unattractive? Do you look at yourself in the mirror in the mornings and say things like “women just don’t go for guys like me”?Have you ever felt self-conscious and anxious while speaking with an attractive woman to the point where you can’t communicate normally?Have you ever secretly felt angry with women feeling that they have the power of choice with men, while you feel absolutely none at all?Do you want to know everything there is to know about women and dating before you can even start approaching women, getting more dates, etc?Do you hate the idea of admitting to others that you feel insecure about this area of your life, and you really wish you could just figure it out on your own?Have you ever felt like dating & relationships just were not “you” and that maybe you were one of those guys who would be single for life?Are you secretly ashamed of the fact that you sexually desire women, and that you would love to “get laid” once in a while?Are you having some success with women at the moment, but know that you could be dating MUCH more attractive women more consistently?If you answered “YES” to any of these, then I have some very important news for you.You are not alone, and there is a way “out” of this predicament. In fact, these questions come from a list I made a few years ago, before I decided to get this area of my life handled.Not having success with women doesn’t feel good. In fact, it feels BAD.Loneliness, insecurity, low self-esteem, social anxiety are not feelings we seek through the course of our lives.Yet, with most men, these states are common. Dare I say, they are ORDINARY.These feelings leave you feeling a lack of power and choice.Not having this area of life handled can also lead to the worst of all states…the feeling of failure in life.On the other hand…Having success with women feels GOOD.It feels good having options of who to take to the party on Saturday night.It feels good to see a woman on the street or in the cafe, and KNOW you will have her phone number in 5 minutes.It feels good to be in conversations with very attractive women and having them smile and laugh at your jokes.It feels good having women give you that “doggy dinner bowl” look when they are ready for you to kiss them.Knowing how to attract women feels good…I think we agree on that.You know what else? When you are good at attracting women, THEY feel good too.Attracting women feels good to you AND her…so, it’s worth learning how to do it, and how to do it WELL.Most Guys Won’t Admit That They Need Help, So They Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again…Most guys either slowly give-up over the course of years, becoming more and more passive in the face of the downward spiral OR they rely on the law of “luck” and keep working with the wrong skills in the wrong way never realizing that with a few simple techniques their success could improve DRAMATICALLY.So, you want to know a secret?Ever hear of Project Hollywood?Surely you have heard of my friend Neil Strauss’ book “The Game”, right? Well, in that book, he describes the lifestyles of the best “pick-up artists” in the world.Five of us got together and pooled our money so we could live in one of the nicest homes in the Hollywood Hills. In fact, we landed Dean Martin’s old “Rat Pack Mansion”.Having the five of us together in the same house was like living in a massive “think tank” for meeting women, dating, getting laid and eventually…having a girlfriend.We all helped each other, and each of us rocked our skills to the “jedi” level in mere months.On an average day, I would meet 10 new women.Me and the boys would talk through each challenge that we had had that day, and find real-world solutions to each.We ONLY Focused On What Worked And Completely Discarded What Didn’t. Our “Game” Was Incredibly Tight And Each Of Us Was A Sight To Behold.Then it all went sour. As you’ve probably read, a girl broke the house down. Two guys fell for the same girl, and the rest is history. But enough of that sordid tale…The day I moved back to New York, I told my buddy Mike (another Project Hollywood alumnus) that I wanted to record some of my thoughts so we wouldn’t forget anything.He agreed, and jotted down some things that he also did not want to forget.We spent the next two weeks writing down every last technique and skill that we had learned from our time there – and we left out NOTHING I assure you.Once we started recording, it was very clear that what we had was VERY cutting-edge and also somewhat controversial.I mean, we weren’t living the most moral, ethical lives out there in Project Hollywood!Some of what we wrote and recorded was slightly underhanded, and a bit devious. Some of these techniques could also be called “tactics”.But, we kept them in the archive because they were VERY powerful. We knew they worked.Over the years, I’ve parlayed all of this into healthy, lasting social skills that I teach guys in my ebook, 1-on-1 consultations & seminars.But some of these tactics and gimmicks remain in the “Natural Attraction” course that Mike and I developed.Want to know what else?I recently converted them into mp3 files, so guys could download them straight from the internet. FAST & EASY…so that you can benefit asap!So, why would I offer something that I openly call “controversial”?Because all of these ideas, techniques, gimmicks, tactics and skills HELPED me get to where I am today.I know they work, and I think you should have access to them.Also, I am confident that you will do what I did…which is to use them in healthy, honest ways.If you’ve made it this far, I know you’re on the up-and-up. You’ve read my ebook, or worked your way through the Master Class, or found this page via a trusted friend.So, you’ve already been exposed to a lot of good stuff, and are prepared for what is to follow.Because the offer I am about to make is DEADLY to fear and failure. Remember, these are the techniques I (and others) was using while in the midst of the most intensely social period of my life.It’s Time For The FAST Track!If you’ve decided then that what you want is major success with women, dating and relationships then what I am going to tell you can help you get it FAST.These controversial recordings are being released now for a VERY limited time. So, you’re going to need to pull the trigger on this soon friend or you’ll miss this opportunity.These recordings exist in seven easily downloaded mp3 files filled with my voice teaching you all of the techniques, ideas, tips, gimmicks, routines, lines and concepts that we developed at Project Hollywood.It also has cutting-edge concepts solely devoted to finding “the one” girl who can fulfill your need for a relationship.For a VERY limited time, you can have my voice in your ear for over 10 hours of instruction. All from the comforts of your own home.You can have these on your ipod and listen