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Chris Tannoy – Men’s Guide to Power Words – How to Start and Keep The Conversation Going?

[1 eBook – PDF]


Description to Instantly Chat Up Any Woman You Want?Proven tested methods socially competent men don’t want you to know.Dating or courtship is the process of choosing and attracting a mate for companionship or marriage. You will learn: phrases for opening conversations with girls, good questions to ask girls to keep conversation going and more…However men find problems with going up to girls and starting conversations. The soulution is to prepare in advance, learn essentials… Introducing Your Essential Success Manual :Men’s Guide to Power Words – How to Start and Keep The Conversation Going?rating5 Star Rating!Have you ever wondered why some men find it easy to talk to women and some don’t? What a very few men understand is to effectively communicate with a woman, he must be able to relate to her needs and desires on various levels.There are several ways in which a man can improve his ability to relate to a woman while talking to her. Men need to be able to relate to this sensitive and caring side of a woman when talking to her.So what is proper way to initiate conversation and which questions keep conversations interesting?Proven Methods to Approach and Chat Up WomenIn my continuous quest for helping men to attract women I’m about to reveal you proven methods to approach and chat up women. The key for success with women is to keep persisting on improving your social skills and making yourself interesting and attractive person to women.Just like your professional life time learned skills learning and adopting the behavior that make you attractive to women is an ongoing process, the one never learned in school.I can not emphasize enough how important it is to make easy steps and keep going UNTIL you reach your ULIMATE GOAL, become attractive to women….men’s favourite conversation topicsThe first and most important step is to learn mastery of talking to women.Coming up with interesting conversation topics, leading conversation from casual to specific tailored themes in an art I’m about to tech you right now.Keep your eyes on your ultimate goal, and continue leaning and improving your conversation with women skills no matter how it goes in the beginning.One of the most important aspects of relating to a woman is to learn how she thinks and feels. Even though all women are unique, there are some general ways in which they are the same. If a man can understand those underlying common denominators among women, he will be able to relate to and talk to them easier. Give A Woman Her Share Of The Talkhow to keep a conversations goingA very important thing a man can do for women in conversation is to ENCOURAGE HER TO EXPRESS HER IDEAS and views on things. Often men tend to dominate a conversation with a woman by expressing his side of a story and not let the woman who he is talking to express her point of view.So generally, it is important to give a woman her share of the talk, and be a good listener also.Now in a blueprint book “Men’s Guide to Power Words – How to Start and Keep The Conversation Going?” I will teach you:chatting up womenFIRST thing first, How to open conversation with a woman?If you haven’t got a lot of experience in the dating game and if you’re not sure whether a girl likes you, the key is this – ASSUME she likes you and act accordingly.Basically, if you assume she likes you, and then your attitude and body language will be far more attractive than if you are constantly thinking “does she like me?” all the time.What you need to know about ways to lead conversation   1. What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl?   2. How to to start a conversation with a girl online?   3.   4. How to keep someone interested in your conversations?What if conversation dries up quickly and you go into dreadful uncomfortable silence? Learn new ways to keep conversation adviceBest advice I can give you is to be sociable and talkative with everyone. It will depend on how confident you are as a person, but if you can talk to everyone, then you will be seen as a guy of value and it won’t be surprising if a girl likes you. Also, when being talkative and sociable, remember to display a sense of fun, lightheartedness and humor about yourself.People will then want to be around you and you will give off a positive vibe. Avoid being really quiet and complaining all the time like many people do. I mean, do you honestly like being round someone who is negative?Don’t over-analyze what to say when you pass her by, just say ‘hey, how’s it going’ but make sure you are in an upbeat fun sort of mood, and you will convey your positive energy to her.Believe me, as long as you keep improving on taught instructions in a “power words” eBook you will eventually master art of leading conversation with women and keeping them attracted to you.chatting up womenHow Do You Keep Conversation Going On A Date?My solution has been to take it one step at a time. Once you try something, and “get away with it” you realize that in the end it was actually quite easy. That’s when your confidence starts to grow, and you start to get the hang of approaching women.Have you had enough experience talking to girls even those who are not romantic partners, to make any difference, to attract her to you? Sitting around and thinking about what might have been, what you would have said, what she’d say back, etc. is draining. It might feel good, but it doesn’t get any work done.So you need to LEARN:   1. How to approach and start initial conversation with a woman?   