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Ian Xel Lungold – Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex

Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex
[2 PDFs]



Product Description:The Simplest Conversion to Mayan dates Ever!Perpetual Mayan Calendar up to Dec 31st 2013 AD. The Codex is a simple tool to quickly convert a standard Gregorian date to the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar date. You can look up your date of birth and find out your Mayan Sun Sign and Galactic tone or look up any date such as an important event and see what the Mayan Tzolkin date was or will be. Among the most useful aspects of the Codex is that it can be used as a “Daily Oracle” to follow the specific energies of each day of the 260 day Tzolkin calendar. The Codex also includes a directional energies chart which shows how each of the 20 Sun Signs interact and relate to one another.The Codex provides definitions and meanings of each of the 20 Sun Signs and 13 Galactic tones. This information has been translated directly from highest K’iche’ Maya priests “True Count of Days” as kept by the Guatemalan highland Maya priests for the last 3000 years. A beautiful 11 x 27 inch” presentation of Maya art.To each of you considering the purchase of a Codex:The Mayan calendar is a prophetic tool that is quite profound. The pattern of creation’s energy comes and goes round and round, up and down. With this simple tool, a pattern and flow of creation can now be found. Ian Lungoldstudied for years the details of how this is done and has written it down.Each of you who purchase the Codex will receive an enclosed 4 page letter.The purpose of which is to help you apply this wisdom all the better.Welcome All, To the Evolution !Step right this way Through the Portal of IntuitionPersonal Note:I recently became more and more interested in the Mayan calendar and wanted to find out more if there was anything to it besides the stereotypical doomsday prophecies that are quite popular today. If there was anything to the prophecies of the Mayan people and if so how I could use it to my advantage.It might be comforting to know that the Maya never wrote or predicted anything supporting the claims of doomsday of any kind, but it was simply assumed in modern times that since the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, that it would automatically mean that the world would be destroyed, this has no basis in the Mayan people or their predictions though.On the contrary, the Mayan calendar describes an era of Conscious Creation taking place in the beginning of 2012 and looking back on history, the events predicted by the Mayan calendar are very accurate.Its impossible to predict the exact happenings taking place in the future, but looking back on history and events taking place, the calendar is very accurate in its predictions.For an in depth explanation of the Mayan calendar I highly recommend Ian Xel Lungolds presentation located here: well as the site where I discovered this video which is fairly new but already known by several members of this site, which contains information that has been cleverly hidden until now(as with anything, don’t believe everything, but check it with your own experience and see if it resonates with you): basic difference between the Gregorian calendar which we use today and the Tzolkin calendar used by the Maya is that the Gregorian is based purely upon astrological phenomenon and was supposedly created by the Catholic church to collect taxes. The Maya also had this calendar, but gave it very little importance and focused more on the Tzolkin calendar among 4 in total, to live according to the calendar of Conscious Creation, or in other words, the time of evolutionary consciousness, and to use this to their advantage in every day life.The tool presented here will enable you to convert any day, past, future or present, to see what the dominant creation energy for that day is, and to take advantage of it to live your life more in the flow of creation itself.It matters very little whether you believe in the dominant conscious energy for any particular day or not, it will still be present. I advice you view it from a perspective of an open mind and check  for yourself in your own experience.One of the more interesting things about it is that by looking up your date of birth, you will find what was the dominant energy of creation you chose to come into this life with.This energy is still dominant in your life and determines what your purpose or intention with this life time is. It might be helpful for you to know what your main purpose in this life time is. Another aspect, is that you can look up days to come and see what the dominant energy is for each of those coming days, so you can take advantage of it and live your life attuned to the dominant energy of that day rather in opposition to it.The more you do this, your own inner knowingness and intuition will align itself automatically.I’ve calculated out the dominant energy for my birthday as well as for all my family members and find it to be very accurate in its descriptions regarding to what my deepest desires are that have been dominant throughout my life as well as characteristics of myself that are not so flattering that I should be aware of, but are still very accurate.Don’t take the descriptions literal word for word in the codex, but look at the underlying meaning of what is written and be honest with yourself and look back in your life and see how it relates to you.It is much easier to recognize what is said about others in the codex than about yourself. It helps to read what is written about you several times so it can reach through all your personal filters that prevents you from recognizing the underlying meaning.Its also quite interesting and fun to use On a final note, it is interesting to see that the day I received the calendar, corresponded exactly to the same number in the calendar that correlates to my date of birth, with the same black number as well as the same sun sign.I don’t know the probability and odds of that happening, but I’m sure the number is quite large. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. Just treat it with an open mind and try to see the benefits this tool is able to present you with as you live more and more in tune with the flow of life.Much love,Zewlz


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