to them while you’re out too. Heck, you can even bring my voice into the bar with you if you wanted…I’ve tried to make this as convenient and simple for you as possible. We have enough challenges in our way, right? Why not make LEARNING these skills as easy as possible?What You’re Going To Learn…Here’s a partial list of what I cover in “Natural Attraction”:Learn our ground-breaking 3-point system that’ll give you “English” in any interaction you have an attractive womanWe disclose the marvelous secret of “hooking” that makes you seem fascinating to even devastatingly beautiful womenWe uncover a key language skill that can build fascination in any woman, ANYTIME. This skill is critical when building connections, which lead into relationshipsStunningly effective conversational openers and linesHow to bait ANY woman into a conversation so that within minutes she is dying to know YOU.We go over the subtleties of female psychology and why it is absolutely necessary to do THREE key things when meeting any new woman…do you know what they are?We list the EXACT places to go where you can meet women with the greatest probability of success. Stop wasting your time in the wrong venues for YOUWe teach you how to be the center of attention and the life of the party within SECONDS of meeting complete strangersLearn which conversational topics are fascinating to women. Never be boring againWe provide a clear definition of relationships, and why some work and some don’t. We give you clear-cut ways to improve all of your relationships TODAYThere are three different ways to engage women in conversation when you are socializing. These three are based on the three different environments that exist socially. Do you know what they are? We teach you on Day II of the programWe teach you the FASTEST way to begin conversations in ANY environmentLearn how to counter the most common rejection phrases from women – NEVER be shot down againWe outline the aspects of a successful mindset, and we then lead you through a clear and concise exercise to attain that attitude for yourselfMASTER the art of flirtingWe instantly improve your body language and tonality with simple, clear advice never heard anywhere beforeWe give you a SIMPLE way to ALWAYS be relaxed and comfortable before approaching and engaging women in conversationGet women chasing you by being a challenge and by playing hard to get – you may have heard other ways to create this dynamic. Throw them all away – this one works EVERY timeWe give you precise things to say, and then teach you how to drop all scripted lines and be truly spontaneousLearn the four different frames for attracting women…which one works for you?We teach you how to maintain control of any conversation, so you can lead it towards your desired outcomeLearn the secret to building an INSTANTANEOUS and GENUINE emotional connectionWe will give you three different dating scenarios which most guys follow – there is one, and only one, which is nearly a guarantee for success – which one do you follow now? How can you change your strategy for dating to increase your success?Listen to real-life examples from our personal experience in dating, and how you can capitalize on what took us years to figure out for ourselvesWe give you a solid blueprint on how to live with PASSION and bring other people into your life – become the magnet of your social circleWe reveal three errors men make when trying to attract women – and then we teach you how to NEVER make them againLearn how to attract and get the woman YOU desire with astonishing accuracyWe reveal deep insights into female psychology that women don’t want you to knowWe will help you create a profile for the woman you really want, and help you develop a real plan for meeting her and bringing her into your life. It is critical that you know what you are looking for in a woman, and we will reveal this to you on Day II of the programCritical elements in creating an interesting and magnetic lifestyle – have people coming to you from now onWe speak at length about connections, and intimacy – topics that are baffling to men, and we describe them in detail, giving you a solid framework to create more of both in your lifeFinally understand intimacy, and how to encourage its development in your relationshipsWe teach you a three-step plan for meeting women, which is simple and reliable, and that will make your interactions with women more fun and comfortableYou will get the keys to creating sexual tension – never hearing “let’s just be friends” EVER againTake charge of your social life – date on YOUR termsWe have an entire CD which guides you through a step-by-step process for creating a timeline that helps you get back on track in EVERY area of your life. We have a solid system for bringing you in touch with what success means to you, and then developing a timeline – a plan – for success. Our aim is to help your dreams become a realityBecome a great storyteller, and learn the essentials of how to bring someone INTO the story you are telling. Learn these secrets, and never be alone on a Saturday night againLearn how to buy great, stylish clothes and not break the bank…without leaving your own house!We outline the aspect of the successful mindset – then, we lead you through a step-by-step process to attain that attitude for yourself!We teach you the structure of humor and how to pull it off EVERY timeWe teach you the smoothest, most subtle way to meet women via your social circleStop wondering if your look works for you, and start being the most stylish guy at the partyHow to swiftly handle those uncomfortable pauses and awkward moments so you never suffer from social anxiety againHow to STOP being intimidated by groups of women, and how to start working them to your advantageListen wherever you go, you have 7 days worth of MP3’s that build on the previous lessons, with exercises that maximize your learning experience.Hear an instructor present conversation skills in the proper tone, pitch and timing so you can accelerate your comprehension…”So, Stephen, What’s The Deal??”Well, I thought you’d never ask…I am prepared to send you to a secret webpage where you can download these mp3 files, all you’ll have to do is fill-in a very simple form at the bottom of this page. OK?Once you’ve filled-in that form, you’ll receive an email from me with a link to this secret webpage. Follow that link, and you will find seven imbedded files for you to quickly download.I say quickly, because that page is only “live” for 12 hours. It will be your unique link.You will literally be hearing my voice in 3-4 minutes.I’ve got a couple of “special” bonuses for you too…Natural Attraction Workbook with Charts (68-page eBook)Work along-side the audio with written exercises, charts and customisable action plans.


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