2. How to make conversations interesting with a girlfriend?   3. How to bring interesting topics on conversations?   4. What is the best ways to talk to a girl to keep a conversation interesting?   5.Believe me, as long as you keep improving on taught instructions in a “power words” eBook you will eventually master art of leading conversation with women and keeping them attracted to adviceSo what do successful men actually do to attract women?The best way to learn fast it to refer to the dating women blueprint that will give you a general outline what should be done first …making small talk with womenThe next step you need to learn is UNDERSTANDING THE WAY FEMALE ATTRACTION WORKS. One of the essential skills is to understand female’s perspective of attraction and dating. What makes a man attractive to a woman?Looks?Personal charm?Wealth and money?Similar interests and common beliefs?Then you just tailor your approach toward picking conversation topics in a way that triggers attraction towards you as a dating object. Creating attraction and triggering that necessary spark that makes you interesting to woman is related to a special combination of humor, flirting, personal charm and many subliminal and subconscious messages transferred in a proper spontaneous way.To make sure you are aware of this stage in an attraction game I’ve devoted chapter in “power words” ebook aimed to guide you in creating and leading a conversation with a prospective woman. Here is what you will learn:Conversation And Signs Of Attraction   1. How to initiate and keep a conversation with a girl?   2. What are fun questions to ask to keep a conversation going?   3. How do you keep a conversation going with the person you like?   4. Learn the most common used words in conversations.   5. What question do girls like to be asked so that they start conversations?   6. And more….So guys if you want to succeed with women start upon building necessary skill block and most importantly work on it.If you DON’T TAKE ACTION UPON WHAT YOU’VE ABOUT TO LEARN no dating knowledge will help by itself!YES, I’m going to make some encouragement remarks along the road so you won’t be on you own.So let’s get started!chatting up womenTechnique 1: Stop Waiting For the Perfect Moment to Approach WomenIf you’re waiting for the perfect moment or perfect mood to approach someone, actually you might miss many excellent opportunities if you hesitate and at least don’t banter now and then.So many gurus are teaching “the art of “luring – tricking – dragging” women into bed. I’m definitely not going to. What I’m advocating is making a good human and personal contact with a woman that will eventually progress into love and hopefully into relationship.Instead of thinking what you will loose (negatively) think of what you can gain (positively). Try to convince a woman as well as yourself that your friendship is an ideal foundation / platform in which to launch your relationship adviceYes I’m aware that you’ll hear over and over again that pickup lines work! Actually they DON’T! Would you go with a woman just because she regurgitated some of overused, lame sentence?What always had worked, and is still working is being natural with women and treating them as interesting conversation companions.When You See A Pretty Girl What Do You Say To Start Conversation?Girls are generally attracted to fun, confident, positive, upbeat people. Develop a natural inner confidence that exudes outward to the rest of the world. This will help you especially in attracting women. What you need is to be confident, talkative and flirty around women. Ask her open-ended questions and let her tell you about herself.Then she will “pick up” on your interest towards her without you actually saying it. That’s how the whole game of seduction works, and if you break that delicate bubble by verbalizing your interest in her, you’re dead.You, need to understand some basic principles of male – female attraction. The “nice guy” is the shy, unconfident, approval seeking, sexually inhibited man who women only ever like as a friend and NEVER a lover.SO START GETTING ACQUAINTACES WITH WOMEN NOW!chatting up womenTechnique 2: How to chat up women and get them attracted to you?The skill to attract, chat up and get laid is a natural gift, for some men, for the other majority it is a skill that should be learned. Women crave relationships and sex with men just as men do.What’s the difference? It’s just a way women emotionally related to men and the way they express desires.Don’t make approach harder than it has to be. Keep it simple. Next time you see a woman, introduce yourself. Just say “Hi, I’ve seen you before but don’t know your name…. my name is….”See how she reacts. Then say, “what do you do?”