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Sebastian Drake – The Approach: Master Your Social Destiny

Sebastian Drake – The Approach – Master Your Social Destiny
[3 CDs – Rip]



This is Sebastian Drake’s new product Master Your Social Destiny. A TPCLICK Exclusive!———————————————–Master the Vibe and theApproach Collaborate to Proudly Present: Master Your Social DestinyLet’s try something new – My name’s Sebastian Drake, and this page is designed to be an information page – That means that instead of getting a bunch of hype and teasers about what’s going to be in our newly announced 3-Disc Audio Series, you’re going to instead get a bunch of content, learn a few lessons reading this page, and have an opportunity to pre-order this product at 70% off if you like what’re reading. By the time you’re done with this page, your Relationship IQ should have improved a few points. Let’s do this -Master Your Social Destiny is a 3-Disc Audio Series covering the most important concepts of social science for having an unreal social and romantic life. Today’s focus is on Disc 3:I’m really blessed, because I was utterly horrible in relationships for a long time. I had to figure the stuff out from the ground up. Because of that, I’ve got exact strategies on how to build solid relationships. I’ll spare you the, “Here’s how bad I was and now I’m on top of the world” story, and just teach you some damn good content that should instantly increase your Relationship IQ:5 Crippling Relationship Mistakes(And Tech/Strategies to Instantly Improve)1. Most guys make mistakes in Precedence and Set the Battlelines incorrectly in a relationship.What is that, and why is it a big damn problem?Early in a relationship, most men are high on endorphins and willing to do anything in the relationship. They start off on the wrong foot, doing little things they don’t want to do because they think they need to in order to keep her happy. They figure they’ll change it up later (which is very, very hard to do). Also, they only ask for the bare minimum they need to be happy – which means once the woman gets a little annoyed, she pushes at him and directly encroaches on his happiness.Yikes! Here’s one thing that’ll help – Use the Six-Month test. The Six Month Test goes like this: “Will the action I’m about to take become annoying to keep up in six months? If the answer is yes, refrain from that in the beginning! Examples: Don’t answer your phone every single time she calls early in the relationship. By not doing so, she’ll find it’s normal that you’re engaged and doing other things. Most guys are all too happy to answer their phone every time she calls, and then if they don’t answer right away a year in, she panics and interrogates you when she does talk to you.2. Most men fail to Intention Map the traits they want, and don’t understand the fundamental concepts of Reward and Punishment.What is that, and why is it a big damn problem?Most men are shy about telling their girls what they really like about them, but are quick to complain or criticize. This has the effect of actually turning her into the kind of woman you don’t want. Reward and Punishment are scary words, but what they really mean is that you know how to encourage the kinds of things you like, and what to do when she’s treating you a way you don’t like. Most men have no clue, and neglect what they do like while critizing or throwing a temper tantrum on things they don’t like.Yikes! Here’s one thing that’ll help – A few months into your relationship, you’re going to face a big test when she’s late or inconsiderate for the very first time. How you handle that is going to set a huge tone going forwards. Here’s a tip – When she apologizes for being late the first time, say, “No problem – I thought it was weird because you’re never late, and that’s one of the things I’ve always liked about you – I know you really work hard to take care of me and always be on time – so no worries.” Then shrug. If she starts to explain why she’s late, just say “Don’t worry about it – random stuff happens occasionally to anyone.”3. Most men don’t understand women’s Needs From Men, and don’t know how to Build Loyalty, so they wind up giving and doing the wrong things.What is that, and why is it a big damn problem?Almost all men want loyalty from their girlfriends, lovers, wives, et cetra. Most men don’t get it – because most men do “nice things” for the women that are actually counter-productive to loyalty. Learn this: One thing women consistently do is ask themselves, “Why am I with this guy?” The more material considerations are there (money, nice house, social status if marrying him) the less there’s real loyalty to you!Yikes! Here’s one thing that’ll help – Get her spending money on you regularly. One of the easiest ways to do so is to have her pick up groceries on the way to your home. When she’s on the way over, say, “I just ran out of a few things. Can you stop at the store and pick up some xyz, some zyx, and also my favorite kind of abc?” (Actually – fill in foods you want instead of random letters) Paradoxically, the worse the material considerations are for being with you, the more loyal she’ll be to you as a person.4. Most men are afraid of Minor Conflict and don’t know how to Turn Around Bad Habits She Develops in a high status way.What is this, and why is it a big damn problem?Most men don’t know how to help straighten their woman out when she begins to pick up a small bad habit or change for the worse. They cross their fingers that it’ll work out, hope it’ll change, pray it’ll just go back to the way it was. The girlfriend starts to put on weight, or stops dressing well, or stops taking care of him, and he just crosses his fingers. (Even worse: she winds up blaming and resenting you if you let her get fat while you’re her boyfriend).Yikes! You need to embrace the minor conflict in a high status way. You start by planting a seed that behavior needs to change – a small remark that shows it’s been on your mind as soon as you see it will do. Verbally observe the new trend once or twice a week later. If it continues, then you suddenly come down very strong and powerful. Example: If she doesn’t catch hints that she’s putting on weight, you come down strongly and say, “Sweetie, you’re such a sexy girl… you gotta stay sexy. I’m taking all the candy out of your house and you’re coming to the gym with me.” This might start a minor fight, but after she drops back down to her original weight, she’ll be so grateful, loyal, and in love with you. (Do make sure you follow through, take the candy out, and enforce the gym thing)5. Almost all men Overcommunicate and Build Importance into the wrong issues! This turns molehills into mountains.What is this, and why is it a big damn problem?Ever watch an older movie? Note how the leading man didn’t talk so much…? Most men these days feel the need to discuss things instead of taking strong positions on issues, and saying, “That’s who I am.” So instead, they ask her “to talk” – you know how it feels when your girl says, “We need to talk”, right? All that pressure, intensity, mind racing? Yeah, as a man, you should never be doing that to your woman because it magnifies the importance of the issue and makes her likely to dig her heels in!Yikes! Most men don’t get it, huh?Here’s the plan – We’re putting out a 3-Disc Audio Set to help you look, feel, act, and speak like a high status men – when you’re walking through the world, when you’re interacting with people, and as the years go by with a beautiful woman by your side.


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