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Paul Scheele – Personal Celebration

Paul Scheele – Personal Celebration[2 CDs – FLAC]
[2 CDs – FLAC]



Paul Scheele – Personal CelebrationEAC Secure Rip, with log, cue, and  m3u filesPaul Scheele – Personal Celebration – CD101. Being    02. Doing    Paul Scheele – Personal Celebration – CD201. Getting   02. Having    Quote:How to have your life be a personal celebrationby Joel LaVignereprinted with permission from “Wellness”Paul Scheele, author of over twenty book and tape programs and cofounder of Learning Strategies Corporation in Minnetonka, has insights to turn your life into a true personal celebration. These valuable insights are related to BEING, DOING, HAVING, and GETTING.BEINGInsight #1: Many of the results you get in your life are determined by your thoughts of who you are. All of your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors flow from your self-concept.”For example, do you think you are powerful? asks Scheele. “Or, you may want to know in your heart and mind that you are deserving. The fullness of who you are is affirmed when you reinforce these attributes and qualities.”DOINGInsight #2: Apply your talents and energies in order to reap the greatest return. Do the important activities that make your life really work. Do what fills your life with value.”Some times you can “do” to get things and have the experiences you want in life,” says Scheele. “Some times you “do” to keep or maintain. Some times you “do” in order to learn and know. Some times you “do” for the pure pleasure of it like reading or taking a walk in the woods. And some times you “do” because it is an expression of who you are. For example, you act kindly because you are a kind person.”The key is to make sure that what you do really fits with who you are and your purpose. Ask yourself, ‘Are my actions today worthwhile? Are they in alignment with my life’s priorities and consistent with the direction I want?’ Staying on purpose each day is the most powerful way known to create the life you desire.HAVINGInsight #3: With the proper use of your energies you bring pleasure into your life and help manifest yourself fully in the world.”Support yourself in having what you really want,” says Scheele. “There is a unique privilege and responsibility to having the important things in life. In order to have, keep, and maintain the quality of your life, you need to use your skills and take action. Stepping up to this responsibility can be life giving and fulfilling. You learned long ago that only you can take care of, is you. As you became aware of your significance you could nurture other things as well. Perhaps you’ve discovered that it is through your connection to the world around you that the joy of the world is given back to you multiplied.”GETTINGInsight #4: Consistently getting what you want is more a matter of knowing your goal and purpose, being aware and committing yourself to getting the best for you.”Getting what you want is not a matter of luck or being a deserving person,” says Scheele. “Only with purpose and commitment can you use your mind and physical energies properly to manifest your desire in powerful ways.”Paul wove these insights into an experiential audio tape series called Personal Celebration that includes four empowering tapes called BEING, DOING, HAVING, and GETTING. Nearly fifty of his friends and clients came with him to the studio. Using remarkable three dimension recordings, these people support your being, doing, having, and getting in life. Scheele says, “As a listener, you need only to close your eyes, relax, and be guided on adventures that will support you in ways you may have only dreamed.”


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