. That will open the door for conversation. If it goes well, ask if you can have her extension at work.That is a perfect alternative to lunch, since you may not know so soon if she is interested. You could just say “hey, I’m going on a cappuccino break…have you had a break yet?”That way, it is not a “date” since it is not lunch and cappuccino is only a dollar or two. If she says no to a “break”, then you pretty much have your answer as to what she might say to a “date”.If things go well via office phone, then ask if she’d like to take a break for cappuccino or coffee on your break.If she says no, then of course don’t ask for a date. It’s not the end of the world if she says no.Continue to be polite, but do move on to someone else who returns your feelings of interest. Also, don’t wait to invite her for coffee. If you do, someone else may beat you to adviceIt’s all about how you communicate with women that really turn them ON, and fire up their natural desire for a masculine presence. As easy at it seems to be it usually takes a lot of effort on a male side to get women attracted to you.Your chances to win a women’s heart will skyrocket if you follow these STEPS…How To Keep Conversations Flowing With Interesting Subjects?Stop waiting for the perfect sentence, and perfect conversation line. Just be natural as if you were talking to some of your female colleagues.Finding girls is one of the most difficult things in a man’s life. but at the same time can be one of the easiest. What I mean is usually when I was concentrating on meeting women, or trying to meet girls or find a date, it has never been easy, and usually never worked out well.But every time, which is most often, I have sat back and just had a good time doing whatever else I was doing and was myself, is when it happened.Topics You Could Talk About When Trying To Start A ConversationSee as males we have this strange thing that happens when we meet attractive women, or go single for long periods of time.Remember that if you are interested in someone, it doesn’t have to start with something as heavy as a date. Start by simply getting to know the person first, to determine if you like her enough to ask for a date.Most women do not like a man to get quick seduced. What they are actually looking for is connection with a person who knows what he wants out of his life and who is pursuing women.chatting up womenTechnique 3:How To Start A Conversation And Keep It Flowing?Most of the time when approaching women you don’t need to know “what to say” in advance, it will come to you just when you start by “Hi, what’s up?” So here is what you need to learn about starting and opening conversation:    * Learn Easy Topics Of Conversation When Getting To Know Someone    * What Are Appropriate Topics When Starting A Conversation?    * What Are Some Interesting Topics Of Conversation To Raise With A Woman?    * What Is The Best Way To Start A Good Conversation Goin With A Girl    * What Are The Best Questions To Ask To Keep A Converstaion Interesting?Women may act differently according to social atmosphere. To me that’s part of the fun dating, and even making friends with girls, is finding out what they are really like, and learning more about them in different situations and different moods.Most people love talking about their partners so if you can coach it out of them during the conversation then it will make your job easier in regards to making yourself happy in relationship.You’re trying to meet someone who lights your fire too. If you set a goal and attain it not only will you impress women more often, but you might even amaze yourself, and raise that self esteem/confidence level.Don’t mold and mend your body or personality for girls or anyone else EVER. Do not think about wanting to be more social but make it happen today. Do it only for yourself. You would much rather be happy with yourself and alone than unhappy with who you are. It’s easier to act your way into thinking right than to think your way into advice What Topics Are Great To Start A Conversation With Women?Nothing attracts women like self confidence. Seemingly impossible for some men who get stuck and powerless when they get in encounter. I now it can be worked out too.Showing self confidence is a strong power sign because it’s always been attribute of natural attraction. Why do you think some women fall for jerks?You should be totally happy with your life before you start meeting / dating / trying to add women into your life.Another thing was being shy about your looks. That’s something you could change. Perhaps you could try working out, dieting, changing eating habits, but not with the intention of getting girls.If you were to do that, I would hope you do it to help your own self esteem, and make you feel better about yourself. There is almost nothing women love more than a man with confidence, goals, and dreams. If you set a goal and attain it not only will you impress women more often, but you might even amaze yourself, and raise that self esteem – confidence level!Do it only for yourself. You would rather be happy with Yourself and alone than unhappy with who You are.chatting up womenTechnique 4: What Questions To Ask A Girl To Get A Conversation Going?The biggest mistake men do is ignoring the reality. When approaching a girl, how do you know if she is isn’t already married or has a boyfriend?Does she even want company of a guy at the moment?When you ask a girl for your number, sure; she certainly expects you to call sometime soon! You never know, she may be more interested when you probably think. It’s it times to see these things.1. Call her! Once you get her number, she expects you to!2. Don’t try to kiss her on the first date.3. Don’t try to kiss her on the second date (she may not know for sure if she wants that yet).4. Keep going on dates until you know FOR SURE she wants you to kiss her.Kissing on the first date isn’t a good idea. I don’t encourage it unless the moment is absolutely perfect and the both of you can feel that. I’ve been kissed on the first date twice.The first time, It wasn’t nice and I was completely turned off. I wished that I would have gotten the chance to know her better. Afterwards, feelings were much deeper, and I had felt more passion in that moment ever before.These skills are critical to developing self-confidence in the presence of a girl you are attracted to, as well as for social acceptance.One of the biggest challenges is getting to notice the signals from the opposite advice Introducing yourself…Don’t expect success with women just from the first attempt. Nothing happens from the first tryout. One of the first tricks to keeping a conversation going is to keep your intellectual mind-set focused on the current conversation.I believe that the more time that you spend with woman the more closer a bond that you will form. This will only be possible if you do this on a one on one basis.Then when you do get an opportunity make the most of it and show her a good time. Don’t try anything during those dates just keep it casual and light.So often I take notice of troubles associated to opening a conversation like this: “I’ve been preparing to talk to a girl, but at the moment I am about to do it I break out in a cold sweat and give up.”Ask A Woman Casual Questions To Get The Conversation StartedWhat you need is practice and you will learn from your experience. The more frequently you see each other, the more of a bond and connection that you will form. If you can make her laugh that would be even better. In summary there isn’t necessarily anything particular that you can say or do that will sweep her off her feet.If she chooses you then it would have been a culmination of things that she will have found attractive about you. Be yourself and try to put your best foot forward. Show her how much you like her by being attentive to her needs. I do not mean doing things for her continuously but also give her emotional support.Listen carefully to what she is saying because more often or not valuable clues can be found on how to impress her. Women like guys with passion and a plan. If you have something that you are particularly passionate about or like tell her. Otherwise just relax and enjoy her company.Don’t try and figure it all out in your head before hand, take the time to learn through experience. It’s easiest if you remove the roadblocks you are experiencing one by one.chatting up womenTechnique 5: Ways To Introduce Yourself To Someone You Like Without Looking DesperateMove yourself to environments where people like to converse. The parties and bars are places where women are relaxed and usually looking for fun or social partners.The most effective way to get someone interested in you is to show an interest in him or her. If you adopt an attitude that is accepting and open, and show that you are concerned in the other person, you will look like you are interested in conversation with them.Never feel bad about having a go at chatting to a girl because you are basically doing what every other guy and girl is doing on the planet. If she is not the right girl for you then so be it. There are plenty of other girls out there for you to meet.Despite the fact that girls has been very friendly to you it would be extremely difficult to determine whether the girl drew the heart to you, because she finds you attractive or whether she is just being friendly.There is no way for a woman not to misinterpret a request for a date, no matter how sincere it is, as anything more than a request made by sincere and open offer.Unless you knew how deep her feeling was from the onset, you might like to play it by ear. Her feelings would still be tender and so she might not be receptive to the advice Chatting Up Girls By Developing A Friendship FirstWhen you start a conversation, you usually want to ask safe questions that are sure not to cause her any embarrassment. Men have no problem going up to another man and talking about anything, but when it comes to talking to the opposite the subjects suddenly dried out.And you are likely to get stuck in an awkward silence. THERE IS A DEFINITIVE CURE FOR THIS MENTAL BLOCK.When starting a conversation with someone you don’t know (of any gender), you need to find the way to get the other person talking about herself.Perfect Words To Say To Start A Conversation With A WomanYou might also want to try to firstly ask woman casually whether guys ask her out a lot and how she handles it. Then when you are about to exit, leave her a letter along with a tip saying something along the lines of:Dear I understand that you get propositioned a lot from guys and because this happens I just want to pledge to you that I will never ask you out no matter how much I think that you are a wonderful, sincere, kind and beautiful.I will never ever tell you how much that I like you and that I wish that you would go out with me because I know that it would be wrong and that I do not want to be thrown in with the other guys that have asked you out previously.Yours sincerely Bottom line: The above is meant to work similar along the lines of reverse psychology.Most people like to talk about themselves and appreciate the opportunity to talk to someone who’s interested in what they have to say.chatting up womenTechnique 6: How to To Pick Up On Interest Signs?Breaking the ice is just half the encounter. It’s also the most nerve-racking to a man. If you have gotten past the introduction, just try to keep the conversation light and entertaining.Most guys do not pick up on signs very well. The fact that a girl is asking you what you are doing is her way of getting you to ask her out. So many guys miss it. A woman might then assume okay they are not interested and just move on.They like someone who truly cares about what they are saying, especially if it is something personal to them. Whenever it seems like a girl has a lot on her mind, express genuine interest in wanting to know and possibly help.Take The Funny Guy Approach And Play It CasualI would take the funny guy approach and play it casual. Best approach hey we are going to (Bar name) – come join us?That way you can find out what is going on without torturing yourself. She will most likely go out afterwards. Everything a girl does has a reason behind it. Being responsive shows her that you truly were listening, and care about what she’s going through.Bottom line: If a woman starts to tell you what she’s going through don’t look away or let something else catch your attention.Look her in the eyes, nodding occasionally and leaning in a little, not leaning in too much to where its awkward or nodding excessively, which is a giveaway that you aren’t adviceThere is no need to be intimidated if you don’t want to kick out. If you make a woman uncomfortable by trying to pick her up, YOU WILL INEVITABLY LOSE THE ENCOUNTER.Women are more interested in developing a friendship first if there is a possibility for a relationship.Technique 7: What Topics To Talk About In A Conversation With Girls?Ask the woman light personal questions or make observations about her. I’ve been amazed how readily women will reveal all kinds of personal things in casual conversation.Don’t think too hard and develop a logical flow from small talk to something deeper.Keep it simple and let the conversation flourish on its own, she should be helping you out if she is at all worthy of conversation with you.And remember many females love to be listened too. One of the best conversational gambits one can make, is discovering what the other person is passionate about and then getting them to talk about that.chatting up womenDiscover what you may thought was impossible to accomplish but could be learnt:Why learn from the “Men’s Guide to Power Words – How to Start and Keep The Conversation Going?” eGuide?Because there’s no replacement for “hands on” experience. You’ll read and be called to implement what you have learnt immediately.You’ll benefit from (and laugh at) stories of real things I will reveal here about relationships with women.I will teach you how to approach and chat up women. It all really depends on your personality type on whether you want to go for the direct approach or indirect. It doesn’t really matter what method you adopt as long as you go ahead with your plans and hopefully get the girl in the end.Figuring a way to meet a girl or bump into her, is to let her know that you exist, and are interested and for you to find a way to become part of her life if possible. It’s what makes a smart or proactive approach.Bottom line: This smart approach it is basically taking control of your emotions and doing something about them instead of just feeling sorry for oneself and never going for what you want. A proactive approach which gets your mind thinking positively instead of adviceTo understand dating game is to understand complete relationships game that rules man to women bond and connection, and that will take you a long way in understanding all women.What Are Appropriate Topics When Starting A Conversation?You don’t even have to ask the “dating or interest” question for the majority of the time. Instead of coming right out and asking if she is available why not just ask her to get together sometime mention something about you and some friends doing this and that and then tell her she should join if she agrees.Drop her a line tell her the game plan meet up or pick her up which ever talk and then casually mention if she’s dating anyone. Chances are if she is out with you than she isn’t involved in a serious relationship. If you ask the right questions when you communicate with girls then it’s quite easy for you to find out if they have a boyfriend or not.Get an inside look at what you will learn:1 Fun and interesting topics of conversation with girls2 How to create bond and connection with a woman?3 How to casually mention if she’s dating anyone?4 How to focus on having fun getting her number or email and taking it to the next level?5 What if low self-esteem stops you from approaching girls for dates?Commiters of the GB have imidiate accessVIP+:  1 weekPU:      8 days Everybody else:  1st january 2009, time 00:00 for a New Years Eve present!


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